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Propriedades de eixo XML (Visual Basic)

The topics in this section document the syntax of XML axis properties in Visual Basic. The XML axis properties make it easy to access XML directly in your code.

Nesta seção



Propriedade de eixo de atributo XML (Visual Basic)

Describes how to access the attributes of an XElement object.

Propriedade de eixo filho XML (Visual Basic)

Describes how to access the children of an XElement object.

Propriedade de eixo descendente XML (Visual Basic)

Describes how to access the descendants of an XElement object.

Propriedade Extension Indexer (Visual Basic)

Describes how to access individual elements in a collection of XElement or XAttribute objects.

Propriedade de valor XML (Visual Basic)

Describes how to access the value of the first element of a collection of XElement or XAttribute objects.

Consulte também

Outros recursos

XML no Visual Basic