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Como: Manipular um FlowDocument por meio da Propriedade Blocks

These examples demonstrate some of the more common operations that can be performed on a FlowDocument through the Blocks property.


The following example creates a new FlowDocument and then appends a new Paragraph element to the FlowDocument.

            Dim flowDoc As New FlowDocument(New Paragraph(New Run("A bit of text content...")))
            flowDoc.Blocks.Add(New Paragraph(New Run("Text to append...")))
FlowDocument flowDoc = new FlowDocument(new Paragraph(new Run("A bit of text content...")));
flowDoc.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph(new Run("Text to append...")));

The following example creates a new Paragraph element and inserts it at the beginning of the FlowDocument.

            Dim p As New Paragraph(New Run("Text to insert..."))
            flowDoc.Blocks.InsertBefore(flowDoc.Blocks.FirstBlock, p)
Paragraph p = new Paragraph(new Run("Text to insert..."));
flowDoc.Blocks.InsertBefore(flowDoc.Blocks.FirstBlock, p);

The following example gets the number of top-level Block elements contained in the FlowDocument.

            Dim countTopLevelBlocks As Integer = flowDoc.Blocks.Count
int countTopLevelBlocks = flowDoc.Blocks.Count;

The following example deletes the last Block element in the FlowDocument.


The following example clears all of the contents (Block elements) from the FlowDocument.


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