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CL task

Wraps the Microsoft C++ compiler tool, cl.exe. The compiler produces executable (.exe) files, dynamic-link library (.dll) files, or code module (.netmodule) files. For more information, see Compiler options and Use MSBuild from the command line and Use the Microsoft C++ toolset from the command line.


The following list describes the parameters of the CL task. Most task parameters, and a few sets of parameters, correspond to a command-line option.

  • AdditionalIncludeDirectories

    Optional String[] parameter.

    Adds a directory to the list of directories that are searched for include files.

    For more information, see /I (Additional include directories).

  • AdditionalOptions

    Optional String parameter.

    A list of command-line options. For example, "/<option1> /<option2> /<option#>". Use this parameter to specify command-line options that are not represented by any other task parameter.

    For more information, see Compiler options.

  • AdditionalUsingDirectories

    Optional String[] parameter.

    Specifies a directory that the compiler will search to resolve file references passed to the #using directive.

    For more information, see /AI (Specify metadata directories).

  • AlwaysAppend

    Optional String parameter.

    A string that always gets emitted on the command line. Its default value is "/c".

  • AssemblerListingLocation

    Creates a listing file that contains assembly code.

    For more information, see the /Fa option in /FA, /Fa (Listing file).

  • AssemblerOutput

    Optional String parameter.

    Creates a listing file that contains assembly code.

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

    • NoListing - <none>

    • AssemblyCode - /FA

    • AssemblyAndMachineCode - /FAc

    • AssemblyAndSourceCode - /FAs

    • All - /FAcs

      For more information, see the /FA, /FAc, /FAs, and /FAcs options in /FA, /Fa (Listing file).

  • BasicRuntimeChecks

    Optional String parameter.

    Enables and disables the run-time error checks feature, in conjunction with the runtime_checks pragma.

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

    • Default - <none>

    • StackFrameRuntimeCheck - /RTCs

    • UninitializedLocalUsageCheck - /RTCu

    • EnableFastChecks - /RTC1

      For more information, see /RTC (Run-time error checks).

  • BrowseInformation

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, creates a browse information file.

    For more information, see the /FR option in /FR, /Fr (Create .sbr file).

  • BrowseInformationFile

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies a file name for the browse information file.

    For more information, see the BrowseInformation parameter in this table, and also see /FR, /Fr (Create .sbr file).

  • BufferSecurityCheck

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, detects some buffer overruns that overwrite the return address, a common technique for exploiting code that does not enforce buffer size restrictions.

    For more information, see /GS (Buffer security check).

  • BuildingInIDE

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, indicates that MSBuild is invoked by the IDE. Otherwise, MSBuild is invoked on the command line.

  • CallingConvention

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies the calling convention, which determines the order in which function arguments are pushed onto the stack, whether the caller function or called function removes the arguments from the stack at the end of the call, and the name-decorating convention that the compiler uses to identify individual functions.

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

  • CompileAs

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies whether to compile the input file as a C or C++ source file.

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

  • CompileAsManaged

    Optional String parameter.

    Enables applications and components to use features from the common language runtime (CLR).

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

  • CreateHotpatchableImage

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, tells the compiler to prepare an image for hot patching. This parameter ensures that the first instruction of each function is two bytes, which is required for hot patching.

    For more information, see /hotpatch (Create hotpatchable image).

  • DebugInformationFormat

    Optional String parameter.

    Selects the type of debugging information created for your program and whether this information is kept in object (.obj) files or in a program database (PDB).

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

  • DisableLanguageExtensions

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, tells the compiler to emit an error for language constructs that are not compatible with either ANSI C or ANSI C++.

    For more information, see the /Za option in /Za, /Ze (Disable language extensions).

  • DisableSpecificWarnings

    Optional String[] parameter.

    Disables the warning numbers that are specified in a semicolon-delimited list.

    For more information, see the /wd option in /w, /W0, /W1, /W2, /W3, /W4, /w1, /w2, /w3, /w4, /Wall, /wd, /we, /wo, /Wv, /WX (Warning level).

  • EnableEnhancedInstructionSet

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies the architecture for code generation that uses the Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) and Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2) instructions.

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

    • StreamingSIMDExtensions - /arch:SSE

    • StreamingSIMDExtensions2 - /arch:SSE2

      For more information, see /arch (x86).

  • EnableFiberSafeOptimizations

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, support fiber safety for data allocated by using static thread-local storage, that is, data allocated by using __declspec(thread).

    For more information, see /GT (Support fiber-safe thread-local storage).

  • EnablePREfast

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, enable code analysis.

    For more information, see /analyze (Code analysis).

