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Flow Document Overview

Flow documents are designed to optimize viewing and readability. Em vez de ser definido para um layout predefinido, documentos de fluxo ajustam dinamicamente seu conteúdo com base em variáveis de tempo de execução como tamanho de janela, resolução do dispositivo, e preferências do usuário opcionais. In addition, flow documents offer advanced document features, such as pagination and columns. This topic provides an overview of flow documents and how to create them.

Este tópico contém as seguintes seções.

  • What is a Flow Document
  • Flow Document Types
  • Creating Flow Content
  • Flow Related Classes
  • Content Schema
  • Customizing Text
  • Tópicos relacionados

What is a Flow Document

A flow document is designed to "reflow content" depending on window size, device resolution, and other environment variables. Além disso, documentos de fluxo têm diversas características embutidas, incluindo busca, modos de visualização que otimizam a legibilidade, e a capacidade de mudar o tamanho e a aparência de fontes. Flow Documents are best utilized when ease of reading is the primary document consumption scenario. In contrast, Fixed Documents are designed to have a static presentation. Fixed Documents are useful when fidelity of the source content is essential. See Documentos em Windows Presentation Foundation for more information on different types of documents.

The following illustration shows a sample flow document viewed in several windows of different sizes. As the display area changes, the content reflows to make the best use of the available space.

Refluxo de conteúdo de documentos de fluxo

As seen in the image above, flow content can include many components including paragraphs, lists, images, and more. These components correspond to elements in markup and objects in procedural code. We will go over these classes in detail later in the Flow Related Classes section of this overview. For now, here is a simple code example that creates a flow document consisting of a paragraph with some bold text and a list.

<!-- This simple flow document includes a paragraph with some
     bold text in it and a list. -->
<FlowDocumentReader xmlns=""
      <Bold>Some bold text in the paragraph.</Bold>
      Some text that is not bold.

        <Paragraph>ListItem 1</Paragraph>
        <Paragraph>ListItem 2</Paragraph>
        <Paragraph>ListItem 3</Paragraph>

using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;

namespace SDKSample
    public partial class SimpleFlowExample : Page
        public SimpleFlowExample()

            Paragraph myParagraph = new Paragraph();

            // Add some Bold text to the paragraph
            myParagraph.Inlines.Add(new Bold(new Run("Some bold text in the paragraph.")));

            // Add some plain text to the paragraph
            myParagraph.Inlines.Add(new Run(" Some text that is not bold."));

            // Create a List and populate with three list items.
            List myList = new List();

            // First create paragraphs to go into the list item.
            Paragraph paragraphListItem1 = new Paragraph(new Run("ListItem 1"));
            Paragraph paragraphListItem2 = new Paragraph(new Run("ListItem 2"));
            Paragraph paragraphListItem3 = new Paragraph(new Run("ListItem 3"));

            // Add ListItems with paragraphs in them.
            myList.ListItems.Add(new ListItem(paragraphListItem1));
            myList.ListItems.Add(new ListItem(paragraphListItem2));
            myList.ListItems.Add(new ListItem(paragraphListItem3));

            // Create a FlowDocument with the paragraph and list.
            FlowDocument myFlowDocument = new FlowDocument();

            // Add the FlowDocument to a FlowDocumentReader Control
            FlowDocumentReader myFlowDocumentReader = new FlowDocumentReader();
            myFlowDocumentReader.Document = myFlowDocument;

            this.Content = myFlowDocumentReader;

The illustration below shows what this code snippet looks like.

Captura de tela: Exemplo de FlowDocument processado

In this example, the FlowDocumentReader control is used to host the flow content. See Flow Document Types for more information on flow content hosting controls. Paragraph, List, ListItem, and Bold elements are used to control content formatting, based on their order in markup. For example, the Bold element spans across only part of the text in the paragraph; as a result, only that part of the text is bold. If you have used HTML, this will be familiar to you.

As highlighted in the illustration above, there are several features built into Flow Documents:

  • Pesquisar: Permite que o usuário realizar uma Pesquisar de texto completo de um documento inteiro.

