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Add a Message Source to the Bridge



Microsoft Azure BizTalk Services (MABS) is being retired, and replaced with Azure Logic Apps. If you currently use MABS, then Move from BizTalk Services to Logic Appsprovides some guidance on moving your integration solutions to Logic Apps.

If you're brand new to Logic Apps, then we suggest getting started here:

Use BizTalk Services to receive messages from FTP, SFTP, Service Bus Queue, and Service Bus topic subscription. These ‘sources’ are in addition to sending and receiving messages to and from HTTP endpoints. This topic lists the topics to add and configure the sources from where a bridge can receive messages.


The sources can be used as a message source for an XML One-Way Bridge or a Pass-Through Bridge. These sources cannot be used a source for XML Request-Reply Bridge.

In this topic:

Add an FTP Source

Add an SFTP Source

Add a queue source

Add a subscription source

These steps assume you’ve created BizTalk Service project. See Get started with a Visual Studio project.

Add an FTP Source


You can explicitly start or stop the FTP source (which controls polling of the FTP location) without requiring the configuration of the bridge to be changed.

  1. Open your BizTalk Service project.

  2. Right-click anywhere on the BizTalk Service project design area, select Properties. For the BizTalk Service URL property, enter your BizTalk Services URL.

  3. From the Toolbox, drag and drop the FTP Source component to the BizTalk Service project design area.

  4. Right-click the component and select Properties. The following table describes these properties:



    Content Encoding

    Enter the character encoding of the message. Default is UTF8. Options include:

    • UTF8

    • UTF16

    • UTF16BE

    • ASCII

    Content Type

    Enter Text or XML as the message file type. Default is Text.

    Entity Name

    Enter a unique and descriptive name of the FTP Source component.

    File Mask

    Enter a File Mask to filter the messages pulled from the FTP server. For example, if you want to pull all XML messages, enter *.xml.

    Folder Path

    Enter the folder on the FTP server that contains the messages to retrieve. For example, if you want to pull all XML messages in the CustomerFiles\Contoso FTP folder, enter CustomerFiles\Contoso.

    FTP Transfer Mode

    Enter Binary or ASCII as the Transfer Mode. Default is Binary. For example, if the messages only contain text-type of data, select ASCII. If the messages contain any type of data, select Binary.

    Initial Status

    Enter Stop or Start for the FTP Source. Default is Start. For example, if you want the FTP Source component to be started when the BizTalk Service project is deployed, select Start.


    If you set the initial status to stop, you can later start the source using the PowerShell cmdlet. For more information, see Start-AzureBizTalkBridgeSource.


    Enter the username password that can retrieve files from the FTP server.

    Server Address

    Enter the FTP server name or IP address.

    Server Port

    Enter the FTP server port. Default is 21 and is typically used for FTP.

    Use SSL

    Select True if the connection to the FTP server must use SSL.


    Enter the username that can retrieve files from the FTP server.

    1. From the File menu, select Save

    Create and Configure a Bridge provides details on how to configure these bridges. After you have added a bridge and the FTP Source component to the design area, select Connector from the Toolbox and connect the FTP Source to the bridge.


    A bridge deployed in BizTalk Services can only receive messages from an FTP server hosted in a public domain.

    Add an SFTP Source


    You can explicitly start or stop the SFTP source (which controls polling of the SFTP location) without requiring the configuration of the bridge to be changed.

    An SFTP Source polls a folder on an SFTP computer. Steps to create an SFTP Source:

    1. Open your BizTalk Service project.

    2. Right-click anywhere on the BizTalk Service project design area, select Properties. For the BizTalk Service URL property, enter your BizTalk Services URL.

    3. From the Toolbox, drag and drop the SFTP Source component to the BizTalk Service project design area.

    4. Right-click the component and select Properties. The following table describes these properties:



      Content Type

      Enter Text or XML as the message file type. Default is Text.


      Enter the content encoding. Options include:

      • UTF8

      • UTF16

      • UTF16BE

      • ASCII

      Entity Name

      Enter a unique and descriptive name of the SFTP Source component.

