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Enumeração PbWizardPageType (Publisher)

O tipo de página de assistente a ser adicionado.

Nome Valor Descrição
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogBlank 35 CatalogBlank
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogCalendar 22 Calendar
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogEightItemsOneColumn 33 CatalogEightItemsOneColumn
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogEightItemsTwoColumns 34 CatalogEightItemsTwoColumns
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogFeaturedItem 24 CatalogFeaturedItem
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogForm 36 Catalog Form
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogFourItemsAlignedPictures 30 Catalog Four Items Aligned Pictures
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogFourItemsOffsetPictures 31 Catalog Four Items Offset Pictures
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogFourItemsSquaredPictures 32 Catálogo de Quatro Itens Imagens Quadradas
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogOneColumnText 18 Catalog One Column Text
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogOneColumnTextPicture 19 Catálogo Uma Coluna Texto Imagem
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogTableOfContents 23 Catalog Table of Contents
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogThreeItemsAlignedPictures 27 Three Items Aligned Pictures
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogThreeItemsOffsetPictures 28 Three Items Offset Pictures
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogThreeItemsStackedPictures 29 Three Items Stacked Pictures
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogTwoColumnsText 20 Catálogo Duas Colunas Texto
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogTwoColumnsTextPicture 21 Catálogo Duas Colunas Texto Imagem
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogTwoItemsAlignedPictures 25 Two Items Aligned Pictures
pbWizardPageTypeCatalogTwoItemsOffsetPictures 26 Two Items Offset Pictures
pbWizardPageTypeNewsletter3Stories 1 Newsletter3 Stories
pbWizardPageTypeNewsletterCalendar 2 Newsletter Calendar
pbWizardPageTypeNewsletterOrderForm 15 Newsletter OrderForm
pbWizardPageTypeNewsletterResponseForm 16 Newsletter Response Form
pbWizardPageTypeNewsletterSignupForm 17 Newsletter Signup Form
pbWizardPageTypeNone -1 Nenhum
pbWizardPageTypeWebAboutUs 501 Web About Us
pbWizardPageTypeWebArticle 512 Web Article
pbWizardPageTypeWebBlank 524 Web Blank
pbWizardPageTypeWebCalendarPage 504 Página de Calendário da Web
pbWizardPageTypeWebCalendarWithLinks 800 Calendário da Web com Links
pbWizardPageTypeWebContactUs 505 Web Contact Us
pbWizardPageTypeWebEmployee 507 Web Employee
pbWizardPageTypeWebEmployeeList 506 Lista de Funcionários Web
pbWizardPageTypeWebEmployeesWithLinks 802 Funcionários com Links Web
pbWizardPageTypeWebFAQ 508 Web FAQ
pbWizardPageTypeWebHome 509 Web Home
pbWizardPageTypeWebInformational 502 Web Informational
pbWizardPageTypeWebJobs 510 Web Jobs
pbWizardPageTypeWebLegal 511 Web Legal
pbWizardPageTypeWebLinks 518 Web Links
pbWizardPageTypeWebList 503 Web List
pbWizardPageTypeWebOrderForm 525 Web Order Form
pbWizardPageTypeWebPhoto 513 Foto Web
pbWizardPageTypeWebPhotoGallery 514 Galeria de Fotos Web
pbWizardPageTypeWebPhotosWithLinks 805 Fotos Web com Links
pbWizardPageTypeWebProduct 515 Web Product
pbWizardPageTypeWebProductList 516 Lista de Produtos Web
pbWizardPageTypeWebProductsWithLinks 801 Produtos Web com Links
pbWizardPageTypeWebProjectList 517 Lista da Projetos Web
pbWizardPageTypeWebProjectsWithLinks 804 Projetos Web com Links
pbWizardPageTypeWebResponseForm 526 Web Response Form
pbWizardPageTypeWebSeminar 519 Web Seminar
pbWizardPageTypeWebService 521 Web Service
pbWizardPageTypeWebServiceList 520 Lista de Serviços Web
pbWizardPageTypeWebServicesWithLinks 803 Web Services With Links
pbWizardPageTypeWebSignupForm 527 Web Signup Form
pbWizardPageTypeWebSpecial 522 Web Special

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