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Como: Executar manipulações de String, usando operações básicas de string

O exemplo a seguir usa os métodos abordados nos tópicos de Operações Básicas de Sequências de Caracteres para construir uma classe que realiza manipulações de sequência de caracteres de forma que pode ser encontrada em um aplicativo do mundo real.A classe MailToData armazena o nome e endereço de um indivíduo em propriedades separadas e fornece uma maneira de combinar os campos City,State e Zip em uma única sequência para exibição ao usuário.Além disso, a classe permite ao usuário digitar as informações de cidade, estado e CEP em uma única sequência de caracteres; o aplicativo automaticamente analisa a única sequência de caracteres e insere as informações adequadas a propriedade correspondente.

Para simplificar, este exemplo usa um aplicativo de console com uma interface de linha de comando.


Option Explicit
Option Strict

Imports System
Imports System.IO

Class MainClass
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim MyData As New MailToData()
        Console.Write("Enter Your Name:")
        MyData.Name = Console.ReadLine()
        Console.Write("Enter Your Address:")
        MyData.Address = Console.ReadLine()
        Console.Write("Enter Your City, State, and ZIP Code separated by spaces:")
        MyData.CityStateZip = Console.ReadLine()
        Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", MyData.Name)
        Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}", MyData.Address)
        Console.WriteLine("City: {0}", MyData.City)
        Console.WriteLine("State: {0}", MyData.State)
        Console.WriteLine("ZIP Code: {0}", MyData.Zip)
        Console.WriteLine("The following address will be used:")
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class MailToData
    Private strName As String = " "
    Private strAddress As String = " "
    Private strCityStateZip As String = " "
    Private strCity As String = " "
    Private strState As String = " "
    Private strZip As String = " "
    Public Sub New()

    End Sub
    Public Property Name() As String
            Return strName
        End Get
            strName = value
        End Set
    End Property 
    Public Property Address() As String
            Return strAddress
        End Get
            strAddress = value
        End Set
    End Property 
    Public Property CityStateZip() As String
            Return ReturnCityStateZip()
        End Get
            strCityStateZip = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Property City() As String
            Return strCity
        End Get
            strCity = value
        End Set
    End Property 
    Public Property State() As String
            Return strState
        End Get
            strState = value
        End Set
    End Property 
    Public Property Zip() As String
            Return strZip
        End Get
            strZip = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Private Sub ParseCityStateZip()
        Dim CityIndex As Integer
        Dim StateIndex As Integer
        ' Check for an exception if the user did not enter spaces between
        ' the elements.

        ' Find index position of the space between
        ' city and state and assign that value to CityIndex.
        CityIndex = strCityStateZip.IndexOf(" ")
        ' Initialize the CityArray to the value of the 
        ' index position of of the first white space.
        Dim CityArray(CityIndex) As Char
        ' Copy the city to the CityArray.
        strCityStateZip.CopyTo(0, CityArray, 0, CityIndex)
        ' Find index position of the space between
        ' state and zip and assign that value to CityIndex.
        StateIndex = strCityStateZip.LastIndexOf(" ")
        ' Initialize the StateArray to the length of the state.
        Dim StateArray(StateIndex - CityIndex) As Char
        ' Copy the state to the StateArray.
        strCityStateZip.CopyTo(CityIndex, StateArray, 0, StateIndex - CityIndex)
        ' Initialize the ZipArray to the length of the zip.
        Dim ZipArray(strCityStateZip.Length - StateIndex) As Char
        ' Copy the zip to the ZipArray.
        strCityStateZip.CopyTo(StateIndex, ZipArray, 0, strCityStateZip.Length - StateIndex)
        ' Assign city to the value of CityArray.
        strCity = New String(CityArray)
        ' Trim white spaces, commas, and so on.
        strCity = strCity.Trim(New Char() {" "c, ","c, ";"c, "-"c, ":"c})
        ' Assign state to the value of StateArray.
        strState = New String(StateArray)
        ' Trim white spaces, commas, and so on.
        strState = strState.Trim(New Char() {" "c, ","c, ";"c, "-"c, ":"c})

        ' Assign zip to the value of ZipArray.
        strZip = New String(ZipArray)
        ' Trim white spaces, commas, and so on.
        strZip = strZip.Trim(New Char() {" "c, ","c, ";"c, "-"c, ":"c})

        ' If an exception is encountered, alert the user to enter spaces
        ' between the elements.