  • Modo de exibição: O usuário pode selecionar seu modo de exibição preferencial incluindo um modo de visualização de (-em-uma página vez) de página única, um dois--em-uma página vez (formato de leitura do livro) exibindo modo e um modo de visualização (bottomless) rolagem contínua. Para obter mais informações sobre esses modos de visualização, consulte FlowDocumentReaderViewingMode.

  • Controles de navegação de página: Se o modo de exibição do documento usa páginas, sistema autônomo controles de navegação da página incluem um botão para ir para a próxima página (a seta para baixo) ou página anterior (seta cima), bem sistema autônomo indicadores para o número da página corrente e o número total de páginas. Flipping through pages can also be accomplished using the keyboard arrow keys.

  • aplicar aplicar zoom: Os controles de aplicar aplicar zoom permitem que o usuário aumentar ou diminuir o nível de aplicar aplicar zoom clicando no sinal de mais ou menos botões, respectivamente. The zoom controls also include a slider for adjusting the zoom level. Para obter mais informações, consulte Aplicar zoom.

These features can be modified based upon the control used to host the flow content. The next section describes the different controls.

Flow Document Types

Display of flow document content and how it appears is dependent upon what object is used to host the flow content. Há quatro controles que suportam a exibição de conteúdo de fluxo: FlowDocumentReader, FlowDocumentPageViewer, RichTextBox, e FlowDocumentScrollViewer. These controls are briefly described below.

Note: FlowDocument is required to directly host flow content, so all of these viewing controls consume a FlowDocument to enable flow content hosting.


FlowDocumentReader inclui características que permitem ao usuário escolher dinamicamente entre diversos modos de visualização, utilizando modo de visualização de página única (uma página por vez), um modo de visualização de duas páginas por vez (formato de leitura de livro) e um modo de visualização de rolamento contínuo (sem fundo). Para obter mais informações sobre esses modos de visualização, consulte FlowDocumentReaderViewingMode. Se você não precisa da capacidade de trocar dinamicamente de modo de visualização, FlowDocumentPageViewer e FlowDocumentScrollViewer oferecem visualizadores de conteúdo de fluxo leves que são fixados num modo de visualização particular.

FlowDocumentPageViewer e FlowDocumentScrollViewer

FlowDocumentPageViewer exibe conteúdo em modo de visualização de uma página por vez, enquanto FlowDocumentScrollViewer mostra o conteúdo em modo de rolamento contínuo. Ambos FlowDocumentPageViewer e FlowDocumentScrollViewer são fixos em um modo de visualização particular. Compare com FlowDocumentReader, que inclui características que permitem ao usuário escolher dinamicamente entre diversos modos de visualização (tal como oferecido pelo enumeração (FlowDocumentReaderViewingMode), sob pena de ser consumir recursos mais intensivamente do que FlowDocumentPageViewer ou FlowDocumentScrollViewer.

Por default, uma barra de rolamento vertical sempre é exibida, e uma barra de rolamento horizontal se torna visivel caso necessário. The default UI for FlowDocumentScrollViewer does not include a toolbar; however, the IsToolBarVisible property can be used to enable a built-in toolbar.


You use a RichTextBox when you want to allow the user to edit flow content. For example, if you wanted to create an editor that allowed a user to manipulate things like tables, italic and bold formatting, etc, you would use a RichTextBox. Consulte Visão geral de RichTextBox para obter mais informações.

Observação: Fluxo de conteúdo dentro de um RichTextBox não se comporta exatamente como conteúdo de fluxo contido em outros controles. For example, there are no columns in a RichTextBox and hence no automatic resizing behavior. Also, the typically built in features of flow content like search, viewing mode, page navigation, and zoom are not available within a RichTextBox.

Creating Flow Content

Flow content can be complex, consisting of various elements including text, images, tables, and even UIElement derived classes like controls. To understand how to create complex flow content, the following points are critical:

  • Classes de fluxo: Cada classe usada no conteúdo de fluxo tem uma finalidade específica. In addition, the hierarchical relation between flow classes helps you understand how they are used. For example, classes derived from the Block class are used to contain other objects while classes derived from Inline contain objects that are displayed.

