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WM_MSIME_xxx Messages


August 2003

Microsoft Corporation

Summary: This document describes the SendMessage function, which is used to communicate between IME and the IME context of an application. (16 printed pages)


Introduction Service Functions Re-Conversion Document Feeding QueryPosition Mode Bias Invoke IMEPad Mouse Operation on a Composition String KeyMap and Function-Key Sharing


These features are available for applications in the format of Per IME Interfaces.

Notes on Sub-Classing

In order for IME to be able to receive these messages sent to an IME UI window, Microsoft IME needs to subclass it by the following procedure:

When IME creates a new instance of a UI-related window (toolbar, candidate, composition, and so on), look for the parent window whose class name is "IME" and replace its WndProc with IME's own message filter (which has the ability to filter out such messages) using SetWindowLong (hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, lpfnYourDefIMEWndProc).

Be sure to call the original WndProc from lpfnYourDefIMEWndProc so that regular messages will be processed correctly.

SendMessage API

The SendMessage function is used to communicate between IME and the IME context of an application. A message may be associated with a function ID (or request ID) to further distinguish between different functions of the message, and with a data structure for the function.

LRESULT SendMessage

Parameter Description
HWND hwnd UI window of current IME obtained by ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd()
UINT msg Each interface will have a message ID WM_MSIME_* obtained by RegisterWindowMessage()
WPARAM wParam Function ID of an interface
LPARAM lParam Contains a pointer to structure defined for this function ID

Message List

Message Description
WM_MSIME_SERVICE Application can get a variety of information from Microsoft IME through this
WM_MSIME_UIREADY IME sends this when an IME is ready to receive per-IME messages
WM_MSIME_MODEBIAS Use extra conversion mode not defined in IMM
WM_MSIME_MOUSE Mouse operation related to IME
WM_MSIME_KEYMAP Share key mapping between application and IME

Service Functions

There are two methods of initializing the per-IME interfaces. The application can choose which method it uses.


In this method, the application sends to the IME default UI window. SendMessage with WM_MSIME_SERVICE message are used to obtain a variety of information from Microsoft IME.

Version 1.0


Wparam: None
LParam: None
Return Value: Non zero value on success, 0 otherwise.

The return value for the Japanese Microsoft IME98 is VERSION_ID_IMEJP98.

#define VERSION_ID_JAPANESE 0x01000000
#define VERSION_ID_KOREAN 0x02000000

**Note 1   **IME will initialize Microsoft IME interfaces when the application sends WM_MSIME_SERVICE to the IME. The application must send this message before using other Microsoft IME interfaces.

**Note 2   **The application must send WM_MSIME_SERVICE to the IME after the application window is shown.

**Note 3   **The timing of an IME default UI window creation is different in each operating system. Even if the application window was created, it does not mean that an IME default UI window exists already. You can use the WM_MSIME_UIREADY message if this is not a concern.


In this method, IME sends to the application window. IME sends a WM_MSIME_UIREADY message when an IME is ready to receive per-IME messages. If the application uses Microsoft IME per-IME interfaces, it needs to handle this message.


Parameter Description
wParam IME Identification:


lParam Reserved (0)
Return Value TRUE if the application uses per-IME interfaces; FALSE otherwise

Note IME will send this message when the IME UI window is created or a new Input Context is created.



SendMessage with WM_MSIME_RECONVERTREQUEST and FID_RECONVERT_VERSION function tells whether this interface is available to the application.

Data Structure (lParam): None
Return Value: Version number of interface; 0 if not supported

Application uses ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd() to obtain the window handle of the default UI window of IME.


An application uses this function when it wants IME to perform re-conversion on a particular string.

Function ID (wParam): 0 = default. FID_RECONVERT_VERSION = ask version
Data Structure (lParam): Target window handle. IME will send WM_MSIME_RECONVERT message to (HWND)lParam.
Return Value: Return TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. If wParam is FID_RECONVERT_VERSION, this message returns the internal version (VERSION_RECONVERSION).


IME will use hIMC->hWnd to get the window handle of the application, and call SendMessage() to that window with the message ID: WM_MSIME_RECONVERT. This message requires the RECONVERTSTRING parameter. Please see IMM/IME API document in MSDN for more details.

IME uses the function below to get information on the string to be re-converted from the application:

Data Structure (lParam): lParam will be a pointer to RECONVERTSTRING. The application fills this structure with information on the string to be re-converted.
Return Value: If the application fills this structure, the return value is the return size of this structure, otherwise the return is zero.

IME uses the function below to notify the application that a given re-conversion string will be changed:

Data Structure (lParam): lParam will be a pointer to RECONVERTSTRING. IME may fill this structure with information on the string to be re-converted.
Return Value: If the application accepts the re-conversion string, the return is non-zero, otherwise the return is zero.

