TableCell Class
Table Cell.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is w:tc.
Inheritance Hierarchy
Namespace: DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing
Assembly: DocumentFormat.OpenXml (in DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll)
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(CustomXmlMoveFromRangeStart))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(RunConflictInsertion), FileFormatVersions.Office2010)> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(TableCellProperties))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(AltChunk))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(CustomXmlBlock))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(SdtBlock))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(Paragraph))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(Table))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(ProofError))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(PermStart))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(PermEnd))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(BookmarkStart))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(BookmarkEnd))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(CommentRangeStart))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(CommentRangeEnd))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(MoveFromRangeStart))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(MoveFromRangeEnd))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(MoveToRangeStart))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(MoveToRangeEnd))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(CustomXmlInsRangeStart))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(CustomXmlInsRangeEnd))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(CustomXmlDelRangeStart))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(CustomXmlDelRangeEnd))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(CustomXmlMoveFromRangeEnd))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(CustomXmlMoveToRangeStart))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(CustomXmlMoveToRangeEnd))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(CustomXmlConflictInsertionRangeStart), FileFormatVersions.Office2010)> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(CustomXmlConflictInsertionRangeEnd), FileFormatVersions.Office2010)> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(CustomXmlConflictDeletionRangeStart), FileFormatVersions.Office2010)> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(CustomXmlConflictDeletionRangeEnd), FileFormatVersions.Office2010)> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(InsertedRun))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(DeletedRun))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(MoveFromRun))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(MoveToRun))> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(ContentPart), FileFormatVersions.Office2010)> _
<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(RunConflictDeletion), FileFormatVersions.Office2010)> _
Public Class TableCell _
Inherits OpenXmlCompositeElement
Dim instance As TableCell
[ChildElementInfoAttribute(typeof(RunConflictInsertion), FileFormatVersions.Office2010)]
[ChildElementInfoAttribute(typeof(CustomXmlConflictInsertionRangeStart), FileFormatVersions.Office2010)]
[ChildElementInfoAttribute(typeof(CustomXmlConflictInsertionRangeEnd), FileFormatVersions.Office2010)]
[ChildElementInfoAttribute(typeof(CustomXmlConflictDeletionRangeStart), FileFormatVersions.Office2010)]
[ChildElementInfoAttribute(typeof(CustomXmlConflictDeletionRangeEnd), FileFormatVersions.Office2010)]
[ChildElementInfoAttribute(typeof(ContentPart), FileFormatVersions.Office2010)]
[ChildElementInfoAttribute(typeof(RunConflictDeletion), FileFormatVersions.Office2010)]
public class TableCell : OpenXmlCompositeElement
The following table lists the possible child types:
TableCellProperties <w:tcPr>
AltChunk <w:altChunk>
CustomXmlBlock <w:customXml>
SdtBlock <w:sdt>
Paragraph <w:p>
Table <w:tbl>
ProofError <w:proofErr>
PermStart <w:permStart>
PermEnd <w:permEnd>
BookmarkStart <w:bookmarkStart>
BookmarkEnd <w:bookmarkEnd>
CommentRangeStart <w:commentRangeStart>
CommentRangeEnd <w:commentRangeEnd>
MoveFromRangeStart <w:moveFromRangeStart>
MoveFromRangeEnd <w:moveFromRangeEnd>
MoveToRangeStart <w:moveToRangeStart>
MoveToRangeEnd <w:moveToRangeEnd>
CustomXmlInsRangeStart <w:customXmlInsRangeStart>
CustomXmlInsRangeEnd <w:customXmlInsRangeEnd>
CustomXmlDelRangeStart <w:customXmlDelRangeStart>
CustomXmlDelRangeEnd <w:customXmlDelRangeEnd>
CustomXmlMoveFromRangeStart <w:customXmlMoveFromRangeStart>
CustomXmlMoveFromRangeEnd <w:customXmlMoveFromRangeEnd>
CustomXmlMoveToRangeStart <w:customXmlMoveToRangeStart>
CustomXmlMoveToRangeEnd <w:customXmlMoveToRangeEnd>
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Word.CustomXmlConflictInsertionRangeStart <w14:customXmlConflictInsRangeStart>
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Word.CustomXmlConflictInsertionRangeEnd <w14:customXmlConflictInsRangeEnd>
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Word.CustomXmlConflictDeletionRangeStart <w14:customXmlConflictDelRangeStart>
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Word.CustomXmlConflictDeletionRangeEnd <w14:customXmlConflictDelRangeEnd>
InsertedRun <w:ins>
DeletedRun <w:del>
MoveFromRun <w:moveFrom>
MoveToRun <w:moveTo>
ContentPart <w:contentPart>
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Word.RunConflictInsertion <w14:conflictIns>
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Word.RunConflictDeletion <w14:conflictDel>
[ISO/IEC 29500-1 1st Edition]
17.4.66 tc (Table Cell)
This element specifies a single cell in a table row, which contains the table’s content. Table cells in WordprocessingML are analogous to HTML td elements.
