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Como: Recusar permissões usando o sinalizador RequestRefuse


In the .NET Framework versão 4, runtime support has been removed for enforcing the Deny, RequestMinimum, RequestOptional, and RequestRefuse permission requests.These requests should not be used in code that is based on .NET Framework 4 or later.For more information about this and other changes, see Alterações de segurança do estrutura Pacote Microsoft Office 2010 4.

If you are concerned that your code might be used to access system resources maliciously, you can request that it never be granted a particular permission.For example, an application that browses data in a file but never modifies the data might refuse any file-write permissions.In the event of a bug or a malicious attack, this code cannot damage the data on which it operates.

RequestRefuse allows a large set of permissions to be requested as optional permissions, while ensuring that certain specific permissions are not in the grant.

The following example uses RequestRefuse to refuse FileIOPermission from the common language runtime security system:


Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Security.Permissions
'The request is placed at the assembly level.<assembly: FileIOPermission(SecurityAction.RequestRefuse, Unrestricted := True)>

Namespace MyNameSpace
   Public Class MyClass1
      Public Sub New()
      End Sub
      Public Shared Sub Main()
         'Creation of the log is attempted in the try block.Try
            Dim TextStream As New StreamWriter("Log.txt")
            TextStream.WriteLine("This Log was created on {0}", DateTime.Now)
            Console.WriteLine("The Log was created")
         'Catch the Security exception and inform the user that the 
         'application was not granted FileIOPermission.Catch
            Console.WriteLine("This application does not have permission to write to the disk.")         
         End Try
      End Sub
   End Class
End Namespace
//The request is placed at the assembly level.using System.Security.Permissions;
[assembly:FileIOPermission(SecurityAction.RequestRefuse ,Unrestricted = true)]

namespace MyNameSpace
   using System;
   using System.Security;
   using System.Security.Permissions;
   using System.IO;

   public class MyClass
      public MyClass()
      public static int Main(string[] args)
         //Creation of the log is attempted in the try block.try
            StreamWriter TextStream = new StreamWriter("Log.txt");
            TextStream.WriteLine("This Log was created on {0}", DateTime.Now);
            Console.WriteLine("The Log was created");
         //Catch the Security exception and inform the user that the 
         //application was not granted FileIOPermission.catch(SecurityException)
            Console.WriteLine("This application does not have permission to write to the disk.");

         return 0;

The previous example is not granted permission to create the file and generates a security exception.The catch statement intercepts the exception and the application displays the following message to the console:

This application does not have permission to write to the disk.

Consulte também


Estendendo metadados usando atributos

Solicitando permissões

Segurança de Acesso de código