        Catch OverflowException As Exception
                Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Lf + "You must enter spaces between elements." + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Lf)  
        End Try

    End Sub
    Private Function ReturnCityStateZip() As String
        ' Make state uppercase.
        strState = strState.ToUpper()
        ' Put the value of city, state, and zip together in the proper manner.
        Dim MyCityStateZip As String = String.Concat(strCity, ", ", strState, " ", strZip)
        Return MyCityStateZip
    End Function
End Class
using System;
class MainClass
    static void Main(string[] args)
        MailToData MyData = new MailToData();

        Console.Write("Enter Your Name:");
        MyData.Name = Console.ReadLine();
        Console.Write("Enter Your Address:");
        MyData.Address = Console.ReadLine();
        Console.Write("Enter Your City, State, and ZIP Code separated by spaces:");
        MyData.CityStateZip = Console.ReadLine();

        Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", MyData.Name);
        Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}", MyData.Address);
        Console.WriteLine("City: {0}", MyData.City);
        Console.WriteLine("State: {0}", MyData.State);
        Console.WriteLine("Zip: {0}", MyData.Zip);

        Console.WriteLine("The following address will be used:");


public class MailToData
    string   name = " ";
    string   address = " "; 
    string  citystatezip = " ";
    string   city = " "; 
    string   state = " "; 
    string   zip = " ";

    public MailToData()

    public string Name
        get{return name;}
        set{name = value;}

    public string Address
        get{return address;}
        set{address = value;}

    public string CityStateZip
            return ReturnCityStateZip();
            citystatezip = value;

    public string City
        get{return city;}
        set{city = value;}

    public string State
        get{return state;}
        set{state = value;}

    public string Zip
        get{return zip;}
        set{zip = value;}

    private void ParseCityStateZip()
        int CityIndex; 
        int StateIndex;
        // Check for an exception if the user did not enter spaces between
        // the elements.

            // Find index position of the space between
            // city and state and assign that value to CityIndex.
            CityIndex = citystatezip.IndexOf(" ");

            // Initialize the CityArray to the value of the 
            // index position of the first white space.
            char[] CityArray = new char[CityIndex];

            // Copy the city to the CityArray.
            citystatezip.CopyTo(0,CityArray ,0, CityIndex);

            // Find index position of the space between
            // state and zip and assign that value to CityIndex.
            StateIndex = citystatezip.LastIndexOf(" ");
            // Initialize the StateArray to the length of the state.
            char[] StateArray = new char[StateIndex - CityIndex];

            // Copy the state to the StateArray.
            citystatezip.CopyTo(CityIndex, StateArray, 0, (StateIndex - CityIndex));

            // Initialize the ZipArray to the length of the zip.
            char[] ZipArray = new char[citystatezip.Length - StateIndex];

            // Copy the zip to the ZipArray.
            citystatezip.CopyTo(StateIndex, ZipArray, 0, (citystatezip.Length - StateIndex));
            // Assign city to the value of CityArray.
            city = new String(CityArray);

            // Trim white spaces, commas, and so on.
            city = city.Trim(new char[]{' ', ',', ';', '-', ':'}); 

            // Assign state to the value of StateArray.
            state = new String(StateArray);

            // Trim white spaces, commas, and so on.
            state = state.Trim(new char[]{' ', ',', ';', '-', ':'});

            // Assign zip to the value of ZipArray.
            zip = new String(ZipArray);

            // Trim white spaces, commas, and so on.
            zip = zip.Trim(new char[]{' ', ',', ';', '-', ':'});
        // If an exception is encountered, alert the user to enter spaces
        // between the elements.
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nYou must enter spaces between elements.\n\n");

    private string ReturnCityStateZip()
        // Make state uppercase.
        state = state.ToUpper();

        // Put the value of city, state, and zip together in the proper manner.
        string MyCityStateZip = String.Concat(city, ", ", state, " ", zip);
        return MyCityStateZip;

Quando o código anterior é executado, o usuário é solicitado a inserir seu nome e endereço.O aplicativo coloca as informações nas propriedades adequadas e exibe as informações de volta ao usuário, criando uma única sequência de caracteres que exibe as informações de cidade, estado e código postal.

Consulte também

Outros recursos

Operações Básicas com Sequências de Caracteres