A tc element has one formatting child element, tcPr (§17.4.70), which defines the properties for the cell. Each unique property on the table cell is specified by a child element of this element. As well, a table cell can contain any block-level content, which allows for the nesting of paragraphs and tables within table cells.
If a table cell does not include at least one block-level element, then this document shall be considered corrupt.
[Example: Consider a table consisting of a single table cell, which contains the text Hello World:
Hello World
This table cell's content is represented by the following WordprocessingML:
<w:tc> <w:tcPr> <w:tcW w:w="0" w:type="auto"/> </w:tcPr> <w:p> <w:r> <w:t>Hello, World</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> </w:tc>
The tc element contains a set of cell-level properties defined using the tcPr element, and a single block-level element - in this case, a paragraph. end example]
Parent Elements |
customXml (§; sdtContent (§; tr (§17.4.79) |
Child Elements |
Subclause |
altChunk (Anchor for Imported External Content) |
§ |
bookmarkEnd (Bookmark End) |
§ |
bookmarkStart (Bookmark Start) |
§ |
commentRangeEnd (Comment Anchor Range End) |
§ |
commentRangeStart (Comment Anchor Range Start) |
§ |
customXml (Block-Level Custom XML Element) |
§ |
customXmlDelRangeEnd (Custom XML Markup Deletion End) |
§ |
customXmlDelRangeStart (Custom XML Markup Deletion Start) |
§ |
customXmlInsRangeEnd (Custom XML Markup Insertion End) |
§ |
customXmlInsRangeStart (Custom XML Markup Insertion Start) |
§ |
customXmlMoveFromRangeEnd (Custom XML Markup Move Source End) |
§ |
customXmlMoveFromRangeStart (Custom XML Markup Move Source Start) |
§ |
customXmlMoveToRangeEnd (Custom XML Markup Move Destination Location End) |
§ |
customXmlMoveToRangeStart (Custom XML Markup Move Destination Location Start) |
§ |
del (Deleted Run Content) |
§ |
ins (Inserted Run Content) |
§ |
moveFrom (Move Source Run Content) |
§ |
moveFromRangeEnd (Move Source Location Container - End) |
§ |
moveFromRangeStart (Move Source Location Container - Start) |
§ |
moveTo (Move Destination Run Content) |
§ |
moveToRangeEnd (Move Destination Location Container - End) |
§ |
moveToRangeStart (Move Destination Location Container - Start) |
§ |
oMath (Office Math) |
§ |
oMathPara (Office Math Paragraph) |
§ |
p (Paragraph) |
§ |
permEnd (Range Permission End) |
§ |
permStart (Range Permission Start) |
§ |
proofErr (Proofing Error Anchor) |
§ |
sdt (Block-Level Structured Document Tag) |
§ |
tbl (Table) |
§17.4.38 |
tcPr (Table Cell Properties) |
§17.4.70 |
Attributes |
Description |
id (Table Cell Identifier) |
Specifies a unique identifier for the current table cell. This identifier shall be unique within the table, and is used to identify this table cell as a header cell for other cells within the table, using the headers child element. If this element is omitted, this table cell has no unique identifier. [Example: Consider a table cell defined as follows: <w:tc w:id="januaryeight"> … </w:tc> The value in the id specifies a unique identifer of januaryeight. Other cells in the table are then able to reference this cell as a row or column header by referencing this ID. end example] The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_String simple type (§ |
[Note: The W3C XML Schema definition of this element’s content model (CT_Tc) is located in §A.1. end note]
© ISO/IEC29500: 2008.
Thread Safety
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.