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Como: Definir um escopo de nomes

Para animar com um Storyboard em código, você deve criar um NameScope e registrar os nomes dos objetos alvo com o elemento que possui esse escopo de nomes. No exemplo a seguir, um NameScope é criado para myMainPanel. Dois botões, button1 e button2, são adicionados ao painel e seus nomes registrados. Várias animações e um Storyboard são criados. O método Begin do storyboard é usado para iniciar as animações.

Como button1,button2 e myMainPanel todos compartilham o mesmo escopo de nomes, qualquer um deles pode ser usado com o método Begin do Storyboard para dar início às animações.


using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;

namespace Microsoft.Samples.Animation.AnimatingWithStoryboards

    public class ScopeExample : Page

        private Storyboard myStoryboard;
        private StackPanel myMainPanel;
        private Button button1, button2;

        public ScopeExample()

            this.Background = Brushes.White; 
            myMainPanel = new StackPanel();

            // Create a name scope for the stackpanel. 
            NameScope.SetNameScope(myMainPanel, new NameScope());

            myMainPanel.Background = Brushes.Orange;

            button1 = new Button();
            button1.Name = "Button1";

            // Register button1's name with myMainPanel.
            myMainPanel.RegisterName(button1.Name, button1);
            button1.Content = "Button 1";
            button1.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(button1Clicked);

            button2 = new Button();
            button2.Name = "Button2";

            // Register button2's name with myMainPanel.
            myMainPanel.RegisterName(button2.Name, button2);
            button2.Content = "Button 2";
            button2.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(button2Clicked);

            // Create some animations and a storyboard.
            DoubleAnimation button1WidthAnimation = 
                new DoubleAnimation(300, 200, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)));
            Storyboard.SetTargetName(button1WidthAnimation, button1.Name);
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(button1WidthAnimation, new PropertyPath(Button.WidthProperty));

            DoubleAnimation button2WidthAnimation = 
                new DoubleAnimation(300, 200, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)));
            Storyboard.SetTargetName(button2WidthAnimation, button2.Name);
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(button2WidthAnimation, new PropertyPath(Button.WidthProperty));

            DoubleAnimation heightAnimationWithoutTarget = 
                new DoubleAnimation(300, 200, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)));
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(heightAnimationWithoutTarget, new PropertyPath(FrameworkElement.HeightProperty));                

            myStoryboard = new Storyboard();

            this.Content = myMainPanel;


        private void button1Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)

            // Starts the animations. The animation without a specified 
            // target name, heightAnimationWithoutTarget, is applied to
            // myMainPanel.


        private void button2Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)

            // Starts the animations. The animation without a specified 
            // target name, heightAnimationWithoutTarget, is applied to
            // button2.




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Como: Animate a Property by Using a Storyboard


Revisão de Animação