Added the endpointConnectivityCheckVMAgentEndPointCommunicationError
member to the cloudPcOnPremisesConnectionHealthCheckErrorType enumeration.
Added the aiInteractionType enumeration type.
Added the oidcResponseType enumeration type.
Updated the cloudPC: getCloudPcLaunchInfo method to support a new endpoint that gets the launch information for the specified Cloud PC using application permissions.
Updated the cloudPC: start method to support a new endpoint that starts the specified Cloud PC using application permissions.
Updated the cloudPC: stop method to support a new endpoint that stops the specified Cloud PC using application permissions.
Added the appCategory enumeration type.
Added the appInfoCsaStarLevel enumeration type.
Added the appInfoDataAtRestEncryptionMethod enumeration type.
Added the appInfoDataRetentionPolicy enumeration type.
Added the appInfoEncryptionProtocol enumeration type.
Added the appInfoFedRampLevel enumeration type.
Added the appInfoHolding enumeration type.
Added the appInfoPciDssVersion enumeration type.
Added the appInfoUploadedDataTypes enumeration type.
Added the cloudAppInfoState enumeration type.
Added the entityType enumeration type.
Added the logDataProvider enumeration type.
Added the receiverProtocol enumeration type.
Added the trafficType enumeration type.
Added the certificateAuthorityType enumeration type.