Country/Region Strings
The following is a list of country/regions strings recognized by setlocale. Strings for countries/regions that are not supported by the operating system are not accepted by setlocale. Three-letter country/region-name codes are from ISO/IEC (International Organization for Standardization, International Electrotechnical Commission) specification 3166.
Country/Region | Country/Region String |
Australia | "aus" or "australia" |
Austria | "austria" or "aut" |
Belgium | "bel" or "belgium" |
Brazil | "bra" or "brazil" |
Canada | "can" or "canada" |
Czech Republic | "cze" or "czech" |
Denmark | "denmark" or "dnk" |
Finland | "fin" or "finland" |
France | "fra" or "france" |
Germany | "deu" or "germany" |
Greece | "grc" or "greece" |
Hong Kong SAR | "hkg", "hong kong", or "hong-kong" |
Hungary | "hun" or "hungary" |
Iceland | "iceland" or "isl" |
Ireland | "ireland" or "irl" |
Italy | "ita" or "italy" |
Japan | "japan" or "jpn" |
Korea | "kor", "korea" |
Mexico | "mex" or "mexico" |
Netherlands | "nld", "holland", or "netherlands" |
New Zealand | "new zealand", "new-zealand", "nz", or "nzl" |
Norway | "nor" or "norway" |
People’s Republic of China | "china", "chn", "pr china", or "pr-china" |
Poland | "pol" or "poland" |
Portugal | "prt" or "portugal" |
Russia | "rus" or "russia" |
Singapore | "sgp" or "singapore" |
Slovak Repubic | "svk" or "slovak" |
Spain | "esp" or "spain" |
Sweden | "swe" or "sweden" |
Switzerland | "che" or "switzerland" |
Taiwan | "taiwan" or "twn" |
Turkey | "tur" or "turkey" |
United Kingdom | "britain", "england", "gbr", "great britain", "uk", "united kingdom", or "united-kingdom" |
United States of America | "america", "united states", "united-states", "us", or "usa" |