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How to Install a Custom Activity Assembly

Aplica-se a: System Center Service Manager 2010

In order to use custom or third-party WF activities in workflows, the activity assembly files must first be installed. You must have administrative permissions on the computer running the Ferramenta de criação and the computer running Service Manager. Like the default activities, custom activities must be available on the computer running Service Manager as well as the computer running the Ferramenta de criação.

To install a custom activity assembly

  1. On the computer running the Ferramenta de criação, browse to the Ferramenta de criação ‘Workflow Activity Library’ folder (for example, D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft System Center\Service Manager 2010 Authoring\Workflow Activity Library). Paste the custom activity assembly into this folder.

  2. On the computer running Service Manager, browse to the Service Manager installation folder. Paste the custom activity assembly into this folder.

  3. After you have installed the custom activity assembly, notify the Ferramenta de criação users that they can now add the custom activities to personalized activity groups. Users can only add custom activities to personalized activity groups; they cannot add custom activities to the default activity groups.

    1. How to Create a Personalized Activity Group provides instructions for creating a personalized activity group.

    2. How to Add Activities to a Personalized Activity Group provides instructions for adding custom activities to a personalized activity group.

Consulte Também


How to Create a Personalized Activity Group
How to Add Activities to a Personalized Activity Group

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