How to implement video streaming for VoIP calls for Windows Phone 8
[ This article is for Windows Phone 8 developers. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]
This topic shows you how to implement video streaming for VoIP calls. Windows Phone 8 provides the MediaStreamer class to enable video streaming. The VoipForegroundLifetimeAgent is launched and its OnLaunched()()() method is called when your foreground application calls Launch()()(). In OnLaunched()()(), create a new instance of the MediaStreamer class specifying an string identifying the stream in the constructor. In the XAML for your foreground application, add a MediaElement in which the video will be displayed. Set the Source property using the following Uri scheme to hook it up to your MediaStreamer: “ms-media-stream-id:MediaStreamer-[streamer ID]”.
Use MediaStreamer to stream video
Create a MediaStreamer object in the OnLaunched()()() method of your VoipForegroundLifetimeAgent.
protected override void OnLaunched() { MediaStreamer ms = MediaStreamerFactory.CreateMediaStreamer("123"); string sourceRGBA = @""; RAWMediaStreamSource mss = new RAWMediaStreamSource(); mss.SetVideoStream(sourceRGBA, 320, 240, "RGBA", 30 * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond, false); ms.SetSource(mss); }
In your foreground app’s XAML, create a MediaElement and set the Source property using the ID you specified when creating the MediaStreamer.
<MediaElement Source="ms-media-stream-id:MediaStreamer-123"/>