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for (OpenMP)

Causes the work done in a for loop inside a parallel region to be divided among threads.

#pragma omp [parallel] for [clauses]



  • clause (optional)
    Zero or more clauses. See the Remarks section for a list of the clauses supported by for.

  • for_statement
    A for loop. Undefined behavior will result if user code in the for loop changes the index variable.


The for directive supports the following OpenMP clauses:

If parallel is also specified, clause can be any clause accepted by the parallel or for directives, except nowait.

For more information, see 2.4.1 for Construct.


// omp_for.cpp
// compile with: /openmp 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <omp.h>

#define NUM_THREADS 4
#define NUM_START 1
#define NUM_END 10

int main() {
   int i, nRet = 0, nSum = 0, nStart = NUM_START, nEnd = NUM_END;
   int nThreads = 0, nTmp = nStart + nEnd;
   unsigned uTmp = (unsigned((abs(nStart - nEnd) + 1)) * 
                               unsigned(abs(nTmp))) / 2;
   int nSumCalc = uTmp;

   if (nTmp < 0)
      nSumCalc = -nSumCalc;


   #pragma omp parallel default(none) private(i) shared(nSum, nThreads, nStart, nEnd)
      #pragma omp master
      nThreads = omp_get_num_threads();

      #pragma omp for
      for (i=nStart; i<=nEnd; ++i) {
            #pragma omp atomic
            nSum += i;

   if  (nThreads == NUM_THREADS) {
      printf_s("%d OpenMP threads were used.\n", NUM_THREADS);
      nRet = 0;
   else {
      printf_s("Expected %d OpenMP threads, but %d were used.\n",
               NUM_THREADS, nThreads);
      nRet = 1;

   if (nSum != nSumCalc) {
      printf_s("The sum of %d through %d should be %d, "
               "but %d was reported!\n",
               NUM_START, NUM_END, nSumCalc, nSum);
      nRet = 1;
      printf_s("The sum of %d through %d is %d\n",
               NUM_START, NUM_END, nSum);
4 OpenMP threads were used.
The sum of 1 through 10 is 55

See Also


OpenMP Directives