Searching for Contacts
Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-11
When using the CDO Person object, you can search contacts for specific properties and fields. For example, a recruiter may want to search a contact list for candidates who live in California.
The following example uses the CDO Person object to search for candidates who live in California.
Visual Basic
'//Function: SearchContacts
'//Purpose: Searches through the contacts folder of a specified mail-directory for candidates who
'// live in California.
'// strWhereClause = Contains the Where clause of the SQL search string.
'// iMbx = the Mailbox which contains the contacts folder to be searched.
'// Conn = the active ADODB Connection object for the contacts folder to be searched.
' Note: It is recommended that all input parameters be validated when they are
' first obtained from the user or user interface.
Function SearchContacts( strWhereClause as String, iMbx as CDO.IMailbox, Conn as ADODB.Connection )
Dim Rs as New ADODB.Recordset
Set Rs.ActiveConnection = Conn
strSQL = "select ""DAV:href"", " & _
"""urn:schemas:contacts:fileas"", " & _
"""urn:schemas:contacts:email1""" & _
"from "
strSQL = strSQL & """" & iMbx.Contacts & """ "
strSQL = strSQL & strWhereClause
Rs.Open strSQL, Conn
End Function