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SmtpResponse members

The SmtpResponse structure provides properties and methods for responding to Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) requests.

The SmtpResponse type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SmtpResponse(String, String, []) The SmtpResponse constructor initializes a new instance of the SmtpResponse structure.
Public method SmtpResponse(String, String, String, Boolean, []) Initializes a new instance of the SmtpResponse structure with a status code and enhanced status code for the response and a delivery status notification (DSN) explanation that contains additional Unicode information associated with a DSN.



  Name Description
Public property DsnExplanation Gets additional information associated with a non-SMTP delivery status notification (DSN) that may contain Unicode characters.
Public property EnhancedStatusCode The EnhancedStatusCode property gets the enhanced status code for the response.
Public property IsEmpty
Public property SmtpResponseType The SmtpResponseType property gets a value that indicates the classification of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) response.
Public property StatusCode The StatusCode property gets the status code for the response.
Public property StatusText The StatusText property gets a string collection that contains the section of each line of the response that comes after the status code and enhanced status code.



  Name Description
Public methodStatic member ConnectionDroppedDueTo Specifies a reason why the connection was dropped.
Public method Equals(Object) The Equals method compares the current instance of the SmtpResponse structure to the object specified by the comparand parameter. (Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object).)
Public method Equals(SmtpResponse) The Equals method compares the current instance of the SmtpResponse structure to the SmtpResponse structure specified by the comparand parameter.
Public method Equals(SmtpResponse, SmtpResponseCompareOptions)
Public method GetHashCode The GetHashCode method gets the hash code for the message. (Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode().)
Public methodStatic member QueuedMailForDelivery(String) The QueuedMailForDelivery field returns an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 250 2.6.0 response that indicates that the mail is queued for delivery.
Public methodStatic member QueuedMailForDelivery(String, String, String, String)
Public methodStatic member QueuedMailForRedundancy(String) Returns an SMTP response for a message with the associated message ID that is queued on redundant servers.
Public methodStatic member QueuedMailForRedundancy(String, String, String)
Public method ToString The ToString method converts the current instance of the SmtpResponse structure to a Unicode string. (Overrides ValueType.ToString().)
Public methodStatic member TryParse The TryParse method gets a value that indicates whether the string specified by the text parameter contains a valid Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) response.



  Name Description
Public operatorStatic member Equality
Public operatorStatic member Inequality



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member AnonymousSendAsDenied The AnonymousSendAsDenied field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 550 5.7.1 Anonymous client does not have permission to send as this sender response.
Public fieldStatic member BadCommandSequence The BadCommandSequence field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 503 5.5.1 Bad sequence of commands response.
Public fieldStatic member ConnectionDroppedByAgentError The ConnectionDroppedByAgentError field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 421 4.3.2 System not accepting network messages response.
Public fieldStatic member ConnectionTimedOut The ConnectionTimedOut field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 421 4.4.1 Connection timed out response.
Public fieldStatic member CTSParseError
Public fieldStatic member DataTransactionFailed The DataTransactionFailed field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 451 4.3.2 System not accepting network messages response.
Public fieldStatic member Empty The Empty field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents an empty, invalid response.
Public fieldStatic member EnvelopeFilterNotReady
Public fieldStatic member IncorrectTlsAuthLevel Contains a value indicating that the TlsAuthLevel enumeration value is set to something other than DomainValidation.
Public fieldStatic member InsufficientResource The InsufficientResource field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 452 4.3.1 Insufficient system resources response.
Public fieldStatic member InvalidAddress The InvalidAddress field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 501 5.1.3 Invalid address (recipient) response.
Public fieldStatic member InvalidArguments The InvalidArguments field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 501 5.5.4 Invalid arguments response.
Public fieldStatic member InvalidContent The InvalidContent field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 554 5.6.0 Invalid Content response.
Public fieldStatic member InvalidContentBareLinefeeds Contains a value indicating that the SMTP request is invalid because it contains bare linefeeds.
Public fieldStatic member InvalidRecipientAddress The InvalidRecipientAddress field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 554 5.4.4 Unable to route due to invalid recipient address response.
Public fieldStatic member InvalidResponse The InvalidResponse field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 421 4.4.0 Remote server response was not RFC conformant response.
Public fieldStatic member InvalidSenderAddress The InvalidSenderAddress field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 501 5.1.7 Invalid Address (Sender) response.
Public fieldStatic member MailFromOk The MailFromOk field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 250 2.1.0 Sender OK response.
Public fieldStatic member MessagePartialNotSupported The MessagePartialNotSupported field gets and instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 554 5.6.1 Messages of type message/partial are not supported response.
Public fieldStatic member MessageTooLarge The MessageTooLarge field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size response.
Public fieldStatic member NoopOk The NoopOk field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 250 2.0.0 OK response.
Public fieldStatic member OrgQueueQuotaExceeded Contains a value indicating that the organization queue quota has been exceeded.
Public fieldStatic member RcptNotFound The RcptNotFound field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 550 5.1.1 User unknown response.
Public fieldStatic member RcptToOk The RcptToOk field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 250 2.1.5 Recipient OK response.
Public fieldStatic member RecipientAddressExpanded The RecipientAddressExpanded field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 250 2.1.5 Recipient Address was Expanded response.
Public fieldStatic member RecipientAddressExpandedByRedirectionAgent Contains a value indicating that the recipient address was expanded by the redirection agent.
Public fieldStatic member SendAsDenied The SendAsDenied field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permission to send as this sender (Sender) response.
Public fieldStatic member SendOnBehalfOfDenied The SendOnBehalfOfDenied field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permission to send on behalf of the from address (Sender) response.
Public fieldStatic member ServiceInactive Contains a value that indicates whether the service is inactive.
Public fieldStatic member ServiceUnavailable The ServiceUnavailable field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 421 Service not available, closing transmission channel response.
Public fieldStatic member SpamFilterNotReady Contains a value that indicates whether there was a temporary error initializing data and that the system is not accepting network messages.
Public fieldStatic member SubmitDenied The SubmitDenied field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permission to submit to this server (Sender) response.
Public fieldStatic member SuccessfulConnection The SuccessfulConnection field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 250 Success response.
Public fieldStatic member SystemMisconfiguration The SystemMisconfiguration field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 550 5.3.5 System incorrectly configured response.
Public fieldStatic member TimeoutOccurred The TimeoutOccurred field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 451 Timeout waiting for client input response.
Public fieldStatic member TlsDomainRequired Contains a value indicating that the IncorrectTlsAuthLevel field cannot be set to DomainValidation without a valid Transport Layer Security (TLS) domain.
Public fieldStatic member TransientInvalidArguments Contains a value indicating that there were invalid arguments and a possible version mismatch.
Public fieldStatic member UnableToRoute The UnableToRoute field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 554 5.4.4 Unable to route response.
Public fieldStatic member UnrecognizedCommand The UnrecognizedCommand field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 500 5.3.3 Unrecognized command response.
Public fieldStatic member UnrecognizedParameter The UnrecognizedParameter field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 501 5.5.4 Unrecognized parameter response.
Public fieldStatic member UnsupportedCommand The UnsupportedCommand field gets an instance of the SmtpResponse structure that represents a 550 5.7.1 Command not allowed response.


See also


SmtpResponse structure

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Smtp namespace