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Configuration File Schema

Following is the list of elements that can be placed in a configuration file for applications that use the Web Services Enhancements for Microsoft .NET (WSE). Elements defined or used by WSE have links associated with them.



    <section> Element





      <soapServerProtocolFactory> Element




      <add> Element for <httpHandlers>




  <microsoft.web.services3> Element

    <diagnostics> Element

      <trace> Element


      <detailedErrors> Element



    <messaging> Element

      <allowRedirectedResponses> Element


      <executionTimeoutInSeconds> Element


      <maxMessageLength> Element


      <transports> Element

        <add> Element for <transports>

          <connectionLimit> Element


          <defaultPort> Element


          <exclusiveAddressUse> Element


          <hosts> Element

            <allow> Element


            <deny> Element



          <idleTimeoutInMilliSeconds> Element


          <noDelay> Element


          <receiveTimeoutInMilliSeconds> Element


          <sendTimeoutInMilliSeconds> Element



        <clear> Element for <transports>


        <remove> Element for <transports>




    <policy> Element


    <referral> Element

      <cache> Element for <referral>



    <security> Element

      <binarySecurityTokenManager> Element

       <add> Element for <binarySecurityTokenManager>

          <keyAlgorithm> Element for <binarySecurityTokenManager>


          <renewalWindowInSeconds> Element


          <sessionKeyAlgorithm> Element



       <clear> Element for <binarySecurityTokenManager>


       <remove> Element for <binarySecurityTokenManager>



      <cryptography> Element

        <encryptionFormatters> Element

          <add> Element for <encryptionFormatters>



        <keyExchangeFormatters> Element

          <add> Element for <keyExchangeFormatters>



        <signatureFormatters> Element

          <add> Element for <signatureFormatters>



        <keyAlgorithm> Element for <cryptography>


      <defaultTtlInSeconds> Element


      <limits> Element


      <securityTokenManager> Element

       <add> Element for <securityTokenManager>

          <cacheLimit> Element


          <generationLimit> Element


          <keyAlgorithm> Element for <securityTokenManager>


          <label> Element


          <offsetLimit> Element


          <renewalWindowInSeconds> Element


          <replayDetection> Element



       <clear> Element for <securityTokenManager>


       <remove> Element for <securityTokenManager>



      <timeToleranceInSeconds> Element


      <x509> Element



    <tokenIssuer> Element

      <serviceToken> Element

        <KeyInfo> Element

          <SecurityTokenReference> Element

            <KeyIdentifier> Element





      <statefulSecurityContextToken> Element


      <ttlInSeconds> Element





See Also


Policy File Schema