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interface ICoreWebView2_18

interface ICoreWebView2_18
  : public ICoreWebView2_17

This interface is an extension of ICoreWebView2_17 that manages navigation requests to URI schemes registered with the OS.


Members Descriptions
add_LaunchingExternalUriScheme Adds an event handler for the LaunchingExternalUriScheme event.
remove_LaunchingExternalUriScheme Removes an event handler previously added with add_LaunchingExternalUriScheme.

Applies to

Product Introduced
WebView2 Win32 1.0.1823.32
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease 1.0.1905



Adds an event handler for the LaunchingExternalUriScheme event.

public HRESULT add_LaunchingExternalUriScheme(ICoreWebView2LaunchingExternalUriSchemeEventHandler * eventHandler, EventRegistrationToken * token)

Add an event handler for the LaunchingExternalUriScheme event. The LaunchingExternalUriScheme event is raised when a navigation request is made to a URI scheme that is registered with the OS. The LaunchingExternalUriScheme event handler may suppress the default dialog or replace the default dialog with a custom dialog.

If a deferral is not taken on the event args, the external URI scheme launch is blocked until the event handler returns. If a deferral is taken, the external URI scheme launch is blocked until the deferral is completed. The host also has the option to cancel the URI scheme launch.

The NavigationStarting and NavigationCompleted events will be raised, regardless of whether the Cancel property is set to TRUE or FALSE. The NavigationCompleted event will be raised with the IsSuccess property set to FALSE and the WebErrorStatus property set to ConnectionAborted regardless of whether the host sets the Cancel property on the ICoreWebView2LaunchingExternalUriSchemeEventArgs. The SourceChanged, ContentLoading, and HistoryChanged events will not be raised for this navigation to the external URI scheme regardless of the Cancel property. The LaunchingExternalUriScheme event will be raised after the NavigationStarting event and before the NavigationCompleted event. The default CoreWebView2Settings will also be updated upon navigation to an external URI scheme. If a setting on the CoreWebView2Settings interface has been changed, navigating to an external URI scheme will trigger the CoreWebView2Settings to update.

The WebView2 may not display the default dialog based on user settings, browser settings, and whether the origin is determined as a [trustworthy origin]( potentially-trustworthy-origin); however, the event will still be raised.

If the request is initiated by a cross-origin frame without a user gesture, the request will be blocked and the LaunchingExternalUriScheme event will not be raised.

            m_launchingExternalUriScheme = !m_launchingExternalUriScheme;
            if (m_launchingExternalUriScheme)
                            ICoreWebView2* sender,
                            ICoreWebView2LaunchingExternalUriSchemeEventArgs* args)
                            auto showDialog = [this, args]
                                wil::unique_cotaskmem_string uri;
                                if (wcscmp(uri.get(), L"calculator://") == 0)
                                    // Set the event args to cancel the event and launch the
                                    // calculator app. This will always allow the external
                                    // URI scheme launch.
                                    std::wstring schemeUrl = L"calculator://";
                                    SHELLEXECUTEINFO info = {sizeof(info)};
                                    info.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOASYNC;
                                    info.lpVerb = L"open";
                                    info.lpFile = schemeUrl.c_str();
                                    info.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
                                else if (wcscmp(uri.get(), L"malicious://") == 0)
                                    // Always block the request in this case by cancelling
                                    // the event.
                                else if (wcscmp(uri.get(), L"contoso://") == 0)
                                    // To display a custom dialog we cancel the launch,
                                    // display a custom dialog, and then manually launch the
                                    // external URI scheme depending on the user's
                                    // selection.
                                    wil::unique_cotaskmem_string initiatingOrigin;
                                    std::wstring message =
                                        L"Launching External URI Scheme request";
                                    std::wstring initiatingOriginString =
                                    if (initiatingOriginString.empty())
                                        message += L" from ";
                                        message += initiatingOriginString;
                                    message += L" to ";
                                    message += uri.get();
                                    message += L"?\n\n";
                                    message += L"Do you want to grant permission?\n";
                                    int response = MessageBox(
                                        nullptr, message.c_str(),
                                        L"Launching External URI Scheme",
                                        MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING);
                                    if (response == IDYES)
                                        std::wstring schemeUrl = uri.get();
                                        SHELLEXECUTEINFO info = {sizeof(info)};
                                        info.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOASYNC;
                                        info.lpVerb = L"open";
                                        info.lpFile = schemeUrl.c_str();
                                        info.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
                                    // Do not cancel the event, allowing the request to use
                                    // the default dialog.
                                return S_OK;
                            return S_OK;
                            // A deferral may be taken for the event so that the
                            // CoreWebView2 doesn't examine the properties we set on the
                            // event args until after we call the Complete method
                            // asynchronously later. This will give the user more time to
                            // decide whether to launch the external URI scheme or not.
                            // A deferral doesn't need to be taken in this case, so taking
                            // a deferral is commented out here.
                            // wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2Deferral> deferral;
                            // CHECK_FAILURE(args->GetDeferral(&deferral));

                            // m_appWindow->RunAsync(
                            //     [deferral, showDialog]()
                            //     {
                            //         showDialog();
                            // CHECK_FAILURE(deferral->Complete());
                            //     });
                            // return S_OK;
                (std::wstring(L"Launching External URI Scheme support has been ") +
                 (m_launchingExternalUriScheme ? L"enabled." : L"disabled."))
                L"Launching External URI Scheme", MB_OK);
            return true;


Removes an event handler previously added with add_LaunchingExternalUriScheme.

public HRESULT remove_LaunchingExternalUriScheme(EventRegistrationToken token)