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Retrieves a type given its name.


HRESULT GetTypesByName(
    LPCOLESTR          pszClassName,
    NAME_MATCH         nameMatch,
    IEnumDebugFields** ppEnum
int GetTypesByName(
    string               pszClassName,
    enum_ NAME_MATCH     nameMatch,
    out IEnumDebugFields ppEnum


[in] Name of the type.

[in] Selects the type of match, for example, case-sensitive. A value from the NAME_MATCH enumeration.

[out] An enumerator that contains the type or types with the given name.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code.


For generic types, the name to look up for 'List<int>' or 'List<int,int>' would be 'List'. If types of the same name appear in multiple modules, the ppEnum parameter will contain all copies. You have to use GetTypeInfo and distinguish based on the guidModule parameter.


The following example shows how to implement this method for a CDebugSymbolProvider object that exposes the IDebugComPlusSymbolProvider2 interface.

HRESULT CDebugSymbolProvider::GetTypesByName(
    LPCOLESTR pszClassName,
    NAME_MATCH nameMatch,
    IEnumDebugFields** ppEnum
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    CModIter ModIter;
    CModule* pmodule; // the iterator owns the reference
    CFieldList listField;

    ASSERT(IsValidWritePtr(ppEnum, IEnumDebugFields*));

    METHOD_ENTRY( CDebugSymbolProvider::GetTypesByName );

    IfFalseGo( pszClassName && ppEnum, E_INVALIDARG );
    *ppEnum = NULL;

    IfFailGo( GetModuleIter(&ModIter) );

    hr = S_FALSE;

    if ( nameMatch == nmCaseInsensitive)
        while (ModIter.GetNext(&pmodule))
            if (pmodule->FindTypesByNameCaseInsensitive( pszClassName,
                    this ) )
                hr = S_OK;
        while (ModIter.GetNext(&pmodule))
            if (pmodule->FindTypesByName( pszClassName,
                                          this) )
                hr = S_OK;

    // If the list is empty then no type
    IfFalseGo( listField.GetCount(), E_FAIL );

    // Create enumerator
    IfFailGo( CreateEnumerator( ppEnum, &listField ) );


    METHOD_EXIT( CDebugSymbolProvider::GetTypesByName, hr );

    return hr;

See also