  • Conteúdo do esquema: Um documento de fluxo pode exigir um número considerável de elementos aninhados. The content schema specifies possible parent/child relationships between elements.

The following sections will go over each of these areas in more detail.

The diagram below shows the objects most typically used with flow content:

Diagrama: Elemento de conteúdo de fluxo Zoom, Para Cima e Ampliar hierarquia

For the purposes of flow content, there are two important categories:

  1. Classes derivadas de bloco: Também chamado apenas "bloquear elements" ou "Bloquear conteúdos elementos". Elements that inherit from Block can be used to group elements under a common parent or to apply common attributes to a group.

  2. embutido-classes derivadas: Também chamado de "Elementos de conteúdo in-line" ou simplesmente "embutido elements". Elements that inherit from Inline are either contained within a Block Element or another Inline Element. Inline Elements are often used as the direct container of content that is rendered to the screen. For example, a Paragraph (Block Element) can contain a Run (Inline Element) but the Run actually contains the text that is rendered on the screen.

Each class in these two categories is briefly described below.

Block-derived Classes


Paragraph is typically used to group content into a paragraph. The simplest and most common use of Paragraph is to create a paragraph of text.

<FlowDocument xmlns=""
    Some paragraph text.
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;

namespace SDKSample
    public partial class ParagraphExample : Page
        public ParagraphExample()

            // Create paragraph with some text.
            Paragraph myParagraph = new Paragraph();
            myParagraph.Inlines.Add(new Run("Some paragraph text."));

            // Create a FlowDocument and add the paragraph to it.
            FlowDocument myFlowDocument = new FlowDocument();

            this.Content = myFlowDocument;

However, you can also contain other inline-derived elements as you will see below.


Section is used only to contain other Block-derived elements. It does not apply any default formatting to the elements it contains. However, any property values set on a Section applies to its child elements. Uma seção também permite que você percorrer programaticamente sua coleção de filhos. Sectioné usado em uma forma semelhante à marca <div>em HTML.

In the example below, three paragraphs are defined under one Section. The section has a Background property value of Red, therefore the background color of the paragraphs is also red.

<FlowDocument xmlns=""
  <!-- By default, Section applies no formatting to elements contained
       within it. However, in this example, the section has a Background
       property value of "Red", therefore, the three paragraphs (the block)  
       inside the section also have a red background. -->
  <Section Background="Red">
      Paragraph 1
      Paragraph 2
      Paragraph 3
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;

namespace SDKSample
    public partial class SectionExample : Page
        public SectionExample()

            // Create three paragraphs
            Paragraph myParagraph1 = new Paragraph(new Run("Paragraph 1"));
            Paragraph myParagraph2 = new Paragraph(new Run("Paragraph 2"));
            Paragraph myParagraph3 = new Paragraph(new Run("Paragraph 3"));

            // Create a Section and add the three paragraphs to it.
            Section mySection = new Section();
            mySection.Background = Brushes.Red;


            // Create a FlowDocument and add the section to it.
            FlowDocument myFlowDocument = new FlowDocument();

            this.Content = myFlowDocument;


BlockUIContainer permite UIElement elementos (ou seja, a Button) a ser incorporado no conteúdo de fluxo derivado de bloco. InlineUIContainer (veja abaixo) é usada para incorporar UIElement elementos de conteúdo de fluxo derivado de in-line. BlockUIContainer e InlineUIContainer são importantes porque não é possível Outros para usar um UIElement no fluxo conteúdo, a menos que ele está contido em um desses dois elementos.

The following example shows how to use the BlockUIContainer element to host UIElement objects within flow content.

<FlowDocument ColumnWidth="400">
  <Section Background="GhostWhite">
      A UIElement element may be embedded directly in flow content
      by enclosing it in a BlockUIContainer element.
      <Button>Click me!</Button>
      The BlockUIContainer element may host no more than one top-level
      UIElement.  However, other UIElements may be nested within the
      UIElement contained by an BlockUIContainer element.  For example,
      a StackPanel can be used to host multiple UIElement elements within
      a BlockUIContainer element.
        <Label Foreground="Blue">Choose a value:</Label>
          <ComboBoxItem IsSelected="True">a</ComboBoxItem>
        <Label Foreground ="Red">Choose a value:</Label>
        <Label>Enter a value:</Label>
          A text editor embedded in flow content.

