This topic lists all exceptions generated by Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) tools.
Exception List
Resource Code | Resource String |
ParametersTarget |
<enum> |
ParametersToolConfig |
<configFile> |
ErrInvalidPath |
The specified is an invalid path. Check the specified argument. |
ParametersReference |
<file path> |
WrnCannotLoadConfigFileForValidation |
An error occurred while processing the configuration file loaded from the specified location. Services that are defined in this configuration file cannot be validated. |
MoreHelp |
For more help, type "svcutil" with the specified arguments. |
HelpMergeConfig |
Causes the generated configuration to be merged into an existing file instead of overwriting the existing file. |
ErrCannotWriteFile |
Cannot write to an output file. |
ErrInvalidNamespaceArgument |
The specified invalid value was passed to the specified option. Specify a comma-separated target namespace and CLR namespace pair. |
HelpImportXmlType |
Configures the DataContract serializer to import non-DataContract types as IXmlSerializable types. |
ErrExclusiveOptionsSpecified |
The specified option cannot be used when the other specified option has been specified. |
WrnHttpGetFailed |
HTTP GET Error with the specified URI. |
ErrInputFileNotAssemblyOrMetadata |
The file at the specified location read via the specified input argument does not appear to be an XML metadata file or a valid assembly. |
WrnUnknownMetadataFound |
Cannot save unrecognized metadata document of the specified type. |
ErrDirectoryContainsInvalidCharacters |
The specified invalid value was passed to the specified option. The specified character is not permitted in a path. |
WrnCannotResolveServiceForValidation |
Unable to load a service with the specified configName. To validate a service, provide both the assembly that contains the service type and an executable with the configuration for this service. |
ErrUnexpectedValue |
The specified option does not support any values. |
#InvalidArg |
The specified contains an invalid argument. |
ParametersExcludeType |
<type> |
HelpXmlSerializer |
Generate data types that use the XmlSerializer for serialization and deserialization. |
# |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------= |
ErrUnexpectedError |
An error occurred in the tool. |
HelpNologo |
The copyright and banner message is suppressed. |
ErrInputConflictsWithTarget |
The type of input read from the specified is not supported with the specified option set to the specified value. |
WrnCannotLoadServiceForExport |
An error occurred while loading the service type to be exported. |
HelpMetadataDownloadCategory |
WrnNoServiceContractTypes |
Cannot generate XmlSerializer types for the specified assembly. No service contract types were found. |
WrnCouldNotLoadTypesFromReferenceAssemblyAt |
An error occurred while loading types in an assembly that was loaded from the specified. Some types in the assembly cannot be loaded and are unavailable to the tool. |
ErrDirectoryPointsToAFile |
The specified invalid value was passed to the specified option. The specified value is a path to a file. |
Error |
Error: |
ErrDuplicateReferenceValues |
The specified assembly was loaded twice using the specified option. An assembly can only be reference once. |
WrnNoXmlSerializerOperationBehavior |
Cannot generate XmlSerializer for the specified assembly. No service contract in the assembly has an operation with XmlSerializerOperationBehavior. |
ErrCannotCreateDirectory |
Cannot create the specified directory. |
ErrCouldNotLoadTypesFromAssemblyAt |
Cannot load any types in the specified assembly. |
ErrUnknownSwitch |
The specified switch is an unrecognized option. |
Logo |
The logo of the tool is "Microsoft ® Service Model Metadata Tool" with version. |
NoCodeWasGenerated |
No code was generated. If you were trying to generate a client, this could be because the metadata documents did not contain any valid contracts or services or because all contracts/services were discovered to exist in reference assemblies. Verify that you passed all the metadata documents to the tool. |
WrnUnableToLoadContractForSGen |
An error occurred while loading a contract type. Cannot generate the XmlSerializer type for this contract. The type and details are specified. |
WrnOptionConflictsWithInput |
The specified option cannot be used with multiple input assemblies. The specified option is ignored. |
ErrUnableToImportMetadata |
A critical error occurred while attempting to import metadata. |
ErrInvalidSerializer |
An invalid serializer value was passed to the specified option. The supported serializers are specified. |
SavingDownloadedMetadata |
Saving downloaded metadata files... |
WrnNoConfigForServices |
