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How to Use the Flat File Schema Wizard



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If you're brand new to Logic Apps, then we suggest getting started here:

This walkthrough shows you how to create a flat file schema from a document instance using the Flat File Schema Wizard based on the following sample purchase order:

Sample Purchase Order schema

Each line of the purchase order ends with a carriage return line feed (CRLF), marked in green. The purchase order starts with a PO tag shown in red and followed by a date. Two repeating fixed positional fields contain customer information and are shown in purple. After the comment field, there is a repeating field starting with an ITEMS tag that contains multiple records delimited by commas (,) and data values separated by pipes (|), which are shown in blue.


To prepare the document instance for the walkthrough, copy the following to notepad and save it as a text file:

US        Alice Smith         123 Maple Street    Mill Valley    CA 90952
US        Robert Smith        8 Oak Avenue        Old Town       PA 95819
ITEMS,ITEM872-AA|Lawnmower|1|148.95|Confirm this is electric,ITEM926-AA|Baby Monitor|1|39.98|Confirm this is electric

To use the Flat File Schema wizard

  1. In Visual Studio, create a new BizTalk Service Project. See Get started with a Visual Studio project.

  2. To add the new flat file schema, right-click the project, and click Add, and then click New Item.

  3. In the Add New Item dialog box, select Generate Flat File Schema, enter a name for the schema, and then click Add. The Flat File Schema Wizard starts.

  4. On the Flat File Schema Information screen, select your instance and enter the following information. When you are done, click Next to continue.

    1. Instance file: Click the Browse button to locate the flat file from which the schema will be generated. Browse to the folder containing the text file you created in the Prerequisites section.

    2. Record name: Type PO as it will be the schema root name.

    3. Target namespace: Type https://EnterpriseApplicationIntegration.PurchaseOrder for schema target namespace.

  5. On the Select Document Data screen, the contents of the flat file are displayed. Select the data needed for creating the schema, and then click Next. In this walkthrough, because we are using the entire document instance, you can press Ctrl-A to select all.

  6. In the Select Record Format screen, you specify whether the records are formatted using a delimiter symbol or by defining relative positions. In the instance message we chose, the purchase order records end with a carriage return line feed (CRLF), hence select By delimiter symbol, and then click Next.

  7. On the Delimited Record screen, enter the following to define the first level of the schema and when you are done, click Next.

    1. Child delimiter: Select {CR}{LF}.


      Child delimiter property is an editable box with drop down selection list contains a set of default values. The Child delimiter can be specified as a character or as a hexadecimal value. For example, \{ or {0x0D0A}.

    2. Escape character: An escape character is a single character that suppresses any special meaning of the character that follows it. See Escape Characters for more information. For this walkthrough, leave this blank.


      When using \, {, and } for Child delimiter or Escape character, a back slash must be used. For example, \\, and \{.

    3. Check Record has a tag identifier box and type PO in the Tag text box. If there are more than one flat file message types being processed by the bridge, this tag is used to identify which flat-file schema to validate the incoming message against.

    4. Click Next to continue.

    Delimited Record screen

  8. The wizard identifies four elements in the purchase order record; you must now define the element property. Make changes as illustrated in the following table:

    Element Name

    Element Type

    Data Type

    Enter date

    Select Field Element.

    Select date

    Enter customer

    Select Repeating record



    Select Ignore


    You set this to Ignore because you have already specified Repeating Record for the customer element.


    Enter items

    Select Record


    ![Child Elements screen](images/Hh949810.2ff56271-da05-4119-815d-ab17ee172487(Azure.100).jpeg "Child Elements screen")
    > [!NOTE]
    > <P>You can select multiple rows and then change their <STRONG>Element Type</STRONG> to a single type by using the mouse and the SHIFT or CTRL key.</P>
    > [!NOTE]
    > <P>After you click <STRONG>Next</STRONG> on the <STRONG>Child Elements</STRONG> screen, you will not be able to click <STRONG>Back</STRONG> to redefine or make any changes to the child elements. You may need to close the wizard and launch the wizard again to define the flat file schema.</P>
    1. After you complete the steps until here, the first level of the schema is generated as shown in the Schema View page. Three unique elements are defined, and you will continue to further define the child records for the elements in the purchase order record.

      Schema view

      Because we defined the customer element as the Repeating record type and the items element as the Record type, the Flat File Schema Wizard now continues to further define these two elements. On the Schema View page, select customer, and then click Next to continue.

    2. To work with the customer record, you need to select the data that represents that element. Because it is a repeating record, either of the lines can be used to define the record. Select the first line of customer data and click Next to continue.

    3. On the Select Record Format page, select By relative positions, and then click Next.

    4. The wizard provides a visual tool for showing and calculating the distance between the fields. On the Positional Record page, use the left mouse button to click the position marker to represent where the name field begins. Click the following position markers to represent the rest of the data fields:

      Field Name

      Position Marker











      Positional Record screen

      Click Next to continue.

    5. On the Child Elements page, you specify the properties of the child elements. Select the row and type names for the elements under the Element Name. Leave the default values in the other columns. Type the following values for the properties listed in the Element Name column:

      For Element Name

      Enter Value













      Child elements screen

    6. The child elements of the customer record are created as shown in the following screenshot of the Schema View page. Click Next to define the child elements for the items record.

      Customer Schema view

      On the Schema View page, select items, and then click Next.

    7. On the Select Document Data page, select the entire line beginning with ITEMS, and then click Next to define its child elements.

    8. On the Select Record Format page, select By delimiter symbol, and then click Next.

    9. In the Items record, commas are used to delimit the individual items. Therefore, on the Delimited Record page, enter the following to define the items record. When you are done, click Next.

      1. Select , from Child delimiter drop-down selection list.

      2. Leave the Escape character text box blank.

      3. Select Record has a tag identifier and type ITEMS in the Tag text box. In case of multiple items record, ITEMS is used to identify each individual record.

      Delimiter screen

    10. Using the values from the Delimited Record page, the wizard identifies two child elements. Because one of them is a repeating record, select the first element and enter item for Element Name, and then select Repeating Record from the drop down selection list for Element Type. Leave the rest of the default values in the columns.

      Select the second row and select the Ignore from Element Type list.

      Element screen

      When you click Next, the next level for the items record is created in the schema.

      Schema View

      You continue to define the final part of the purchase order schema. On the Schema View page, select item and then click Next to continue.

    11. On the Select Document Data page, select ITEM872-AA|Lawnmower|1|148.95|Confirm this is electric. Click Next to continue.

    12. On the Select Record Format page, select the By delimiter symbol option because the individual item is delimited by a pipe (|).

    13. On the Delimited Record page, enter the following to define the item record. When you are done, click Next.

      • Select | from the Child delimiter drop down selection list.

      • Leave the Escape character text box blank.

      Delimiter Screen

    14. On the Child Elements page, the wizard has identified five child elements. Select the row and enter values for Element name properties, as shown in the table below. Leave the default values in the rest of the columns.

      For Element Name

      Enter Value











      Elements screen

      Click Next.

    15. You have defined all the nodes for the purchase order schema. On the Schema View page, click Finish.