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FAQ for manager insights


This article is for the legacy Workplace Analytics app and does not reflect functionality available on the updated Viva Insights platform. Access current documentation for Viva Insights advanced insights here: advanced insights documentation.

Q1 What is Viva Insights for managers?

Viva Insights helps managers like you identify patterns and habits that impact employee wellbeing and collaboration effectiveness by using data from everyday work that you and your team do in Microsoft 365.

Q2 Which roles have access to manager insights?

Managers who meet the following criteria can view insights about their team:

  • People managers whose team meets the minimum team size that is set by the admin, which includes people who directly or indirectly report to you.
  • Managers who are granted access through Manager settings.
Q3 Who is included in these insights?

Employees who are assigned a license and are included in the reporting hierarchy that leads to you as their manager. This hierarchy is based on the latest available HR data uploaded by the admin.

Q4 Why is the number of included employees different from my current number of direct and indirect reports?

The number of included employees might be different because:

  • One or more of the employees on your team are not assigned a license.

  • Or the latest available HR data uploaded did not include the latest hierarchy or employee data.


    HR data is typically uploaded monthly on the last day of the month. If a person recently joined your, you might need to wait until next month for that person's data to be included in your team's insights. If you don’t see your insights data change, ask your admin when the next HR data upload will occur.

Q5 Can I configure the time period or thresholds for the insights?

No, you cannot configure the settings for these insights. You can use the feedback options to explain what you would like to configure in insights.

Q6 What are the numbers in the insights based on, such as 15 minutes for coaching or one hour for after-hours work?

These numbers are based on academic research and learnings from various customer engagements.

Q7 How do after-hours insights reflect when working with teams in different time zones?

After-hours communication is determined at an individual level, based on their Outlook calendar settings. For example, if you are working from Redmond in PST with your Outlook work hours set as 8AM to 5PM, and you collaborate with a team member who is in India in a meeting at 9PM PST, this meeting counts toward your after-hours collaboration. However, it’s not counted as after hours for the person in India. This after-hours collaboration is then aggregated across all team members in your team.

Q8 Are my team insights visible to anyone else?

No, only you can see insights about your team. Managers higher up can only see aggregated insights at their level, with no individual team data shown. The insights also use differential privacy to further protect your team's personal data.

Q9 Do the "Teams like yours" metrics use my organizational averages?

Yes, Teams like yours metrics use other teams who are in the same hierarchy that report to your manager within your organization. If you have only one peer team or no peer team, the company averages are shown instead.

Q10 Can I see separate insights for direct and indirect reports or for a subgroup of my team?

No, there are no additional insights for subgroups. Use the feedback options in the app to explain what you would like to see.

Q11 How do I know which insight has an opportunity for my team?

You can share insights with your team to generate a conversation and collectively decide if there is an opportunity for change within your team. Review Best practices to pick a change strategy for your team.

For example, if insights show a significant percentage of time is spent in long and large meetings, and your team members think they could reduce it, then you can use Plans to free up their time.

Q12 What is a plan?

Plans help you transform Viva Insights analysis into targeted change plans across your team. See Plans for details.


Plans are not available within the Microsoft Viva Insights app.

Q13 Why are some employees in my team not eligible to enroll in plans?

Employees might not be eligible for a plan if:

  • They do not have Viva Insights enabled.
  • Are already enrolled in an existing plan.
  • The team does not meet the minimum group size limit.