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PublishingWeb.GetAvailablePageLayouts método

Retorna os objetos PageLayout disponíveis para a criação de objetos PublishingPage este PublishingWeb.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing (em Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.dll)


Public Function GetAvailablePageLayouts As PageLayout()
Dim instance As PublishingWeb
Dim returnValue As PageLayout()

returnValue = instance.GetAvailablePageLayouts()
public PageLayout[] GetAvailablePageLayouts()

Valor retornado

Tipo: []
Uma matriz de PageLayouts disponíveis para a criação de objetos de PublishingPage no objeto PublishingWeb .


Os objetos disponíveis PageLayout retornados por esse método podem ser herdados de um objeto de PublishingWeb do pai, conforme indicado pela propriedade IsInheritingAvailablePageLayouts.

Use o método GetAvailablePageLayouts(SPContentTypeId) para retornar um subconjunto dos objetos PageLayout filtrados pela identificação da propriedade AssociatedContentType .

Use os métodos PageLayouts(), **AllowAllPageLayouts()**e InheritAvailablePageLayouts para modificar o conjunto de objetos PageLayout retornado por esse método.


Este exemplo restringe o conjunto de layouts de página disponíveis usados para criar páginas em uma publicação da Web, para que somente os layouts de página associados a um tipo de conteúdo especificado estão disponíveis.

Antes de usar este exemplo, verifique se o parâmetro associatedContentTypeId é um tipo de conteúdo na Web raiz do site.

using SPContentTypeId = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentTypeId;
using SPContentType = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentType;
using SPSite = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite;
using SPFile = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFile;
using SPWeb = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb;
using PublishingSite = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingSite;
using PublishingWeb = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb;
using PageLayoutCollection = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PageLayoutCollection;
using PageLayout = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PageLayout;

namespace Microsoft.SDK.SharePointServer.Samples
    public static class PublishingWebCodeSamples
        public static void RestrictPageLayoutsByContentType(
PublishingWeb publishingWeb, 
SPContentTypeId associatedContentTypeId)
// Replace these variable values and input parameters with your own values.
bool excludeHiddenLayouts = true;
bool resetAllSubsitesToInherit = true;

// Validate the input parameters.
if (null == publishingWeb)
    throw new System.ArgumentNullException("publishingWeb");

SPSite site = publishingWeb.Web.Site;
PublishingSite publishingSite = new PublishingSite(site);

// Retrieve a collection of all page layouts in the site collection
// that match the content type.
SPContentType associatedContentType = publishingSite.ContentTypes[associatedContentTypeId];
if (null == associatedContentType)
    throw new System.ArgumentException(
        "The SPContentTypeId did not match an SPContentType in the SPSite.RootWeb",

PageLayoutCollection pageLayoutsByContentType = 
    publishingSite.GetPageLayouts(associatedContentType, excludeHiddenLayouts);

// Update the Web to use these page layouts when creating pages.


//  Verify the expected results. Note: This is not required. It demonstrates
//  the results of calling the SetAvailablePageLayouts method.

PageLayout[] availablePageLayouts = publishingWeb.GetAvailablePageLayouts();
foreach (PageLayout pageLayout in availablePageLayouts)
        pageLayout.AssociatedContentType.Id == associatedContentTypeId);
Imports SPContentTypeId = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentTypeId
Imports SPContentType = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentType
Imports SPSite = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite
Imports SPFile = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFile
Imports SPWeb = Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb
Imports PublishingSite = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingSite
Imports PublishingWeb = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb
Imports PageLayoutCollection = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PageLayoutCollection
Imports PageLayout = Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PageLayout

Namespace Microsoft.SDK.SharePointServer.Samples
    Public NotInheritable Class PublishingWebCodeSamples

        Private Sub New()
        End Sub
        Public Shared Sub RestrictPageLayoutsByContentType(ByVal publishingWeb As PublishingWeb, ByVal associatedContentTypeId As SPContentTypeId)
' Replace these variable values and input parameters with your own values.
Dim excludeHiddenLayouts As Boolean = True
Dim resetAllSubsitesToInherit As Boolean = True

' Validate the input parameters.
If Nothing Is publishingWeb Then
    Throw New System.ArgumentNullException("publishingWeb")
End If

Dim site As SPSite = publishingWeb.Web.Site
Dim publishingSite As New PublishingSite(site)

' Retrieve a collection of all page layouts in the site collection
' that match the content type.
Dim associatedContentType As SPContentType = publishingSite.ContentTypes(associatedContentTypeId)
If Nothing Is associatedContentType Then
    Throw New System.ArgumentException("The SPContentTypeId did not match an SPContentType in the SPSite.RootWeb", "associatedContentTypeId")
End If

Dim pageLayoutsByContentType As PageLayoutCollection = publishingSite.GetPageLayouts(associatedContentType, excludeHiddenLayouts)

' Update the Web to use these page layouts when creating pages.
publishingWeb.SetAvailablePageLayouts(pageLayoutsByContentType.ToArray(), resetAllSubsitesToInherit)


'  Verify the expected results. Note: This is not required. It demonstrates
'  the results of calling the SetAvailablePageLayouts method.
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((Not publishingWeb.IsAllowingAllPageLayouts))
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((Not publishingWeb.IsInheritingAvailablePageLayouts))

Dim availablePageLayouts() As PageLayout = publishingWeb.GetAvailablePageLayouts()
For Each pageLayout As PageLayout In availablePageLayouts
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(pageLayout.AssociatedContentType.Id Is associatedContentTypeId)
Next pageLayout
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

Ver também


PublishingWeb classe

PublishingWeb membros

GetAvailablePageLayouts em sobrecarga

Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing namespace

