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<oidEntry> Element

Maps an ASN.1 object identifier (OID) to a friendly name.


<oidEntry OID="object identifier number" name="friendly name" />

Required Attributes

Attribute Description
OID Specifies the ASN.1 OID corresponding to the algorithm implemented by your class.
name Specifies the value for the name attribute in the <nameEntry> tag.


ASN.1 object identifiers identify algorithms in some cryptographic formats. Map object identifiers to friendly names for the algorithms you want to identify. For more information about object identifiers, see the MSDN Library.


The following example shows how to use the <oidEntry> element to map an object identifier for the RIPEMD-160 hash algorithm to an implementation of that hash algorithm.

               <cryptoClass   MyCrypto="MyCryptoClass, MyAssembly
                  Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a5d015c7d5a0b012,
            <nameEntry name="RIPEMD-160" class="MyCrypto"/>
            <oidEntry OID=""   name="MyCryptoClass"/>

Configuration File

This element can be used in the machine configuration file (Machine.config).

See Also

Configuration File Schema | Cryptography Settings Schema | Cryptographic Services | Configuring Cryptography Classes | Mapping Object Identifiers to Cryptography Algorithms