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Referência do Office Migration Planning Manager para o Office 2010


Aplica-se a: Office 2010

Tópico modificado em: 2015-03-09

The articles that are listed in the OMPM References table contain reference information about the Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM) for O Microsoft Office 2010.

OMPM References

Article Description

Converter arquivos binários do Office usando o OFC (Office File Converter) e o VET (Version Extraction Tool)

Describes two Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM) tools that help you manage binary Office files during a migration to O Microsoft Office 2010: the Office File Converter (OFC) and the Version Extraction Tool (VET)

Schema for the Office Migration Planning Manager database in Office 2010

Describes the schema for the OMPM database for imported .cab files that contain scan data. Provides information about how to troubleshoot import issues and how to create a customer report.

Sample script to run the Office Migration Planning Manager File Scanner from a file share for Office 2010

Provides a sample script code that can be used to run the OMPM File Scanner from a central file share.

Configurações de Offscan.ini do Office Migration Planning Manager para o Office 2010

Describes the settings and values that are available in Offscan.ini, which OMPM File Scanner reads to perform its scan.

Use IExpress 2.0 to create a distribution package for Office Migration Planning Manager File Scanner in Office 2010

Describes how to create a distribution package for OMPM File Scanner by using IExpress 2.0.

Referência de filtragem de relatórios do Office Migration Planning Manager 2010 para o Office 2010

Provides a table that lists the filtering criteria that you can select on the 2010 Office Release Compatibility page in OMPM reports.