A figura a seguir mostra como o exemplo é renderizado.

Captura de tela: UIElement incorporados no fluxo Zoom, Para Cima e Ampliar


List is used to create a bulleted or numeric list. Set the MarkerStyle property to a TextMarkerStyle enumeration value to determine the style of the list. The example below shows how to create a simple list.

<FlowDocument xmlns=""
        List Item 1
        List Item 2
        List Item 3
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;

namespace SDKSample
    public partial class ListExample : Page
        public ListExample()

            // Create three paragraphs
            Paragraph myParagraph1 = new Paragraph(new Run("List Item 1"));
            Paragraph myParagraph2 = new Paragraph(new Run("List Item 2"));
            Paragraph myParagraph3 = new Paragraph(new Run("List Item 3"));

            // Create the ListItem elements for the List and add the 
            // paragraphs to them.
            ListItem myListItem1 = new ListItem();
            ListItem myListItem2 = new ListItem();
            ListItem myListItem3 = new ListItem();

            // Create a List and add the three ListItems to it.
            List myList = new List();


            // Create a FlowDocument and add the section to it.
            FlowDocument myFlowDocument = new FlowDocument();

            this.Content = myFlowDocument;

Note: List is the only flow element that uses the ListItemCollection to manage child elements.


Table é usado para criar uma tabela. Table é semelhante a Grid elemento, mas tem mais recursos e, portanto, requer maior sobrecarga de recursos. Because Grid is a UIElement, it cannot be used in flow content unless it is contained in a BlockUIContainer or InlineUIContainer. Para obter mais informações sobre Table, consulte: Visão Geral da Tabela.

Inline-derived Classes


Run is used to contain unformatted text. You might expect Run objects to be used extensively in flow content, however, in markup, Run elements are not required to be used explicitly. For example, in the markup below, the first Paragraph specifies the Run element explicitly while the second does not. Both paragraphs generate identical output.

  <Run>Paragraph that explicitly uses the Run element.</Run>

  This Paragraph omits the the Run element in markup. It renders
  the same as a Paragraph with Run used explicitly. 

Note: Run is required to be used when creating or manipulating flow documents using code.


Span groups other inline content elements together. No inherent rendering is applied to content within a Span element. However, elements that inherit from Span including Hyperlink, Bold, Italic and Underline do apply formatting to text.

Below is an example of a Span being used to contain inline content including text, a Bold element, and a Button.

<FlowDocument xmlns=""

    Text before the Span. <Span Background="Red">Text within the Span is
    red and <Bold>this text is inside the Span-derived element Bold.</Bold>
    A Span can contain more then text, it can contain any inline content. For
    example, it can contain a 
    or other UIElement, a Floater, a Figure, etc.</Span>


The following screenshot shows how this example renders.

Captura de tela: Exemplo de SPAN processado


InlineUIContainer permite UIElement elementos (ou seja, um controle, como Button) a ser incorporado em um Inline elemento de conteúdo. This element is the inline equivalent to BlockUIContainer described above. Below is an example that uses InlineUIContainer to insert a Button inline in a Paragraph.

<FlowDocument xmlns=""

    Text to precede the button...

