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Stream Buffer Engine Interfaces

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

Stream Buffer Engine Interfaces

This topic applies only to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.

Applications use the following interfaces for building Stream Buffer Engine graphs in addition to the base filter interfaces.

Interface Description
IEnumStreamBufferRecordingAttrib Enumerates a collection of attributes on a stream buffer file.
IStreamBufferConfigure Configures the location, number, and size of the backing files used by the various stream buffer objects.
IStreamBufferConfigure2 Extends the IStreamBufferConfigure interface.
IStreamBufferConfigure3 Extends the IStreamBufferConfigure2 interface.
IStreamBufferDataCounters Returns performance statistics.
IStreamBufferInitialize Configures the stream buffer filters.
IStreamBufferMediaSeeking Controls seeking in a stream buffer source graph.
IStreamBufferMediaSeeking2 Controls the frame rate during fast-forward play ("trick mode").
IStreamBufferRecComp Creates new content recordings by concatenating existing recordings.
IStreamBufferRecordControl Controls Recording objects
IStreamBufferRecordingAttribute Sets and retrieves attributes on a stream buffer recording.
IStreamBufferSink Controls the Stream Buffer Sink filter.
IStreamBufferSink2 Extends the IStreamBufferSink interface.
IStreamBufferSink3 Extends the IStreamBufferSink2 interface.
IStreamBufferSource Controls the Stream Buffer Source filter.

See Also