  • ErrorReporting

    Optional String parameter.

    Lets you provide internal compiler error (ICE) information directly to Microsoft. By default, the setting in IDE builds is Prompt and the setting in command-line builds is Queue.

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

  • ExceptionHandling

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies the model of exception handling to be used by the compiler.

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

  • ExpandAttributedSource

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, creates a listing file that has expanded attributes injected into the source file.

    For more information, see /Fx (Merge injected code).

  • FavorSizeOrSpeed

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies whether to favor code size or code speed.

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

  • FloatingPointExceptions

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, enables the reliable floating-point exception model. Exceptions will be raised immediately after they are triggered.

    For more information, see the /fp:except option in /fp (Specify floating-point behavior).

  • FloatingPointModel

    Optional String parameter.

    Sets the floating point model.

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

  • ForceConformanceInForLoopScope

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, implements standard C++ behavior in for loops that use Microsoft extensions (/Ze).

    For more information, see /Zc:forScope (Force conformance in for loop scope).

  • ForcedIncludeFiles

    Optional String[] parameter.

    Causes the preprocessor to process one or more specified header files.

    For more information, see /FI (Name forced include file).

  • ForcedUsingFiles

    Optional String[] parameter.

    Causes the preprocessor to process one or more specified #using files.

    For more information, see /FU (Name forced #using file).

  • FunctionLevelLinking

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, enables the compiler to package individual functions in the form of packaged functions (COMDATs).

    For more information, see /Gy (Enable function-level linking).

  • GenerateXMLDocumentationFiles

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, causes the compiler to process documentation comments in source code files and to create an .xdc file for each source code file that has documentation comments.

    For more information, see /doc (Process documentation comments) (C/C++). Also see the XMLDocumentationFileName parameter in this table.

  • IgnoreStandardIncludePath

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, prevents the compiler from searching for include files in directories specified in the PATH and INCLUDE environment variables.

    For more information, see /X (Ignore standard include paths).

  • InlineFunctionExpansion

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies the level of inline function expansion for the build.

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

  • IntrinsicFunctions

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, replaces some function calls with intrinsic or otherwise special forms of the function that help your application run faster.

    For more information, see /Oi (Generate intrinsic functions).

  • MinimalRebuild

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, enables minimal rebuild, which determines whether C++ source files that include changed C++ class definitions (stored in header (.h) files) must be recompiled.

    For more information, see /Gm (Enable minimal rebuild).

  • MultiProcessorCompilation

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, use multiple processors to compile. This parameter creates a process for each effective processor on your computer.

    For more information, see /MP (Build with multiple processes). Also, see the ProcessorNumber parameter in this table.

  • ObjectFileName

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies an object (.obj) file name or directory to be used instead of the default.

    For more information, see /Fo (Object file name).

  • ObjectFiles

    Optional String[] parameter.

    A list of object files.

  • OmitDefaultLibName

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, omits the default C run-time library name from the object (.obj) file. By default, the compiler puts the name of the library into the .obj file to direct the linker to the correct library.

    For more information, see /Zl (Omit default library name).

  • OmitFramePointers

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, suppresses creation of frame pointers on the call stack.

    For more information, see /Oy (Frame-pointer omission).

  • OpenMPSupport

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, causes the compiler to process OpenMP clauses and directives.

    For more information, see /openmp (Enable OpenMP 2.0 support).

  • Optimization

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies various code optimizations for speed and size.

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

  • PrecompiledHeader

    Optional String parameter.

    Create or use a precompiled header (.pch) file during the build.

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

  • PrecompiledHeaderFile

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies a precompiled header file name to create or use.

    For more information, see /Yc (Create precompiled header file) and /Yu (Use precompiled header file).

  • PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies a path name for a precompiled header instead of using the default path name.

    For more information, see /Fp (Name .pch file).

  • PreprocessKeepComments

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, preserves comments during preprocessing.

    For more information, see /C (Preserve comments during preprocessing).

  • PreprocessorDefinitions

    Optional String[] parameter.

    Defines a preprocessing symbol for your source file.

    For more information, see /D (Preprocessor definitions).

  • PreprocessOutput

    Optional ITaskItem[] parameter.

    Defines an array of preprocessor output items that can be consumed and emitted by tasks.

  • PreprocessOutputPath

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies the name of the output file to which the PreprocessToFile parameter writes preprocessed output.

    For more information, see /Fi (Preprocess output file name).

  • PreprocessSuppressLineNumbers

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, preprocesses C and C++ source files and copies the preprocessed files to the standard output device.

    For more information, see /EP (Preprocess to stdout without #line directives).

