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Adapter Interaction with ASP.NET

ASP.NET mobile device adapters for a specified mobile device can interact with other adapters, controls, and pages through the following properties:

  • A control adapter can access its associated control through the Control property, defined in the ControlAdapter base class.


    Each control adapter class must define a new, strongly typed Control property. For example, an adapter for the Label control would include the following code.

    protected new Label Control
            return (Label)base.Control;
  • A control adapter can access its associated page through the Page property, defined in the ControlAdapter base class.


    A page adapter class must implement a read/write Page property. This is an implementation requirement of the IPageAdapter interface. The following is an example of such code.

    private MobilePage _page;
    public override MobilePage Page
            return _page;
             _page = value;
  • A control adapter can access the current device capabilities through the Device property, defined in the ControlAdapter base class. This property is a short form of the following expression.

  • For convenience, the device-specific control adapter base class should expose properties that grant access to the page adapter and the form adapter. The following is an example of such code.

    protected WmlPageAdapter PageAdapter
            return ((WmlPageAdapter)Page.Adapter);
    protected WmlFormAdapter FormAdapter
            return ((WmlFormAdapter)FormAdapter);

See Also

Other Resources

Adding New Device Adapters and Device Support