Como: Adicionar barras de ferramentas Personalizars e itens de barra de ferramentas ao Outlook
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As informações contidas neste tópico se aplicam apenas às especificado Ferramentas do Visual Studio para o Office projetos e as versões do Microsoft Office. Tipo de Projeto
Versão do Microsoft Office
For more information, see Recursos disponíveis pelo aplicativo e o tipo de projeto. |
Este exemplo cria uma barra de ferramentas no Microsoft Office Outlook.A barra de ferramentas, que contém dois botões, aparece na parte superior do aplicativo.Quando você Clique um botão, o código exibe uma mensagem que mostra a legenda do botão.
Dim newToolBar As Office.CommandBar
Dim firstButton As Office.CommandBarButton
Dim secondButton As Office.CommandBarButton
Dim selectExplorers As Outlook.Explorers
Private Sub ThisAddIn_Startup(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Startup
selectExplorers = Me.Application.Explorers()
AddHandler selectExplorers.NewExplorer, AddressOf _
End Sub
Private Sub NewExplorer_Event(ByVal new_Explorer _
As Outlook.Explorer)
newToolBar = Nothing
Call Me.AddToolbar()
End Sub
Private Sub AddToolbar()
Dim button_1 As Office.CommandBarButton
Dim button_2 As Office.CommandBarButton
If newToolBar Is Nothing Then
Dim cmdBars As Office.CommandBars = _
newToolBar = cmdBars.Add("NewToolBar", _
Office.MsoBarPosition.msoBarTop, False, True)
End If
button_1 = CType(newToolBar.Controls.Add(1), _
With button_1
.Style = Office.MsoButtonStyle.msoButtonCaption
.Caption = "Button 1"
.Tag = "Button1"
End With
If Me.firstButton Is Nothing Then
Me.firstButton = button_1
AddHandler firstButton.Click, AddressOf ButtonClick
End If
button_2 = CType(newToolBar.Controls.Add(1), _
With button_2
.Style = Office.MsoButtonStyle.msoButtonCaption
.Caption = "Button 2"
.Tag = "Button2"
End With
If Me.secondButton Is Nothing Then
Me.secondButton = button_2
AddHandler secondButton.Click, AddressOf ButtonClick
End If
newToolBar.Visible = True
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub ButtonClick(ByVal ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton, _
ByRef Cancel As Boolean)
MessageBox.Show("You clicked: " + ctrl.Caption)
End Sub
Office.CommandBar newToolBar;
Office.CommandBarButton firstButton;
Office.CommandBarButton secondButton;
Outlook.Explorers selectExplorers;
private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
selectExplorers = this.Application.Explorers;
selectExplorers.NewExplorer +=new Outlook
private void newExplorer_Event(Outlook.Explorer new_Explorer)
newToolBar = null;
private void AddToolbar()
if (newToolBar == null)
Office.CommandBars cmdBars =
newToolBar = cmdBars.Add("NewToolBar",
Office.MsoBarPosition.msoBarTop, false, true);
Office.CommandBarButton button_1 =
.Add(1, missing, missing, missing, missing);
button_1.Style = Office
button_1.Caption = "Button 1";
button_1.Tag = "Button1";
if (this.firstButton == null)
this.firstButton = button_1;
firstButton.Click += new Office.
Office.CommandBarButton button_2 = (Office
(1, missing, missing, missing, missing);
button_2.Style = Office
button_2.Caption = "Button 2";
button_2.Tag = "Button2";
newToolBar.Visible = true;
if (this.secondButton == null)
this.secondButton = button_2;
secondButton.Click += new Office.
catch (Exception ex)
private void ButtonClick(Office.CommandBarButton ctrl,
ref bool cancel)
MessageBox.Show("You clicked: " + ctrl.Caption);
Programação robusta
Declare seus variáveis de barra de comando no nível de classe.Se você declare-los dentro de um método, eles irão fora do escopo assim que o método terminar Executando e o coletor de lixo será capaz de realocar a memória.
Consulte também
Como: Adicionar menus Personalizars e itens de menu ao Outlook
Como: Criar barras de ferramentas do Office por programação
Como: Criar menus do Office por programação
Visão geral do modelo de objeto do Outlook