WPF Designer
The Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Designer for Visual Studio provides a visual design experience for creating Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) controls and applications.The WPF Designer has many features to help you write Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) for your WPF applications.
Nesta seção
Visão geral do designer WPF
Describes the WPF Designer, which you can use to visually design the UI for your Windows Vista application.Referência interface de usuário para o WPF Designer
Contains links to topics that describe the UI of the WPF Designer.WPF Designer para desenvolvedores do Windows Forms
Describes how the design experience in the WPF Designer differs from that of the Windows Forms Designer.A colaboração com Expression Blend
Describes how to use the WPF Designer to work collaboratively with graphics designers using Expression Blend.
Provides a framework-level set of properties, events, and methods for WPF elements.UIElement
Represents the base class for WPF core-level implementations building on WPF elements and basic presentation characteristics.Control
Represents the base class for UI elements that use a ControlTemplate to define their appearance.XamlReader
Parses XAML markup into an object.XamlWriter
Serializes an object to XAML.
Seções relacionadas
Depuração e interpretando erros no criador de WPF
Describes how to use the WPF Designer to debug your WPF controls and applications.Windows Presentation Foundation
Contém links para tópicos que descrevem a plataforma WPF.XAML
Descreve como usar marcação XAML para definir controles e aplicativos WPF.Migração e Interoperabilidade
Contém links para tópicos que descrevem como usar Formulários do Windows e WPF em seus aplicativos Windows Vista.Extensibilidade do WPF Designer
Contains links to topics that describe how to extend the WPF Designer to provide custom designer experiences.