Document Feeding


IME will use GetFocus() to get the window handle of the application, and call SendMessage() to that window with the message ID: WM_MSIME_DOCUMENTFEED. IME uses this function to get information on the string to be re-converted from the application.

Data structure (lParam): lparam will be a pointer to RECONVERTSTRING. The application fills this structure with information on the string to be re-converted.
Return Value: If the application fills this structure, the return is the return size of this structure, otherwise the return is zero.



IME will use hIMC->hWnd to get the window handle of the application, and call SendMessage() to that window with the message ID: WM_MSIME_QUERYPOSITION (version 1). These messages require the IMECHARPOS structure. Please see IMM/IME API document in MSDN for more details.

lParam: lParam will be a pointer to the IMECHARPOS structure. The application fills this structure.
Return Value: Will be a non-zero value if successful; returns 0 if it fails.

Mode Bias


Applications can specify modes not defined in IMM to increase the conversion hit rate.

Version: 1.0

Parameter Description
wParam Specifies the control code to perform the conversion bias.
Get version number of this interface (lParam is ignored).
Set bias value (See BiasMode).
Get current bias value (lParam is ignored).
lParam See BiasMode
Return Value Depends on wParam
MODEBIAS-SETVALUE: Non-zero value if successful; returns 0 if fail
MODEBIAS-GETVALUE: Current bias value


MODEBIASMODE_DEFAULT: Resets a mode bias setting
MODEBIASMODE_DIGIT: RESERVED (ANSI-digit recommended mode)

Note MODEBIASMODE_READING and MODEBIASMODE_DIGIT are not supported in IME2000, but reserved for feature usage.

Invoke IMEPad


WM_MSIME_SHOWIMEPAD invokes IMEPad from the application.

wParam Applet selection option:
SHOWIMEPAD_DEFAULT: Invokes IMEPad with the default applet
SHOWIMEPAD_CATEGORY: Invokes IMEPad with the specified applet
SHOWIMEPAD_GUID: Invokes IMEPad with the specified applet
lParam Applet selection parameter; a value depends on wParam to be taken.
SHOWIMEPAD_CATEGORY: Specifies IMEPad applet category ID (see IMEPad) specification
SHOWIMEPAD_GUID: A pointer to IMEPad applet's GUID (see IMEPad) specification
Return Value Non-zero value if successful; returns 0 if failed

Mouse Operation on a Composition String


Version: 1.0

IME has previously provided mouse operation in several window components, such as the candidate window, status (mode) window, composition window, and so on. Yet up until now, it has been impossible to perform the mouse operation performed by an IME for composition text, if the application is in TrueInline mode. Now, however, for IMEs providing this interface, applications will be able to support operations on composition strings using the mouse, even in TrueInline mode.

When the mouse is on the composition string area, we want to consume all the mouse-related messages (WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_SETCUROSR, WM_L(M/R)BUTTONDOWN, WM_L(M/R)BUTTONUP, WM_L(M/R)BTNDBLCLK. Whenever we get these messages, the application will SendMessage a message called WM_IME_MOUSE to IME window.

Parameter Description
wParam Mouse operation code.

Mouse Position.
Clicked position
For more details, see Parameters (*1).

lParam Input context handle (HIMC)
Return Value Returns 1 if IME handled this message; returns IMEMOUSERET_NOTHANDLED if IME did not handled this message

Parameters (*1)

The "low" word of wParam of the message should always indicate the mouse-button status at that time, regardless of the kinds of messages the application is attempting to process. The "high" word of wParam of the message always contains the location of the mouse relative to the beginning of the composition string (in terms of offset). The character offset should be in character count, not in bytes. lParam always contains the current HIMC, associated to the focused window. From WM_IME_MOUSE message, IME will be able to tell all the mouse action. So it will change the mouse cursor shape, and perform the designed composition string operation action triggered by the message.

HIWORD: (OFFSET) Contains offset information relative to the beginning of the composition string. Type of this value is short (so this is a signed value). The negative range is reserved for the future. Offset value should indicate the edge of each character. For instance: Offset 0 is a position at the left edge of the first character. Offset 1 is a position between the first and second characters. The last half of the previous character to the first half of the next character should have the same offset value.

LOBYTE of LOWORD: (BUTTON STATE) Is used as a bit field, indicating the mouse button status. IMEMOUSE_LBUTTON, IMEMOUSE_MBUTTON, and IMEMOUSE_RBUTTON are all defined so that they should be set whenever those buttons are down. When the wheel rolls, IMEMOUSE_WUP and IMEMOUSE_WDOWN should be set accordingly. IMEMOUSE_WUP is for when the user rolls the wheel forward (towards the front of the mouse), and IMEMOUSE_WDOWN applies when the user rolls the wheel back. The client application can also set IMEMOUSE_VERSION to query which version of mouse operation is currently supported by IME.

