AgentContext |
Encapsulates the context of the agent environment. |
BasicTransferInformation |
Collects information that is required to request a file or stream transfer from a diagnostic data adapter. |
ControllerContext |
Represents the current context for a test controller. |
CustomCollectorData |
CustomCollectorGenericErrorData |
CustomNotificationEventArgs |
Provides a base class for event argument classes that are used in custom diagnostic data adapters. |
DataCollectionContext |
Represents the context in which data collection occurs. |
DataCollectionEnvironmentContext |
Encapsulates the environment where a diagnostic data adapter is hosted. |
DataCollectionEventArgs |
The base class for all execution event arguments. |
DataCollectionEvents |
Defines the execution events that diagnostic data adapters can register. |
DataCollectionLogger |
Sends error messages for diagnostic data adapters to the client, which can be the test runner, Visual Studio IDE, or Visual Studio Test Professional. |
DataCollectionSink |
Diagnostic data adapters use a DataCollectionSink to store files and XML data for later attachment to bugs and test reports. |
DataCollector |
Provides a base class for custom diagnostic data adapters. |
DataCollectorConfigurationEditorAttribute |
Specifies the configuration editor that the testing framework should use to configure the diagnostic data adapter. |
DataCollectorConfigurationEditorTypeUriAttribute |
Identifies a diagnostic data adapter configuration editor in the form of a uniform resource identifier (URI). |
DataCollectorDescriptionAttribute |
Attaches a description to a custom diagnostic data adapter. |
DataCollectorEnabledByDefaultAttribute |
Designates that the diagnostic data adapter class is enabled by default when the adapter is listed in the Test Manager user interface (UI). |
DataCollectorFriendlyNameAttribute |
Defines a friendly name for the diagnostic data adapter. |
DataCollectorNotifications |
Used by custom test adapters to raise events for diagnostic data adapters. |
DataCollectorSettings |
Reads and updates the configuration settings and static data for a diagnostic data adapter. |
DataCollectorSupportsTailoredApplicationsAttribute |
DataCollectorTypeUriAttribute |
Uses a URI to uniquely identify the type of a diagnostic data adapter. |
DataCollectorVersionObsoleteAttribute |
DataRequestEventArgs |
Event arguments class for DataRequest events. |
ExecutionUtilities |
Provides utility methods to help execute and debug tests. |
FileTransferInformation |
Represents information that is required to request a file transfer. |
MediaRecorderCommandEventArgs |
MediaRecorderCustomData |
MediaRecorderVolumeLevelData |
RequestId |
Uniquely identifies a request and can be used with messages and events. |
RoleContext |
Encapsulates context information about the role in which a diagnostic data adapter is being configured. |
RunConfiguration |
Class to manage test run configuration data and objects. |
SessionEndEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the SessionEnd event. |
SessionPauseEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the SessionPause event. |
SessionResumeEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the SessionResume event. |
SessionStartEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the SessionStart event. |
StreamTransferInformation |
Represents information that is required to request a stream transfer. |
TestCaseEndEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the TestCaseEnd event. |
TestCaseEventArgs |
Provides a base class for all event argument classes that are used in test case events. |
TestCaseFailedEventArgs |
Represents the arguments that are provided for a TestCaseFailed event. |
TestCasePauseEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the TestCasePause event. |
TestCaseResetEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the TestCaseReset event. |
TestCaseResumeEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the TestCaseResume event. |
TestCaseStartEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the TestCaseStart event. |
TestExecutionSection |
Represents the configuration settings for the execution section of the app.config configuration file. |
TestStepEndEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the TestStepEnd event. |
TestStepEventArgs |
Base class for all test step event arguments. |
TestStepStartEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for the TestStepStart event. |