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Dependências de recursos usando DependsOn

Quando escreve Configurações, você adiciona Blocos de recurso para configurar aspectos de um nó de destino. Conforme você continua adicionando blocos de recurso, suas configurações podem se tornar muito grandes e difíceis de gerenciar. Um dos desafios é a ordem aplicada dos blocos de recurso. Normalmente, os recursos são aplicados na ordem em que são definidos dentro da configuração. Conforme sua configuração se torna maior e mais complexa, você pode usar a chave DependsOn para alterar a ordem aplicada de seus recursos especificando que um recurso depende de outro.

A chave DependsOn pode ser usada em qualquer bloco de recurso. Ela é definida com o mesmo mecanismo de chave/valor que outras chaves de recurso. A chave DependsOn espera uma matriz de cadeias de caracteres com a sintaxe a seguir.

DependsOn = '[<Resource Type>]<Resource Name>', '[<Resource Type>]<Resource Name'

O exemplo a seguir configura uma regra de firewall após habilitar e configurar o perfil público.

# Install the NetworkingDSC module to configure firewall rules and profiles.
Install-Module -Name NetworkingDSC

Configuration ConfigureFirewall
    Import-DSCResource -Name Firewall, FirewallProfile
    Node localhost
        Firewall Firewall
            Name                  = 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'
            Ensure                = 'Present'
            Enabled               = 'True'
            DependsOn             = '[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic'

        FirewallProfile FirewallProfilePublic
            Name = 'Public'
            Enabled = 'True'
            DefaultInboundAction = 'Block'
            DefaultOutboundAction = 'Allow'
            AllowInboundRules = 'True'
            AllowLocalFirewallRules = 'False'
            AllowLocalIPsecRules = 'False'
            NotifyOnListen = 'True'
            LogFileName = '%systemroot%\system32\LogFiles\Firewall\pfirewall.log'
            LogMaxSizeKilobytes = 16384
            LogAllowed = 'False'
            LogBlocked = 'True'
            LogIgnored = 'NotConfigured'

ConfigureFirewall -OutputPath C:\Temp\

Quando você aplica a configuração, o perfil do firewall sempre é configurado primeiro, independentemente da ordem em que os blocos de recurso são definidos. Se você aplicar a configuração, certifique-se de tomar nota da configuração existente dos nós de destino para poder revertê-la se desejar.

PS> Start-DSCConfiguration -Verbose -Wait -Path C:\Temp\ -ComputerName localhost

VERBOSE: Perform operation 'Invoke CimMethod' with following parameters, ''methodName' = SendConfigurationApply,'className' = MSFT_DSCLocalConfigurationManager,'namespaceName' = root/Microsoft/Windows/DesiredStateConfiguration'.
VERBOSE: An LCM method call arrived from computer SERVER01 with user sid S-1-5-21-181338-0189125723-1543119021-1282804.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ Start  Set      ]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [DSCEngine] Importing the module C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\NetworkingDsc\\DscResources\MSFT_Firewall\MSFT_Firewall.psm1 in force mode.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [DSCEngine] Importing the module C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\NetworkingDsc\\DscResources\MSFT_FirewallProfile\MSFT_FirewallProfile.psm1 in force mode.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ Start  Resource ]  [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ Start  Test     ]  [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Importing the module MSFT_FirewallProfile in force mode.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Test-TargetResource: Testing Firewall Public Profile.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Test-TargetResource: Firewall Public Profile "AllowInboundRules" is "NotConfigured" but should be "True". Change required.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Test-TargetResource: Firewall Public Profile "AllowLocalFirewallRules" is "NotConfigured" but should be "False". Change required.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Test-TargetResource: Firewall Public Profile "AllowLocalIPsecRules" is "NotConfigured" but should be "False". Change required.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Test-TargetResource: Firewall Public Profile "DefaultOutboundAction" is "NotConfigured" but should be "Allow". Change required.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Test-TargetResource: Firewall Public Profile "LogBlocked" is "False" but should be "True". Change required.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Test-TargetResource: Firewall Public Profile "LogMaxSizeKilobytes" is "4096" but should be "16384". Change required.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Test     ]  [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic]  in 1.6890 seconds.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ Start  Set      ]  [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Importing the module MSFT_FirewallProfile in force mode.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile parameter AllowInboundRules to "AllowInboundRules".
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile parameter AllowLocalFirewallRules to "AllowLocalFirewallRules".
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile parameter AllowLocalIPsecRules to "AllowLocalIPsecRules".
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile parameter DefaultOutboundAction to "DefaultOutboundAction".
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile parameter LogBlocked to "LogBlocked".
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile parameter LogMaxSizeKilobytes to "LogMaxSizeKilobytes".
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic] Set-TargetResource: Setting Firewall Public Profile updated.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Set      ]  [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic]  in 10.0360 seconds.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Resource ]  [[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ Start  Resource ]  [[Firewall]Firewall]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ Start  Test     ]  [[Firewall]Firewall]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Importing the module MSFT_Firewall in force mode.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Test-TargetResource: Checking settings for firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Test-TargetResource: Find firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Get-FirewallRule: No Firewall Rule found with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Test-TargetResource: Firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP' does not exist.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Test-TargetResource: Check Firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP' returning False.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Test     ]  [[Firewall]Firewall]  in 1.1780 seconds.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ Start  Set      ]  [[Firewall]Firewall]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Importing the module MSFT_Firewall in force mode.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Set-TargetResource: Applying settings for firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Set-TargetResource: Find firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Get-FirewallRule: No Firewall Rule found with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Set-TargetResource: We want the firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP' to exist since Ensure is set to Present.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] Set-TargetResource: We want the firewall rule with Name 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP' to exist, but it does not.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]:                            [[Firewall]Firewall] New-NetFirewallRule DisplayName: IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Set      ]  [[Firewall]Firewall]  in 1.0850 seconds.
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Resource ]  [[Firewall]Firewall]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Set      ]
VERBOSE: [SERVER01]: LCM:  [ End    Set      ]    in  15.2880 seconds.
VERBOSE: Operation 'Invoke CimMethod' complete.
VERBOSE: Time taken for configuration job to complete is 15.385 seconds

Isso também garante que, se o recurso FirewallProfile falhar por algum motivo, o bloco Firewall não será executado mesmo que tenha sido definido primeiro. A chave DependsOn possibilita ter mais flexibilidade ao agrupar blocos de recurso e garantir que as dependências sejam resolvidas antes da execução de um recurso.

Em configurações mais avançadas, você também pode usar a Dependência entre nós para permitir um controle ainda mais granular (por exemplo, para garantir que um controlador de domínio seja configurado antes de ingressar um cliente no domínio).


Se tiver aplicado a configuração acima, você poderá reverter as chaves para desfazer todas as alterações. No exemplo acima, definir a chave Enabled como false desabilitará o perfil e a regra de firewall. Modifique o exemplo conforme necessário para corresponder ao estado configurado anterior do nó de destino.

        Firewall Firewall
            Name                  = 'IIS-WebServerRole-HTTP-In-TCP'
            Enabled               = 'False'
            DependsOn             = '[FirewallProfile]FirewallProfilePublic'

        FirewallProfile FirewallProfilePublic
            Name = 'Public'
            Enabled = 'False'

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