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SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDataImageAction Server WMI Class

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

The SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDataImageAction Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in Configuration Manager, that represents a task sequence action that applies an existing data image to a target computer.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.

Class SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDataImageAction : SMS_TaskSequence_Action
      SMS_TaskSequence_Condition Condition;
      Boolean ContinueOnError;
      String Description;
      UInt32 DestinationDisk;
      String DestinationLogicalDrive;
      UInt32 DestinationPartition;
      String DestinationVariable;
      Boolean Enabled;
      UInt32 ImageIndex;
      String ImagePackageID;
      String Name;
      String SupportedEnvironment;
      UInt32 Timeout;
      Boolean WipeDestinationPartition;


The SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyDataImageAction class does not define any methods.


  • DestinationDisk
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: [CommandLineArg(6), ValueRange("0-99")]

    Index of the disk to which to apply the image. The index can have a value of 1 through 99. For more information, see Remarks.

  • DestinationLogicalDrive
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: [CommandLineArg(8)]

    Logical drive letter of the volume to which the image is applied. For more information, see Remarks.

  • DestinationPartition
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: [CommandLineArg(7), RequiredIfNotNull("DestinationDisk"), ValueRange("1-99")]

    Index of the partition on the target disk specified by DestinationDisk to which the image is applied. The index can have a value of 1 through 99. For more information, see Remarks.

  • DestinationVariable
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: [CommandLineArg(9)]

    Task sequence variable containing the logical drive letter of the volume to which the image is applied. For more information, see the Remarks section later in this topic.

  • ImageIndex
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: [Not_Null, ValueRange("1-2147483647"), VariableName("OSDDataImageIndex")]

    Index of the image in the WIM file applied to the target computer. Possible index values are 1 through 2147483647. For more information, see the note in Remarks.

    The task sequence variable associated with this property is OSDDataImageIndex. For more information, see the MSDN documentation for Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Variables.

  • ImagePackageID
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: [Not_Null, CommandLineArg(1), TaskSequencePackage("image")]

    Package ID of the image applied to the target computer. For more information, see SMS_ImagePackage Server WMI Class.

  • SupportedEnvironment
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: [Not_Null:ToInstance]

    See SMS_TaskSequence_Action Server WMI Class.

    The default value of this property for this task sequence action is WinPE.

  • WipeDestinationPartition
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: [not_null, VariableName("OSDWipeDestinationPartition")]

    true (default) to wipe the contents of the destination partition before the image is applied.

    The task sequence variable associated with this property is OSDWipeDestinationPartition. For more information, see the MSDN documentation for Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Variables.


Class qualifiers for this class include:

[CommandLine("OSDApplyOS.exe /data:%1,%%OSDDataImageIndex%% <?6: /target:%6,%7><?8: /target:%8><?9: /target:%%%9%%>"), ActionCategory{"Images,2,4"},ActionUI{"AdminUI.TaskSequenceEditor.dll", "Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.TaskSequenceEditor", "ApplyDataImageControl", "TaskSequenceOptionControl"}]

For more information about both the class qualifiers and the property qualifiers included in the Properties section, see Configuration Manager Class and Property Qualifiers.

The following properties can be set for the target of this task sequence action:

  • DestinationDisk

  • DestinationPartition

  • DestinationLogicalDrive

  • DestinationVariable

To install to a specific disk or partition, set DestinationDisk and DestinationPartition and set the other destination properties to null.

To install to a logical volume, such as c:\, set DestinationLogicalDrive and set the other properties to null.

DestinationVariable can be set to a task sequence variable that contains the destination in the form of "1,1" to target disk 1, partition 1, or contains "c:" to target a logical volume.

Set all the destination properties to null to use the "next available" formatted volume as the target.


The value supplied for the ImageIndex property can be problematic if your application must range-check the property against a maximum value that is greater than 0x7fffffff (2147483647). In this case, your application cannot use the range qualifier on the property.


Runtime Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.

See Also


Operating System Deployment Server WMI Classes
Configuration Manager Operating System Deployment
About Operating System Deployment Task Sequences
How to Create an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence
How to Add an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Action