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[Removable Storage Manager is no longer available as of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.]

The NTMS_LIBRARYINFORMATION structure defines properties specific to a library object.


  DWORD     LibraryType;
  NTMS_GUID CleanerSlot;
  NTMS_GUID CleanerSlotDefault;
  BOOL      LibrarySupportsDriveCleaning;
  BOOL      BarCodeReaderInstalled;
  DWORD     InventoryMethod;
  DWORD     dwCleanerUsesRemaining;
  DWORD     FirstDriveNumber;
  DWORD     dwNumberOfDrives;
  DWORD     FirstSlotNumber;
  DWORD     dwNumberOfSlots;
  DWORD     FirstDoorNumber;
  DWORD     dwNumberOfDoors;
  DWORD     FirstPortNumber;
  DWORD     dwNumberOfPorts;
  DWORD     FirstChangerNumber;
  DWORD     dwNumberOfChangers;
  DWORD     dwNumberOfMedia;
  DWORD     dwNumberOfMediaTypes;
  DWORD     dwNumberOfLibRequests;
  GUID      Reserved;
  BOOL      AutoRecovery;
  DWORD     dwFlags;


  • LibraryType
    Library type object. This can be one of the following values.

    Value Meaning

    A robotic element that automates the mounting and dismounting of media into one or more drives.


    A stand-alone drive that is modeled as a library with one drive in RSM.


    Media that is not in a library is in the offline library.


    Library type cannot be determined.


  • CleanerSlot
    For each library, this represents the slot that was assigned to the cleaner cartridge. If this member is NULL, there is no cleaner slot defined for this library.

  • CleanerSlotDefault
    Represents a libraries' default or preferred cleaner slot. If NULL, there is not a preferred slot.

  • LibrarySupportsDriveCleaning
    Used by drives that require cleaning under robotics control. If TRUE, automatic drive cleaning operations are enabled.

  • BarCodeReaderInstalled
    Returns TRUE if a bar code reader is installed in a library; otherwise returns FALSE.

  • InventoryMethod
    Default or user-selected method for performing inventory of this library. (This member is writable.) This can be one of the following values.

    Value Meaning

    If the library has a bar-code reader installed, this value causes a bar-code inventory to be performed. If the library does not have a bar-code reader, this flag causes a differential inventory to be performed (slots which transitioned from empty to full are classified).


    A full inventory involves mounting each side in a library and reading the on-media identification from the media. This type of inventory can be very time consuming for some library units.


    After the library door is closed, no inventory is performed. Inventory might be required if a mount label-check fails.


  • dwCleanerUsesRemaining
    Number of uses remaining on the cleaner in the library. This member is zero if no cleaner is present or if the library does not support cleaning.

  • FirstDriveNumber
    Number of the first drive in the library.

  • dwNumberOfDrives
    Number of drives in the library.

  • FirstSlotNumber
    Number of the first slot in the library.

  • dwNumberOfSlots
    Number of slots in the library.

  • FirstDoorNumber
    Number of the first access door in the library.

  • dwNumberOfDoors
    Number of access doors in the library.

  • FirstPortNumber
    Number of the first insert/eject port in the library.

  • dwNumberOfPorts
    Number of insert/eject ports in the library.

  • FirstChangerNumber
    Number of the first changer in the library.

  • dwNumberOfChangers
    Number of changers in the library.

  • dwNumberOfMedia
    Number of media in the online or offline library.

  • dwNumberOfMediaTypes
    Number of media types supported by the library.

  • dwNumberOfLibRequests
    Number of current library requests.

  • Reserved

  • AutoRecovery
    If this member is TRUE, a full inventory will be performed if a mount fails. The failure may be either hardware or label mismatch. For ATAPI CD libraries, this parameter cannot be disabled. The default is TRUE. Large library owners should disable this feature.

  • dwFlags
    This member can be one or more of the following values.

    Value Meaning

    The library is an offline library, not a library that is not present.


    A cleaner is present in the changer.


    The cleaner cartridge will be used until it no longer cleans the drive, instead of keeping track of the number of cleanings left. Do not set this flag directly. It is set or cleared based on the value of dwCleanerUsesRemaining. It is set if dwCleanerUsesRemaining is 0xFFFFFFFF, and cleared otherwise.


    Treat barcoded cartridges that have CLN as a prefix as cleaner cartridges, instead of mounting them in the drive to identify them.



For offline libraries, only LibraryType and dwNumberOfMedia are reported. All other values should be ignored.

The NTMS_LIBRARYINFORMATION structure is included in the NTMS_OBJECTINFORMATION structure.


Minimum supported client

Windows 2000 Professional

Minimum supported server

Windows 2000 Server

End of client support

Windows Vista

End of server support

Windows Server 2008



See Also




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Build date: 6/9/2011