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Enumerates a DIA data source table.


IDiaTable : IEnumUnknown

Methods in Vtable Order

The following table shows the methods of IDiaTable.

Method Description
IDiaTable::get__NewEnum Retrieves the IEnumVARIANT Interface version of this enumerator.
IDiaTable::get_name Retrieves the name of the table.
IDiaTable::get_Count Retrieves the number of items in the table.
IDiaTable::Item Retrieves a reference to a particular entry index.


This interface implements the IEnumUnknown enumeration methods in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop namespace. The IEnumUnknown enumeration interface is much more efficient for iterating over the table contents than the IDiaTable::get_Count and IDiaTable::Item methods.

The interpretation of the IUnknown interface returned from either the IDiaTable::Item method or the Next method (in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop namespace) is dependent on the type of table. For example, if the IDiaTable interface represents a list of injected sources, the IUnknown interface should be queried for the IDiaInjectedSource interface.

Notes for Callers

Obtain this interface by calling the IDiaEnumTables::Item or IDiaEnumTables::Next methods.

The following interfaces are implemented with the IDiaTable interface (that is, you can query the IDiaTable interface for one of the following interfaces):


The first function, ShowTableNames, displays the names of all the tables in the session. The second function, GetTable, searches all of the tables for a table that implements a specified interface. The third function, UseTable, shows how to use the GetTable function.


CDiaBSTR is a class that wraps a BSTR and automatically handles freeing the string when the instantiation goes out of scope.

void ShowTableNames(IDiaSession *pSession)
    CComPtr<IDiaEnumTables> pTables;
    if ( FAILED( psession->getEnumTables( &pTables ) ) )
        Fatal( "getEnumTables" );
    CComPtr< IDiaTable > pTable;
    while ( SUCCEEDED( hr = pTables->Next( 1, &pTable, &celt ) )
            && celt == 1 )
        CDiaBSTR bstrTableName;
        if ( pTable->get_name( &bstrTableName ) != 0 )
            Fatal( "get_name" );
        printf( "Found table: %ws\n", bstrTableName );

// Searches the list of all tables for a table that supports
// the specified interface.  Use this function to obtain an
// enumeration interface.
HRESULT GetTable(IDiaSession* pSession,
                 REFIID       iid,
                 void**       ppUnk)
    CComPtr<IDiaEnumTables> pEnumTables;
    HRESULT hResult;

    if (FAILED(pSession->getEnumTables(&pEnumTables)))

    CComPtr<IDiaTable> pTable;
    ULONG celt = 0;
    while (SUCCEEDED(hResult = pEnumTables->Next(1, &pTable, &celt)) &&
           celt == 1)
        if (pTable->QueryInterface(iid, (void**)ppUnk) == S_OK)
            return S_OK;
        pTable = NULL;

    if (FAILED(hResult))

    return E_FAIL;

// This function shows how to use the GetTable function.
void UseTable(IDiaSession *pSession)
    CComPtr<IDiaEnumSegments> pEnumSegments;
    if (SUCCEEDED(GetTable(pSession, __uuidof(IDiaEnumSegments), &pEnumSegments)))
        // Do something with pEnumSegments.


Header: Dia2.h

Library: diaguids.lib

DLL: msdia80.dll

See also