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The EnumStorage method retrieves an IWMDMEnumStorage interface to enumerate the immediate child storages of the current storage.


HRESULT EnumStorage(IWMDMEnumStorage**pEnumStorage);



[out]  Pointer to an IWMDMEnumStorage interface. The caller must release this interface when done with it.

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. All the interface methods in Windows Media Device Manager can return any of the following classes of error codes:

  • Standard COM error codes
  • Windows error codes converted to HRESULT values
  • Windows Media Device Manager error codes

For an extenstive list of possible error codes, see Error Codes.

Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
S_OK The method succeeded.
E_INVALIDARG The pEnumStorage parameter is an invalid or NULL pointer.
E_FAIL An unspecified error occurred.


The IWMDMEnumStorage interface that is retrieved will enumerate the immediate chilren of this object. This method allows an application to navigate the contents of a device recursively.

Sample Code

The following two functions explore all the storages on a device passed into the kickoff function, ExploreDevice.

// Kickoff function to explore a device.
void ExploreDevice(IWMDMDevice* pDevice)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // Get a root enumerator.
    CComPtr<IWMDMEnumStorage> pEnumStorage;
    hr = pDevice->EnumStorage(&pEnumStorage);

    HANDLE_HR(hr, "Got a root storage in ExploreDevice.","Couldn't get a root storage in ExploreDevice.");


void RecursiveExploreStorage(IWMDMEnumStorage* pEnumStorage)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    CComPtr<IWMDMStorage> pStorage;
    ULONG numRetrieved = 0;
    // Loop through all storages in the current storage
    while(pEnumStorage->Next(1, &pStorage, &numRetrieved) == S_OK && numRetrieved == 1)
        // Get the name of the object. The first time this is called on a device, it will 
        // retrieve '\' as the root folder name.
        const UINT MAX_LEN = 255;
        WCHAR name[MAX_LEN];
        hr = pStorage->GetName((LPWSTR)&name, MAX_LEN);
        // TODO: Display the storage name.

        // Get metadata for the storage.
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))

        // Find out something about the item.
        DWORD attributes = 0;
        _WAVEFORMATEX audioFormat;
        hr = pStorage->GetAttributes(&attributes, &audioFormat);
        HANDLE_HR(hr, "Got storage attributes in RecursivelyExploreStorage.","Couldn't get storage attributes in RecursivelyExploreStorage.");

        // If this is a folder, recurse into it.
        if (attributes & WMDM_FILE_ATTR_FILE)
            // TODO: Display a message indicating that this is a file.
        if (attributes & WMDM_FILE_ATTR_FOLDER)
            // TODO: Display a message indicating that this is a folder.
            CComPtr<IWMDMEnumStorage> pEnumSubStorage;
            hr = pStorage->EnumStorage(&pEnumSubStorage);

        // Some other useful attributes to check include:
        // WMDM_FILE_ATTR_CANDELETE and WMDM_FILE_ATTR_CANPLAY and others to determine what can be done with a storage.
        // WMDM_FILE_ATTR_HIDDEN and other attributes to determine display characteristics,
        // WMDM_STORAGE_IS_DEFAULT to see if this is the default save location for new files.
    } // Get the next storage pointer.



Header: Defined in mswmdm.h.

Library: mssachlp.lib

See Also