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TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection Class

TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection Class

Contains an ordered collection of TabletPropertyDescription objects.


Visual Basic .NET Public Class TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection
Inherits CollectionBase
C# public class TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection : CollectionBase
Managed C++ public __gc class TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection : public CollectionBase

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the object.


Method Description
Add Adds a TabletPropertyDescription object to the end of the TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection collection.
Clear Leave Site Removes all objects from the CollectionBase Leave Site instance. Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
Equals Leave Site Determines whether two Object Leave Site instances are equal. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
Finalize Leave Site Allows an Object Leave Site to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object Leave Site is reclaimed by garbage collection. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
GetEnumerator Leave Site Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the CollectionBase Leave Site instance. Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
GetHashCode Leave Site Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
GetType Leave Site Gets the Type Leave Site of the current instance. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
ICollection.CopyTo Leave Site Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
IList.Add Leave Site Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
IList.Contains Leave Site Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
IList.IndexOf Leave Site Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
IList.Insert Leave Site Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
IList.Remove Leave Site Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
MemberwiseClone Leave Site Creates a shallow copy of the current Object Leave Site. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
OnClear Leave Site Performs additional custom processes when clearing the contents of the CollectionBase Leave Site instance. Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
OnClearComplete Leave Site Performs additional custom processes after clearing the contents of the CollectionBase Leave Site instance. Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
OnInsert Leave Site Performs additional custom processes before inserting a new element into the CollectionBase Leave Site instance. Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
OnInsertComplete Leave Site Performs additional custom processes after inserting a new element into the CollectionBase Leave Site instance. Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
OnRemove Leave Site Performs additional custom processes when removing an element from the CollectionBase Leave Site instance. Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
OnRemoveComplete Leave Site Performs additional custom processes after removing an element from the CollectionBase Leave Site instance. Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
OnSet Leave Site Performs additional custom processes before setting a value in the CollectionBase Leave Site instance. Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
OnSetComplete Leave Site Performs additional custom processes after setting a value in the CollectionBase Leave Site instance. Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
OnValidate Leave Site Performs additional custom processes when validating a value. Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
static (Shared in Visual Basic .NET)ReferenceEquals Leave Site Determines whether the specified Object Leave Site instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
Remove Removes a specified TabletPropertyDescription object from the TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection collection.
RemoveAt Leave Site Removes the element at the specified index of the CollectionBase Leave Site instance. Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection Initializes a new instance of the TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection collection.
ToString Leave Site Returns a String Leave Site that represents the current Object Leave Site. Inherited from Object Leave Site.


Property Description
Capacity Leave Site Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
Count Leave Site Gets the number of elements contained in the CollectionBase Leave Site instance. Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
InkToDeviceScaleX Gets the conversion factor for the horizontal axis from ink space to digitizer coordinates.
InkToDeviceScaleY Gets the conversion factor for the vertical axis from ink space to digitizer coordinates.
InnerList Leave Site Gets an ArrayList Leave Site containing the list of elements in the CollectionBase Leave Site instance. Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.
Item Gets or sets the packet property description at the index.
List Leave Site Gets an IList Leave Site containing the list of elements in the CollectionBase Leave Site instance. Inherited from CollectionBase Leave Site.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Object Leave Site

CollectionBase Leave Site


Class Information

Namespace Microsoft.Ink
Assembly Microsoft.Ink (
Strong Name Microsoft.Ink, Version=1.7.4009.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a2870d9cc4d021c8

See Also