  • PreprocessToFile

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, preprocesses C and C++ source files and writes the preprocessed output to a file.

    For more information, see /P (Preprocess to a file).

  • ProcessorNumber

    Optional Integer parameter.

    Specifies the maximum number of processors to use in a multiprocessor compilation. Use this parameter in combination with the MultiProcessorCompilation parameter.

  • ProgramDataBaseFileName

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies a file name for the program database (PDB) file.

    For more information, see /Fd (Program database file name).

  • RuntimeLibrary

    Optional String parameter.

    Indicates whether a multithreaded module is a DLL, and selects retail or debug versions of the run-time library.

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

  • RuntimeTypeInfo

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, adds code to check C++ object types at run time (run-time type information).

    For more information, see /GR (Enable run-time type information).

  • ShowIncludes

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, causes the compiler to output a list of the include files.

    For more information, see /showIncludes (List include files).

  • SmallerTypeCheck

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, reports a run-time error if a value is assigned to a smaller data type and causes a data loss.

    For more information, see the /RTCc option in /RTC (Run-time error checks).

  • Sources

    Required ITaskItem[] parameter.

    Specifies a list of source files separated by spaces.

  • StringPooling

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, enables the compiler to create one copy of identical strings in the program image.

    For more information, see /GF (Eliminate duplicate strings).

  • StructMemberAlignment

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies the byte alignment for all members in a structure.

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

  • SuppressStartupBanner

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, prevents the display of the copyright and version number message when the task starts.

    For more information, see /nologo (Suppress startup banner) (C/C++).

  • TrackerLogDirectory

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies the intermediate directory where tracking logs for this task are stored.

    For more information, see the TLogReadFiles and TLogWriteFiles parameters in this table.

  • TreatSpecificWarningsAsErrors

    Optional String[] parameter.

    Treats the specified list of compiler warnings as errors.

    For more information, see the /wen option in /w, /W0, /W1, /W2, /W3, /W4, /w1, /w2, /w3, /w4, /Wall, /wd, /we, /wo, /Wv, /WX (Warning level).

  • TreatWarningAsError

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, treat all compiler warnings as errors.

    For more information, see /WX option in /w, /W0, /W1, /W2, /W3, /W4, /w1, /w2, /w3, /w4, /Wall, /wd, /we, /wo, /Wv, /WX (Warning level).

  • TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, treat the wchar_t type as a native type.

    For more information, see /Zc:wchar_t (wchar_t is native type).

  • UndefineAllPreprocessorDefinitions

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, undefines the Microsoft-specific symbols that the compiler defines.

    For more information, see the /u option in /U, /u (Undefine symbols).

  • UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions

    Optional String[] parameter.

    Specifies a list of one or more preprocessor symbols to undefine.

    For more information, see /U option in /U, /u (Undefine symbols).

  • UseFullPaths

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, displays the full path of source code files passed to the compiler in diagnostics.

    For more information, see /FC (Full path of source code file in diagnostics).

  • UseUnicodeForAssemblerListing

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, causes the output file to be created in UTF-8 format.

    For more information, see the /FAu option in /FA, /Fa (Listing file).

  • WarningLevel

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies the highest level of warning that is to be generated by the compiler.

    Specify one of the following values, each of which corresponds to a command-line option.

  • WholeProgramOptimization

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, enables whole program optimization.

    For more information, see /GL (Whole program optimization).

  • XMLDocumentationFileName

    Optional String parameter.

    Specifies the name of the generated XML documentation files. This parameter can be a file or directory name.

    For more information, see the name argument in /doc (Process documentation comments) (C/C++). Also see the GenerateXMLDocumentationFiles parameter in this table.

  • MinimalRebuildFromTracking

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, a tracked incremental build is performed; if false, a rebuild is performed.

  • TLogReadFiles

    Optional ITaskItem[] parameter.

    Specifies an array of items that represent the read file tracking logs.

    A read-file tracking log (.tlog) contains the names of the input files that are read by a task, and is used by the project build system to support incremental builds. For more information, see the TrackerLogDirectory and TrackFileAccess parameters in this table.

  • TLogWriteFiles

    Optional ITaskItem[] parameter.

    Specifies an array of items that represent the write file tracking logs.

    A write-file tracking log (.tlog) contains the names of the output files that are written by a task, and is used by the project build system to support incremental builds. For more information, see the TrackerLogDirectory and TrackFileAccess parameters in this table.

  • TrackFileAccess

    Optional Boolean parameter.

    If true, tracks file access patterns.

    For more information, see the TLogReadFiles and TLogWriteFiles parameters in this table.

See also