None of the assemblies passed were executables with configuration file or none of the configuration files contained services with the specified configuration name. |
ErrInputConflictsWithOption |
The input read from the specified cannot be used with the specified option because they imply different modes of tool operation. |
ErrUnableToExportEndpoints |
An error occurred while exporting the specified service type. |
ErrInputSchemaParseError |
An XML schema parsing error occurred while reading the specified. Verify that the XML is both well-formed and valid. |
ErrInputPolicyParseError |
A WS-Policy parsing error occurred while reading the specified. Verify that the XML is both well-formed and valid. |
ErrUnableToLoadReferenceType |
An error occurred while loading a referenced contract type. This specified type is ignored. |
WrnCannotLoadServiceForValidation |
An error occurred while loading the service to be validated. The type and details are specified. |
HelpCodeGenerationCategory |
RetreivingMetadataWithMexAndDisco |
Attempting to download metadata from the specified using WS-Metadata Exchange or DISCO. |
ErrGeneralSchemaValidation |
An error occurred while verifying XML schemas that were generated during export. |
ParametersDirectory |
<directory> |
ErrCannotLoadSpecifiedType |
No type can be loaded for the specified value that was passed to the specified option. Ensure that the assembly that this type belongs to is specified using the specified option. |
ErrOptionModeConflict |
The specified option cannot be used with the specified option because they imply different output types. |
ErrIsNotAnAssembly |
Cannot load the specified as an assembly. Verify that this file is a .NET assembly. |
ErrInputConflictsWithMode |
The input read from the specified is inconsistent with other options. |
ErrDuplicateValuePassedToTypeArg |
The specified value was passed to the specified option multiple times. Each type can be specified only once. |
ErrInputEPRFileParseError |
Cannot read the endpoint reference from the specified. Verify that the XML is both well-formed and valid. |
ErrCouldNotCreateCodeProvider |
A code provider cannot be created for the specified value, that was passed to the /{1} argument. Verify that the code provider is properly installed and configured. |
ErrPathTooLongDirOnly |
The resultant specified path is too long. Review the specified argument. |
HelpDataContractSerializer |
Generate data types that use the DataContract Serializer for serialization and deserialization. |
ErrUnableToExportEndpoint |
An error occurred while exporting the specified endpoint name in the specified namespace in the specified service type found in the configuration file loaded for the assembly. |
HelpUsage1 |
Displays help usage. |
HelpUsage2 |
Displays help usage. |
HelpUsage3 |
Displays help usage. |
HelpUsage4 |
Displays help usage. |
HelpUsage5 |
Displays help usage. |
ErrDirectoryNotFound |
The specified directory cannot be found. Verify that the directory exists and that you have the appropriate permissions to read it. |
ErrUnableToLoadFile |
Cannot read the specified file. |
ErrNoFilesFound |
The specified input path does not appear to refer to any existing files. |
ParametersConfig |
<configFile> |
ErrDirectoryInsteadOfFile |
The specified input path appears to be a directory. Input must be either URLs or file paths. |
HelpConfig |
Instructs the tools to generate a configuration file with the name provided. Default: output.config. |
ErrSingleUseSwitch |
The specified option cannot be specified multiple times. |
Warning |
Warning: |
WrnAmbiguousServiceConfig |
Multiple service configurations were found with the specified configuration name, the following assemblies are specified. |
ErrInvalidInputPath |
The specified input path does not appear to refer to any existing files and does not appear to be a valid URI. |
ErrUnableToLoadInputs |
An error occurred while reading the loaded metadata. |
GeneratingSerializer |
Generating XML serializers... |
HelpToolConfig |
Custom configuration file to use in place of the application configuration file. This can be used to change the metadata configuration or register configuration extensions without altering the tool's configuration file. |
ErrValidateInvalidUse |
The specified option cannot be used with the specified option. |
WrnWSMExFailed |
WS-Metadata Exchange Error with the specified URI. |
HelpNoconfig |
Do not generate configuration. |
HelpCodeGenerationDescription |
The specified can generate service contracts, clients and data types from metadata documents. |
HelpTargetMetadata |
Output metadata. If the input is a URL, Svcutil.exe saves the metadata to disk and does not generate code. If the input is one or more assemblies, Svcutil.exe generates metadata from types in the assemblies. |
ErrAmbiguousOptionModeConflict |
