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Types of cmdlet output

PowerShell provides several methods that can be called by cmdlets to generate output. These methods use a specific operation to write their output to a specific data stream, such as the success data stream or the error data stream. This article describes the types of output and the methods used to generate them.

Types of output

Success output

Cmdlets can report success by returning an object that can be processed by the next command in the pipeline. After the cmdlet has successfully performed its action, the cmdlet calls the System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet.WriteObject method. We recommend that you call this method instead of the System.Console.WriteLine or System.Management.Automation.Host.PSHostUserInterface.WriteLine methods.

You can provide a PassThru switch parameter for cmdlets that do not typically return objects. When the PassThru switch parameter is specified at the command line, the cmdlet is asked to return an object. For an example of a cmdlet that has a PassThru parameter, see Add-History.

Error output

Cmdlets can report errors. When a terminating error occurs, the cmdlet throws an exception. When a non-terminating error occurs, the cmdlet calls the System.Management.Automation.Provider.CmdletProvider.WriteError method to send an error record to the error data stream. For more information about error reporting, see Error Reporting Concepts.

Verbose output

Cmdlets can provide useful information to you while the cmdlet is correctly processing records by calling the System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet.WriteVerbose method. The method generates verbose messages that indicate how the action is proceeding.

By default, verbose messages are not displayed. You can specify the Verbose parameter when the cmdlet is run to display these messages. Verbose is a common parameter that is available to all cmdlets.

Progress output

Cmdlets can provide progress information to you when the cmdlet is performing tasks that take a long time to complete, such as copying a directory recursively. To display progress information the cmdlet calls the System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet.WriteProgress method.

Debug output

Cmdlets can provide debug messages that are helpful when troubleshooting the cmdlet code. To display debug information the cmdlet calls the System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet.WriteDebug method.

By default, debug messages are not displayed. You can specify the Debug parameter when the cmdlet is run to display these messages. Debug is a common parameter that is available to all cmdlets.

Warning output

Cmdlets can display warning messages by calling the System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet.WriteWarning method.

By default, warning messages are displayed. However, you can configure warning messages by using the $WarningPreference variable or by using the Verbose and Debug parameters when the cmdlet is called.

Displaying output

For all write-method calls, the content display is determined by specific runtime variables. The exception is the System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet.WriteObject method. By using these variables, you can make the appropriate write call at the correct place in your code and not worry about when or if the output should be displayed.

Accessing the output functionality of a host application

You can also design a cmdlet to directly access the output functionality of a host application through the PowerShell runtime. Using the host APIs provided by PowerShell instead of System.Console or System.Windows.Forms ensures that your cmdlet will work with a variety of hosts. For example: the powershell.exe console host, the powershell_ise.exe graphical host, the PowerShell remoting host, and third-party hosts.

See also

Error Reporting Concepts

Cmdlet Overview

Writing a Windows PowerShell Cmdlet