    <!-- Set the BaselineAlignment property to "Bottom" 
         so that the Button aligns properly with the text. -->
    <InlineUIContainer BaselineAlignment="Bottom">
    Text to follow the button...

using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;

namespace SDKSample
    public partial class InlineUIContainerExample : Page
        public InlineUIContainerExample()
            Run run1 = new Run(" Text to precede the button... ");
            Run run2 = new Run(" Text to follow the button... ");

            // Create a new button to be hosted in the paragraph.
            Button myButton = new Button();
            myButton.Content = "Click me!";

            // Create a new InlineUIContainer to contain the Button.
            InlineUIContainer myInlineUIContainer = new InlineUIContainer();

            // Set the BaselineAlignment property to "Bottom" so that the 
            // Button aligns properly with the text.
            myInlineUIContainer.BaselineAlignment = BaselineAlignment.Bottom;

            // Asign the button as the UI container's child.
            myInlineUIContainer.Child = myButton;

            // Create the paragraph and add content to it.
            Paragraph myParagraph = new Paragraph();

            // Create a FlowDocument and add the paragraph to it.
            FlowDocument myFlowDocument = new FlowDocument();

            this.Content = myFlowDocument;

Observação: InlineUIContainer não precisa ser explicitamente usada na marcação. If you omit it, an InlineUIContainer will be created anyway when the code is compiled.

Figure and Floater

Figure e Floater são usados para incorporar conteúdo em documentos de fluxo com propriedades de posicionamento que podem ser personalizadas independente do fluxo de conteúdo principal. Figure ou Floater elementos são freqüentemente usados para realçar ou acentuar partes do conteúdo para o host com suporte a imagens ou Outros conteúdo no fluxo de conteúdo principal, ou inserir livremente relacionadas conteúdo, sistema autônomo anúncios.

The following example shows how to embed a Figure into a paragraph of text.

<FlowDocument xmlns=""

      Width="300" Height="100" 
      Background="GhostWhite" HorizontalAnchor="PageLeft" >
      <Paragraph FontStyle="Italic" Background="Beige" Foreground="DarkGreen" >
        A Figure embeds content into flow content with placement properties 
        that can be customized independently from the primary content flow
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy
    nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi
    enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis
    nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure.

using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;

namespace SDKSample
    public partial class FigureExample : Page
        public FigureExample()

            // Create strings to use as content.
            string strFigure = "A Figure embeds content into flow content with" +
                               " placement properties that can be customized" +
                               " independently from the primary content flow"; 
            string strOther = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing" +
                              " elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet" +
                              " dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad" +
                              " minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper" +
                              " suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat." +
                              " Duis autem vel eum iriure.";

            // Create a Figure and assign content and layout properties to it.
            Figure myFigure = new Figure();
            myFigure.Width = new FigureLength(300);
            myFigure.Height = new FigureLength(100);
            myFigure.Background = Brushes.GhostWhite;
            myFigure.HorizontalAnchor = FigureHorizontalAnchor.PageLeft;
            Paragraph myFigureParagraph = new Paragraph(new Run(strFigure));
            myFigureParagraph.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;
            myFigureParagraph.Background = Brushes.Beige;
            myFigureParagraph.Foreground = Brushes.DarkGreen;

            // Create the paragraph and add content to it.
            Paragraph myParagraph = new Paragraph();
            myParagraph.Inlines.Add(new Run(strOther));

            // Create a FlowDocument and add the paragraph to it.
            FlowDocument myFlowDocument = new FlowDocument();

            this.Content = myFlowDocument;

The following illustration shows how this example renders.

Captura de tela: Exemplo da Figura

Figure and Floater differ in several ways and are used for different scenarios.


  • Pode ser posicionado: Você pode conjunto suas âncoras horizontais e verticais para encaixá-lo em relação à página, conteúdo, coluna ou parágrafo. You can also use its HorizontalOffset and VerticalOffset properties to specify arbitrary offsets.

  • É dimensionável a mais de uma coluna: Você pode conjunto Figure altura e largura a múltiplos de página, conteúdo ou a coluna a altura ou largura. Note that in the case of page and content, multiples greater than 1 are not allowed. For example, you can set the width of a Figure to be "0.5 page" or "0.25 content" or "2 Column". You can also set height and width to absolute pixel values.

  • Não paginar: Se o conteúdo dentro de um Figure não se ajuste dentro de Figure, ela processará qualquer conteúdo é adequado e o conteúdo restante é perdido


  • Cannot be positioned and will render wherever space can be made available for it. You cannot set the offset or anchor a Floater.