The specified option conflicts with other options. Review your use of the tool. |
ErrNotLanguageOrCodeDomType |
The specified value that was passed to the specified argument does not represent a defined language and it cannot be loaded as a fully-qualified CLR type. |
ErrUnableToUniquifyFilename |
Cannot create output filename. Too many files are being created with the specified prefix. |
ErrCannotCreateFile |
Cannot create the specified output file. |
ErrExpectedValue |
The specified option requires that a value be specified. |
ErrCannotDisambiguateSpecifiedTypes |
More than one type with the same name exists in the set of referenced assemblies. Use assembly-qualified names to distinguish between the specified types for the specified option. |
RetreivingMetadataWithMexOnly |
Attempting to download metadata from the specified location using WS-Metadata Exchange. This URL does not support DISCO. |
ErrInvalidTarget |
The specified target is invalid when specified using the specified option. The supported targets are specified. |
ErrPathTooLong |
The resultant path is too long. Review the specified arguments. |
HelpCommonOptionsCategory |
ParametersServiceName |
<serviceConfigName> |
ErrNoValidInputFilesSpecified |
No valid input files specified. Specify either metadata documents or assembly files. |
ParametersLanguage |
<language> |
ErrUnableToLoadMetadataDocument |
An error occurred while reading the metadata from one of the loaded documents. The document identifier is specified. |
ErrConflictingInputs |
The specified input argument conflicts with specified because they imply different modes of tool operation. |
WrnUnableToLoadContractForValidation |
An error occurred while loading a contract type. The type and details are specified. |
WrnAttributeReflectionErrors |
Attribute reflection failed for some of the types in the assembly that were loaded from the specified. Verify that this assembly can be loaded from this location with the right security privileges. |
HelpMetadataExportCategory |
HelpValidationCategory |
ValidationError |
Validation Error: |
GeneratingFiles |
Generating files... |
ErrCannotSpecifyMultipleMappingsForNamespace |
An invalid value was passed to the specified option. The specified target namespace cannot be mapped to multiple CLR namespaces as specified. |
ErrCouldNotLoadReferenceAssemblyAt |
Cannot load the specified reference assembly. |
ParametersOut |
<file> |
NoCodeWasGeneratedSuggestDCOnly |
To generate contracts from the schemas, use the specified option. |
ErrUnableToLoadInputConfig |
Cannot load the specified configuration file. |
ErrUnexpectedDelimiter |
An invalid argument delimiter (':' or '=') cannot start the option. |
ErrMergeConfigUsedWithoutConfig |
Cannot use the specified option without specifying the other specified option. |
ErrUnableToExportContract |
An error occurred while exporting the contract loaded from the specified type. |
GeneratingMetadata |
Generating metadata files... |
ErrNotCodeDomType |
The specified type that was passed to the specified argument is not of the specified derived class. |
WrnNoTypeForServices |
None of the assemblies that were passed contained service types with the specified configuration name. |
ErrAssemblyLoadFailed |
Cannot load the specified file as an Assembly. Check the FusionLogs for more Information. |
NoMetadataWasGenerated |
No metadata files were generated. No service contracts were exported. To export a service, use the specified option. To export data contracts, specify the option. |
WrnCannotResolveServiceForExport |
Unable to load a service with the specified configName. To export a service, provide the assembly that contains the service type and an executable with configuration for this service. |
ParametersCollectionType |
<type> |
ErrOptionConflictsWithTarget |
The use of the specified option is not supported with the specified option set to the specified value. |
ErrCodegenError |
An error occurred while generating code in the specified language. The language does not support all the code elements being generated. Another language should be used. |
ErrInputWsdlParseError |
A WSDL parsing error occurred while reading the specified. Verify that the XML is both well-formed and valid. |
ErrCouldNotCreateInstance |
Cannot create an instance of the specified type that was passed to the specified argument. |
ParametersNamespace |
<string,string> |
HelpNostdlib |
Do not reference standard libraries (By default mscorlib.dll and system.servicemodel.dll are referenced.) |
WrnCannotLoadConfigFileForExport |
An error occurred while processing the configuration file that was loaded from the specified. Services that are defined in this configuration file cannot be loaded. |
WrnUnableToLoadContractForExport |
An error occurred while loading a contract type. This specified type cannot be exported. |