Compartilhar via Application Requests Creating a Hard Link to a File

The application provides:

  • The Client.TreeConnect representing the share in which the file to be linked exists.

  • The attribute mask of the file to be linked.

  • The pathname of the file to be linked.

  • The requested pathname of the new hard link.

  • A valid Client.Session.

The client MUST construct an SMB_COM_NT_RENAME Request (section message with the following additional requirements:

  • The SMB_Parameters.Words.SearchAttributes field MUST contain the attribute mask supplied by the application.

  • The SMB_Data.Bytes.OldFileName field MUST contain the source pathname supplied by the application.

  • The SMB_Data.Bytes.NewFileName field MUST contain the destination pathname supplied by the application.

  • The SMB_Parameters.Words.InformationLevel field MUST contain an information level value of SMB_NT_RENAME_SET_LINK_INFO.

SMB_COM_NT_RENAME (section does not support wildcards and does not support creating hard links for multiple files.

The request MUST be sent to the server as specified in section