  • Não pode ser dimensionado para mais de uma coluna: Por padrão, Floater tamanhos em uma coluna. It has a Width property that can be set to an absolute pixel value, but if this value is greater than one column width it is ignored and the floater is sized at one column. Dimensione-a menos que uma coluna, definindo a largura de pixel correto, mas dimensionamento não é relativo à coluna, "0.5Column" não é uma expressão válida paraFloater largura. Floater não tem uma propriedade de altura e é altura não pode ser definida, a altura do depende do conteúdo

  • Floater pagina: Se estende seu conteúdo em sua largura especificada para a altura da coluna mais de 1, floater quebra e pagina para a próxima coluna, a próxima página, etc..

Figure é um mercadoria local colocar conteúdo autônomo onde você deseja controle dimensionar e posicionamento e são certeza de que o conteúdo se ajustarem no dimensionar especificado. Floater é um mercadoria local colocar mais conteúdo fluxo disponível que flui semelhante ao conteúdo da página principal, mas é separado do mesmo.


LineBreak causes a line break to occur in flow content. O exemplo a seguir demonstra o uso de LineBreak.

<FlowDocument xmlns=""
    Before the LineBreak in Paragraph.
    <LineBreak />
    After the LineBreak in Paragraph.
    After two LineBreaks in Paragraph.


    After a Paragraph with only a LineBreak in it.

The following screenshot shows how this example renders.

Captura de tela: Exemplo de LineBreak

Flow Collection Elements

In many of the examples above, the BlockCollection and InlineCollection are used to construct flow content programmatically. For example, to add elements to a Paragraph, you can use the syntax:

myParagraph.Inlines.Add(new Run("Some text"));

This adds a Run to the InlineCollection of the Paragraph. This is the same as the implicit Run found inside a Paragraph in markup:


Some Text


As an example of using the BlockCollection, the following example creates a new Section and then uses the Add method to add a new Paragraph to the Section contents.

Section secx = new Section();
secx.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph(new Run("A bit of text content...")));

In addition to adding items to a flow collection, you can remove items as well. The following example deletes the last Inline element in the Span.


The following example clears all of the contents (Inline elements) from the Span.


When working with flow content programmatically, you will likely make extensive use of these collections.

Whether a flow element uses an InlineCollection (Inlines) or BlockCollection (Blocks) to contain its child elements depends on what type of child elements (Block or Inline) can be contained by the parent. Containment rules for flow content elements are summarized in the content schema in the next section.

Observação: Existe um terceiro tipo de conjunto usado com o fluxo de conteúdo, a ListItemCollection, mas essa coleção é usada somente com um List. In addition, there are several collections used with Table. Consulte Visão Geral da Tabela para obter mais informações.

Content Schema

Given the number of different flow content elements, it can be overwhelming to keep track of what type of child elements an element can contain. The diagram below summarizes the containment rules for flow elements. The arrows represent the possible parent/child relationships.

Diagrama: Fluxo Zoom, Para Cima e Ampliar esquema de detenção

As can be seen from the diagram above, the children allowed for an element are not necessarily determined by whether it is a Block element or an Inline element. For example, a Span (an Inline element) can only have Inline child elements while a Figure (also an Inline element) can only have Block child elements. Therefore, a diagram is useful for quickly determining what element can be contained in another. As an example, let's use the diagram to determine how to construct the flow content of a RichTextBox.

1. A RichTextBox must contain a FlowDocument which in turn must contain a Block-derived object. Below is the corresponding segment from the diagram above.

Diagrama: Regras de detenção RichTextBox

Thus far, this is what the markup might look like.

    <!-- One or more Block-derived object… -->

2. According to the diagram, there are several Block elements to choose from including Paragraph, Section, Table, List, and BlockUIContainer (see Block-derived classes above). Let's say we want a Table. According to the diagram above, a Table contains a TableRowGroup containing TableRow elements, which contain TableCell elements which contain a Block-derived object. Below is the corresponding segment for Table taken from the diagram above.

Diagrama: Esquema de pai/filho para Zoom, Para Cima e Ampliar

Below is the corresponding markup.

