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DistributionDatabases Collection

Esse recurso será removido em uma versão futura do Microsoft SQL Server. Evite usar esse recurso em desenvolvimentos novos e planeje modificar os aplicativos que atualmente o utilizam.

The DistributionDatabases collection contains DistributionDatabase objects that expose the properties of Microsoft SQL Server databases used by the replication Distributor for replicated image storage and other tasks.

Modelo de objeto do SQL-DMO mostrando o objeto atual


The DistributionDatabases collection stores a list of distribution databases available at the Distributor. A Publisher using the Distributor selects a single distribution database for each publication managed by the Distributor.

With the DistributionDatabases collection, you can:

  • Create a SQL Server database for Distributor use.

  • Generate a Transact-SQL command batch to script database creation for all databases used by a Distributor.

  • Remove a distribution database.

To remove a distribution database from the Distributor

  1. Get a DistributionDatabase object from the DistributionDatabases collection of a connected Distributor object.

  2. Use the Remove method.