Lower 3 bits HIBYTE of LOWORD: (POSITIONING) This is used to describe detailed mouse-cursor position information. The client can describe detailed mouse-cursor positioning with this field. The positioning value is determined by following formula:

Positioning =
Mouse < Edge : (Mouse ? PrevCenter) * 2 / (Edge ? PrevCenter)
Mouse >= Edge: (Mouse - Edge) * 2 / (NextCenter ? Edge) + 2

Mouse: Current mouse cursor position
Edge: Where characters meets
PrevCenter: Center of previous character
NextCenter: Center of next character

All coordinates are the dimensions in which text flows. That is, if the text flow is horizontal, the calculation should be made using the X coordinate. All division should be performed as integer operations.


Always contains the current HIMC. The return value is zero if the message is not handled by IME, and is non-zero if handled. Note that IME will always handle mouse events on the composition string if it supports mouse operation. If an IME doesn't know how to respond to a particular mouse event, it should still consume the message and do nothing. Otherwise, the client application might determine the composition string or respond in another way to the unhandled mouse event.

Double Clicks

The application should always translate double-click messages as "mouse button down." This way, IME will be able to perform double-click behavior, even if the application window doesn't support double-click behavior (a window without CS_DBLCLKS).

Mouse Cursor

When the mouse cursor is over the composition string, and IME supports mouse operation, IME could change the mouse cursor using SetCursor(). So, the application will need to restore the mouse cursor when it moves from the composition area. Also, the application should not try to hide the cursor when the mouse operation is working.

Mouse Message Optimization

It is important not to generate too many messages to IME. To pass WM_IME_MOUSE to the IME UI window, when the mouse button state has not changed at all and the mouse hasn't moved enough to make wParam of the message different, is redundant. We might get WM_MOUSEMOVE or WM_SETCURSOR for every one pixel of the move of the mouse, whereas we only want to generate the WM_IME_MOUSE when the cursor leaves the character it is on.

Clicking somewhere other than on the composition string should cause a determination of the composition string. This needs to be done by the application.

While the user is dragging any mouse button, the application should capture the mouse so that it will be able to get the mouse event, even when the mouse moves to other windows. The application should cease tracking the drag of the mouse only when the dragging ceases, and while the application is tracking the drag, it should ignore other mouse button or keyboard actions.

Capturing the Mouse

Application should pass appropriate messages whenever there's any change fo the mouse button status or the mouse position (in terms of character offset). The application should call SetCapture() to enable mouse capturing when any mouse button is pressed. Capture may be released at the client application's decision. However, the client application should send extra WM_IME_MOUSE with IMEMOUSE_NONE to notify IME that capturing is released, so that IME will be able to stop dragging.

KeyMap and Function-Key Sharing


This interface allows Microsoft IME and an application to share key mapping. The steps below show how to use this.


  1. (Optional) Call FID_MSIME_VERSION to confirm the interface version.
  2. Call the FID_KMS_INIT function. All F-keys and space key with any combination of SHIFT and CTRL become available to share by default.
  3. (Optional) Call FID_KMS_DEL_KEYLIST function if applications want to prevent IME from using some of the function keys. For example, if an application passes F7 key, IME will not handle F7.
  4. Call the FID_KMS_GETKEYMAP function. IME will return all the key assignments for F-keys and space bar, with all combinations of SHIFT and CTRL, and in all states of the composition string listed below.

Negotiation as a User Types

  1. Call FID_KMS_NOTIFY when a user creates a selection area in an application. In this state, IME takes special action according to the user's keying (mainly re-conversion for the selected area), if defined. When a selection area is destroyed, call this API again so that IME 's internal state is reset.
  2. Call FID_KMS_INVOKE with the functionality ID when the user clicks the F-key guide on applications. Send the functionality ID of the F-key in the current state of the composition string. The functionality ID is returned from FID_KMS_GETKEYMAP above.


  1. Call FID_KMS_TERM for termination.

Interface Version

This function tells if this interface is available to the application.
Data Structure: None
Return Value: Version number of interface; 0 if not supported


IME uses the default key list for key-map sharing. If a selection exists in applications and a user hits one of the keys in the list, IME processes this key.

