Called by the framework if navigation to a hyperlink fails.
virtual void OnNavigateError(
LPCTSTR lpszFrame,
DWORD dwError,
BOOL *pbCancel
The URL for which navigation failed.lpszFrame
The name of the frame in which the resource is to be displayed, or NULL if no named frame was targeted for the resource.dwError
An error status code, if available. For a list of the possible HRESULT and HTTP status codes, see NavigateError Event Status Codes.pbCancel
Specifies whether to cancel the navigation to an error page or any further autosearch. If TRUE (the default), continue with navigation to an error page or autosearch; if FALSE, cancel navigation to an error page or autosearch.
Override this method to provide custom navigation error handling.
For more information, see DWebBrowserEvents2::NavigateError
Header: afxhtml.h