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Code of Conduct

As part of Microsoft's commitment to making this site a great place to discover and share information as well as meet and interact with others around the world, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct. Your commitment to this Code of Conduct in all message board services, chat areas, news groups, forums, communities, code sample uploads, and/or other message or communication facilities (including any contents of any of these services or facilities) designed to enable you to communicate with the public at large or with a group will help to ensure a positive experience for all our users.

Specific communities, chats, and message boards may also have additional guidelines which govern your use, so please be sure to review them in addition to this Code of Conduct. Microsoft is not responsible for the content or activities in any user-created, non-Microsoft managed Communication Service.

All activity on this site is also governed by the Microsoft Terms of Use. To read the Microsoft Terms of Use, please clickhere.

Uphold the Code

In helping to make our collaborative services a great place to meet, chat and exchange samples, you must do your part to uphold this Code of Conduct.

Microsoft also reserves our right to amend or change the Code of Conduct at any time without notice. You agree to periodically review this document to ensure you are doing your part.

Microsoft is not obligated to send users or hosts a warning before deleting any content.

Respect Others

We encourage everyone to treat each other with mutual respect. Do not use any communication or collaboration services to threaten, harass, stalk, or abuse others participating in these services. Microsoft reserves the right to remove posts that advocate or encourage expressions of violence, bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity. Microsoft may remove postings that are deemed inappropriate, offensive or that violate guidelines or this Code of Conduct. Microsoft may also, at its sole discretion, eject or ban any user from their area who behaves in a manner deemed inappropriate, offensive or who violates guidelines or this Code of Conduct. By participating in a collaborative service, you agree to be bound to the rules of that area.

Keep It Legal

Microsoft does not allow any illegal activities. You may not use any Microsoft collaborative services to publish, post, distribute, or disseminate defamatory, infringing, obscene, or anyother unlawful material or information, specifically, but not limited to pornography, illegal drugs, software license keys and harassment. You may not use any of the collaborative services for the purpose of linking to external sites that violate this Code of Conduct.

Do not upload files or post messages that contain photos, music, software or other material protected by intellectual property laws, rights of privacy or publicity or any other applicable law unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents. Microsoft is not responsible for any use of anything you say or post.

Do not post any materials (including software and other information) that could harm (or is designed to harm) other users' computers or would allow others to inappropriately access software or Web sites.

In addition to upholding this code of conduct, you are responsible for adhering to all local and national laws that pertain to your location.

Be Nice

Microsoft does not tolerate disruptive activity online, such as persistent off-topic comments and postings or statements that incite others to violate this Code of Conduct or participate in illegal activities. Our participants want to chat and post on our collaborative services in a positive environment.

Microsoft does not allow the posting of destructive features, use of computer programs that contain such features, or access to any content that contains destructive features such as: viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or bots for the use of scrolling, showing multiple screens, and other activities that may be disruptive to online communication.

Falsely impersonating a Microsoft employee, agent, manager, host, or any other person is forbidden.

Microsoft reserves the right to ban a user at any time for not being nice.

Don't Spam

Please don't "spam" through our collaborative services, none of our users like it. To spam includes sending identical and irrelevant submissions to many different discussion groups, mailing lists, chats or communities. Usually such postings have nothing to do with the particular topic of the group or are of no real interest to those on the mailing list. To spam also includes misrepresenting the source of anything you say or post. Spamming and scrolling in chat rooms are serious violations of online etiquette.

Microsoft reserves the right to ban a user at any time, without notice, from any or all collaborative services for spamming.  

Take It Personally and No Commercial Activities

Any space provided to you in any collaborative services is for your own personal use. You may not sell, license, give away, exchange or barter any space provided to you within any collaborative service for any purpose including, without limitation, selling, licensing, exchanging or bartering space for advertisements.

The collaborative services areas may be used to provide supplemental information regarding your own business (provided you do not use spam to provide this information); however, the collaborative services areas are not designed to be used as the primary mechanism for operating your business or providing core information about your business. Any use of our collaborative services for commercial purposes is solely at your own risk and Microsoft has no liability for such use.

Accept Responsibility

You are responsible and liable for all your activities while participating in any collaborative services area. Remember, you are responsible for anything you say or post and for protecting your own computer system. You are responsible for protecting your computer against interference or viruses that may be encountered on this site or on the Internet.  We recommend you install a virus protection program on your computer.

Our collaborative services areas are not designed as the primary places to store any materials; you are responsible for creating backups of materials you post to any collaboration service such as photos, documents and software. Microsoft is not responsible for loss of, access to, or deletion or alteration of any materials included in any collaborative service.

Microsoft reserves the right to remove at any time, without notice, any sample and/or post to a collaborative service.

Some collaborative services may post Internet website links in their area. Please be advised that Microsoft is not responsible for the content on the websites associated with the links you may view.

Some content and links on the Internet may contain adult content and may not be suitable for children. We encourage parents to join their children as they surf and explore the Internet.

You are responsible for any actions you may take based on advice or information you receive online. Use your own good judgment when evaluating information provided through any collaborative service, remember that the information provided could be from people at any age and experience level. The decision to conduct transactions with anyone is your own and you should conduct your own research prior to making any decisions.

Protect Your Privacy

We caution you against giving out personally identifiable information (such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, names and addresses, telephone numbers, driver license numbers) to strangers online, which may be used for illegal or harmful purposes.

Some personal information you provide to Microsoft may be stored outside of the country in which you reside.

To read the Microsoft Privacy Statement, please see thePrivacy Statement relating to the collection and use of your information

Updated August 2008