            <!-- One or more Block-derived object… -->


3. Again, one or more Block elements are required underneath a TableCell. To make it simple, let's place some text inside the cell. We can do this using a Paragraph with a Run element. Below is the corresponding segments from the diagram showing that a Paragraph can take an Inline element and that a Run (an Inline element) can only take plain text.

Diagrama: Pai/filho Zoom, Para Cima e Ampliar para parágrafoDiagrama: Esquema de pai/filho para executar

Below is the entire example in markup.

<Page xmlns=""

      <!-- Normally a table would have multiple rows and multiple
           cells but this code is for demonstration purposes.-->

                <!-- The schema does not actually require
                     explicit use of the Run tag in markup. It 
                     is only included here for clarity. -->
                <Run>Paragraph in a Table Cell.</Run>


Customizing Text

Usually text is the most prevalent type of content in a flow document. Although the objects introduced above can be used to control most aspects of how text is rendered, there are some other methods for customizing text that is covered in this section.

Text Decorations

Text decorations allow you to apply the underline, overline, baseline, and strikethrough effects to text (see pictures below). These decorations are added using the TextDecorations property that is exposed by a number of objects including Inline, Paragraph, TextBlock, and TextBox.

The following example shows how to set the TextDecorations property of a Paragraph.

<FlowDocument ColumnWidth="200">
  <Paragraph TextDecorations="Strikethrough">
    This text will render with the strikethrough effect.
Paragraph parx = new Paragraph(new Run("This text will render with the strikethrough effect."));
parx.TextDecorations = TextDecorations.Strikethrough;

A figura a seguir mostra como o exemplo é renderizado.

Captura de tela: Texto com Zoom, Para Cima e Ampliar efeito tachado

The following figures show how the Overline, Baseline, and Underline decorations render, respectively.

Captura de tela: Linha sobreposta TextDecoratorCaptura de tela: Zoom, Para Cima e Ampliar efeito de linha de base no textoCaptura de tela: Zoom, Para Cima e Ampliar com efeito de sublinhado padrão


The Typography property is exposed by most flow-related content including TextElement, FlowDocument, TextBlock, and TextBox. Esta propriedade é usada para controlar tipográficas características/variações do texto (ou seja pequenas ou grandes caps, tornando sobrescrito e subscrito, etc.).

The following example shows how to set the Typography attribute, using Paragraph as the example element.

  FontFamily="Palatino Linotype"
    This text has some altered typography characteristics.  Note
    that use of an open type font is necessary for most typographic
    properties to be effective.
    0123456789 10 11 12 13
    1/2 2/3 3/4

A figura a seguir mostra como o exemplo é renderizado.

Captura de tela: Texto com tipografia alterado

In contrast, the following figure shows how a similar example with default typographic properties renders.

Captura de tela: Texto com tipografia alterado

The following example shows how to set the Typography property programmatically.

Paragraph par = new Paragraph();

Run runText = new Run(
    "This text has some altered typography characteristics.  Note" +
    "that use of an open type font is necessary for most typographic" +
    "properties to be effective.");
Run runNumerals = new Run("0123456789 10 11 12 13");
Run runFractions = new Run("1/2 2/3 3/4");

par.Inlines.Add(new LineBreak());
par.Inlines.Add(new LineBreak());
par.Inlines.Add(new LineBreak());
par.Inlines.Add(new LineBreak());

par.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left;
par.FontSize = 18;
par.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Palatino Linotype");

par.Typography.NumeralStyle = FontNumeralStyle.OldStyle;
par.Typography.Fraction = FontFraction.Stacked;
par.Typography.Variants = FontVariants.Inferior;

See Tipografia em Windows Presentation Foundation for more information on typography.

Consulte também


Demonstração do visualizador SDK


Otimizando o desempenho: Texto

Tipografia em Windows Presentation Foundation

Visão geral do modelo Conteúdo TextElement

Visão geral de RichTextBox

Documentos em Windows Presentation Foundation

Visão Geral da Tabela

Visão geral de Anotações

Outros recursos

Exemplos de elementos de conteúdo de fluxo

Flow Content Elements How-to Topics