      File Mask

      Enter a File Mask to filter the messages pulled from the SFTP server. For example, if you want to pull all XML messages, enter *.xml.

      Folder Path

      Enter the folder on the SFTP server that contains the messages to retrieve. For example, if you want to pull all XML messages in the CustomerFiles\Contoso SFTP folder, enter CustomerFiles\Contoso.

      Initial Status

      Enter Stop or Start for the SFTP Source. Default is Start. When set to Start, the SFTP Source is polled for new files.

      If you want to poll the SFTP Source when the BizTalk Service project is deployed, set to Start.


      If you set the initial status to stop, you can later start the source using the PowerShell cmdlet. For more information, see Start-AzureBizTalkBridgeSource.


      Enter the username password that can retrieve files from the SFTP server.

      Server Address

      Enter the SFTP server name or IP address.

      Server Port

      Enter the SFTP server port. Default is 22.


      Enter the username that can retrieve files from the SFTP server.

      1. From the File menu, select Save


      • Server Authentication: The SFTP Source and SFTP Destination trust all server certificates.

      • Client Authentication: Enter a username and password that can get/put files on the SFTP computer folder. This is exactly the same as logging into an FTP server.

      SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a common protocol used to securely transfer files between two external partners. SFTP has become one the preferred methods to transfer files. BizTalk Services includes SFTP functionality that enables you to receive messages from an SFTP source. This topic lists the steps to use an SFTP server as a message source in a BizTalk Service project. Use this source to pull a message from an SFTP server.

      Create and Configure a Bridge provides details on how to configure these bridges. After you have added a bridge and the SFTP Source component to the design area, select Connector from the Toolbox, and connect the SFTP Source to the bridge.

      Add a queue source

      1. Open your BizTalk Service project.

      2. Right-click anywhere on the BizTalk Service project design area, select Properties. For the BizTalk Service URL property, enter your BizTalk Services URL.

      3. From the Toolbox, drag and drop the Service Bus Queue Source component to the BizTalk Service project desiger.

      4. Right-click the component and select Properties. The following table provides information about the properties:



        Connection String

        Enter the connection string for the queue. The connection string is available from the Azure classic portal.

        Entity Name

        Enter a unique and descriptive name of the queue source.

        Initial Status

        Enter Stop or Start for the queue source. Default is Start. For example, if you want the queue source component to be started when the BizTalk Service project is deployed, select Start.


        If you set the initial status to stop, you can later start the source using the PowerShell cmdlet. For more information, see Start-AzureBizTalkBridgeSource.

        Queue Name

        Name of the queue that you must have already created under your Service Bus namespace in the Azure classic portal

        1. From the File menu, select Save.

        Create and Configure a Bridge provides details on how to configure these bridges. After you have added a bridge and the Service Bus Queue Source component to the design area, select Connector from the Toolbox and connect the source to the bridge.

        Add a subscription source

        1. Open your BizTalk Service project.

        2. Right-click anywhere on the BizTalk Service project design area and select Properties. For the BizTalk Service URL property, enter your BizTalk Services URL.

        3. From the Toolbox, drag and drop the Service Bus Subscription Source component to the BizTalk Service project design area.

        4. Right-click the component and select Properties. The following table lists the properties:



          Connection String

          Enter the connection string for the topic. The connection string is available from the Azure classic portal.

          Entity Name

          Enter a unique and descriptive name of the subscription source.

          Initial Status

          Enter Stop or Start for the subscription source. Default is Start. For example, if you want the subscription source component to be started when the BizTalk Service project is deployed, select Start.


          If you set the initial status to stop, you can later start the source using the PowerShell cmdlet. For more information, see Start-AzureBizTalkBridgeSource.

          Subscription Name

          Name of the subscription that you must have already created for the topic, for which you specified the connection string earlier. This should be specified in the format [TopicPath]/subscriptions/[SubscriptionName].

          1. From the File menu, select Save.

          Create and Configure a Bridge provides details on how to configure these bridges. After you have added a bridge and the Service Bus Subscription Source component to the design surface, select Connector from the Toolbox and connect the source to the bridge.

          See Also

          Create Rich Messaging Endpoints on Azure