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CFormView Class


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The base class used for form views.


class CFormView : public CScrollView  


Protected Constructors

Name Description
CFormView::CFormView Constructs a CFormView object.

Public Methods

Name Description
CFormView::IsInitDlgCompleted Used for synchronization during initialization.


A form view is essentially a view that contains controls. These controls are laid out based on a dialog-template resource. Use CFormView if you want forms in your application. These views support scrolling, as needed, using the CScrollView functionality.

When you are Creating a Forms-Based Application, you can base its view class on CFormView, making it a forms-based application.

You can also insert new Form Topics into document-view-based applications. Even if your application did not initially support forms, Visual C++ will add this support when you insert a new form.

The MFC Application Wizard and the Add Class command are the preferred methods for creating forms-based applications. If you need to create a forms-based application without using these methods, see Creating a Forms-Based Application.

Inheritance Hierarchy








Header: afxext.h


Constructs a CFormView object.

CFormView(LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName);  
CFormView(UINT nIDTemplate);
### Parameters  
 Contains a null-terminated string that is the name of a dialog-template resource.  
 Contains the ID number of a dialog-template resource.  
### Remarks  
 When you create an object of a type derived from `CFormView`, invoke one of the constructors to create the view object and identify the dialog resource on which the view is based. You can identify the resource either by name (pass a string as the argument to the constructor) or by its ID (pass an unsigned integer as the argument).  
 The form-view window and child controls are not created until `CWnd::Create` is called. `CWnd::Create` is called by the framework as part of the document and view creation process, which is driven by the document template.  
> [!NOTE]
>  Your derived class *must* supply its own constructor. In the constructor, invoke the constructor, `CFormView::CFormView`, with the resource name or ID as an argument as shown in the preceding class overview.  
### Example  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCDocView#90](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCDocView#90)]  
 [!CODE [NVC_MFCDocView#91](../CodeSnippet/VS_Snippets_Cpp/NVC_MFCDocView#91)]  
##  <a name="cformview__isinitdlgcompleted"></a>  CFormView::IsInitDlgCompleted  
 Used by MFC to ensure that initialization is completed before performing other operations.  

BOOL IsInitDlgCompleted() const;

### Return Value  
 True if the initialization function for this dialog has completed.  
## See Also  
 [MFC Sample SNAPVW](../Topic/   
 [MFC Sample VIEWEX](../Topic/   
 [CScrollView Class](../Topic/   
 [Hierarchy Chart](../Topic/   
 [CDialog Class](../Topic/   
 [CScrollView Class](../Topic/