Function ID (wParam): FID_MSIME_INIT
Data structure (lParam): IMEKMSINIT
INT cbSize: Size of this structure
HWND hWnd: (Optional) A window handle that receives notification from IME. If hWnd is NULL, no notification is posted to input context. (But other functionalities of key map sharing are valid.) IME uses this Window handle (which is not NULL) when a user customizes key assignments. IME will send the registered window message RMW_CHGKEYMAP to hWnd, with WPARAM=0(reserved), LPARAM=0(reserved).
Return Value: TRUE on success; otherwise FALSE.

Suppress Key-Map Sharing

IME excludes the key list in key map sharing that applications give through this function. For example, if an application gives VK_F7 (F7 function key) through this API, IME does not handle this key.
The IMEKMSKEY structure is defined below. The function, "Suppress Key-map Sharing" uses only dwStatus and dwVKEY.

Typedef tagIMEKMSKEY {
     DWORD dwStatus;

The shift-control combination status—any combination of constants below (defined in IMM.H):

     0x0000 (default)

Alt key and Win key is not processed by IME.

     DWORD dwCompStatus;

Status of the composition status—a combination of the bits below:

IMEKMS_NOCOMPOSITION: No composition string exists. IME is ON.
IMEKMS_COMPOSITION: Composition string exists. IME is ON.
IMEKMS_SELECTION: Selection state is set by FID_KMS_NOTIFY. IME is ON or OFF.

     DWORD dwVKEY; VKEY code defined in IMM.H

     union {
          DWORD dwControl; IME Functionality ID (See 3.6.5)
          DWORD dwNotUsed;
     union {
          INT cwchDscr; Size of pwchDscr string in WCHAR
          INT iNotUsed;
     union {
          WCHAR *pwchDscr;  The pointer to string of short description of this functionality
          VOID *pNotUsed;
Function ID (wParam) FID_KMS_DEL_KEYLIST
Data Structure (lParam) IMEKMS
INT cbSize Size of this structure
HIMC hIMC Handle of input context
DWORD cKeyList Number of key list array pKeyList[].
IMEKMSKEY *pKeyList IMEKMSKEY.dwStatus:.   Shift-Control combination status.IMEKMSKEY.dwCompStatus:.   Composition string status.IMEKMSKEY.dwVKEY:.   VKEY code to suppress IME's use of...Not used below:IMEKMSKEY.dwNotUsedIMEKMSKEY.iNotUsedIMEKMSKEY.pNotUsed
Return Value TRUE on success; otherwise FALSE

Notify Selection Status

Applications should provide notification of the status of text selection.

Function ID (wParam) FID_KMS_NOTIFY
Data structure (lParam) IMEKMSNTFY
INT cbSize Size of this structure
HIMC hIMC Handle of input context
BOOL fSelect TRUE if applications get selection, FALSE if applications lose selection
Return Value TRUE on success; otherwise FALSE

Get Key-Map List

Applications can get the key-map list of IME, which includes the functionality ID, short descriptions, for user's convenience, of each virtual key code. (Shift-Ctrl status is also included.).

Function ID (wParam) FID_KMS_GETMAP
Data structure (lParam) IMEKMSKMP
INT cbSize Size of this structure
HIMC hIMC Handle of input context
LANGID idLang Language ID for pwchDscr string
WORD wVKStart Starting number of VK_xxx
WORD wVKEnd Ending number of VK_xxx
INT cKeyList Number of IMEKMSMAP structures in pKeyList[]
IMEKMSKEY *pKeyList pkeyList is a block buffer that includes both several structures of IMEKMSKEY and string buffer for pwchDscr. Applications can access IMEKMSKEY by pKeyList [0], pKeyList [1], …, pKeyList [cKeyList-1].

  Shift-Control combination status.
  Composition string status.
  VKEY code..
  Functionality ID for IME.
  The size of description string in WCHAR.
  The pointer to description string of this functionality ID.

*** IMPORTANT ***.
Applications MUST release this buffer after use as below.
GlobalFreePtr( pMap );

Return Value TRUE on success; otherwise FALSE.

Invoke Functionality

Applications can invoke the IME functionality (dwControl) listed in the Key-Map List that applications got. For this API, hIMC is the most important, by which IME chooses the appropriate input context to apply functionality to.

Functionality IDs are IME-dependent, and are currently not open for applications development. Use only the IDs that were returned to applications through FID_KMS_GETMAP.

Parameter Description
Function ID (wParam) FID_KMS_INVOKE
Data structure (lParam) IMEKMSINVK
INT cbSize Size of this structure
HIMC hIMC Handle of input context
DWORD dwControl Functionality ID that applications got in KEYMAP list, to invoke the functionality of IME
Return Value TRUE on success; otherwise FALSE


This function terminates key-map sharing.

Parameter Description
Function ID (wParam) FID_MSIME_TERM
Data structure None
Return Value TRUE on success; otherwise FALSE