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Como: Descarregar e recarregar projetos

You can make projects temporarily unavailable within a solution, and then restore these projects to available status.

To unload projects from a solution

  1. In Solution Explorer, select a project that you want to unload from the active solution.

  2. On the Project menu, choose Unload Project.

    — ou —

    In Solution Explorer, right-click the project and select Unload Project.

    The project is marked (unavailable).

To reload projects into a solution

  1. In Solution Explorer, select a project in the active solution that is marked (unavailable).

  2. On the Project menu, choose Reload Project.

    — ou —

    Em Solution Explorer, o botão direito do mouse no projeto e selecione Reload Project.


    The context menu contains the option Edit <Project Name>.*proj. For more information on this command, see How to: Edit Project Files.

    The project is available for editing and inclusion in configuration and build processes.

Consulte também


Como: Descarregar projetos em uma pasta de solução


Editar a caixa de diálogo Project Configurations


Criar configurações

Outros recursos

Projetos, elementos de Interface do usuário

Gerenciando soluções, projetos e arquivos

Project Dependencies, Common Properties, Solution Property Pages Dialog Box