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Remote Desktop Protocol Support

Windows Mobile SupportedWindows Embedded CE Supported


Se Layout Manager entrada aponta para PFN_LAYOUT_MGR_GET_KEYBOARD_TYPE e PFN_LAYOUT_MGR_GET_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_NAME Não existem, os valores em determinadas chaves Registro são consultados e seus valores são retornadas em vez disso.

O seguinte exemplo chave do Registro mostra as chaves Registro para configurar a suporte RDP.

    "Keyboard Type"=dword:<type>
    "Keyboard SubType"=dword:<subtype>
    "Keyboard Function Keys"=dword:<function keys>
    "Keyboard Layout"="<layout>"

Para definir esses valores para a localidade desejada, defina a variável DEFINE_KEYBOARD_TYPE em Platform.reg antes incluindo Keybd.reg. O seguinte amostra de código mostra como definir a DEFINE_KEYBOARD_TYPE em Platform.reg antes incluindo Keybd.reg.

#include "$(DRIVERS_DIR)\keybd\keybd.reg"
This will bring in the proper values for the current LOCALE, if it is supported. Logic in Keybd.reg sets these values. The following registry example shows this logic.
; Define this variable in platform.reg if your keyboard driver does not
; report its type information.

#if $(LOCALE)==0411

; Japanese keyboard layout
    "Keyboard Type"=dword:7
    "Keyboard SubType"=dword:2
    "Keyboard Function Keys"=dword:c
    "Keyboard Layout"="00000411"

#elif $(LOCALE)==0412

; Korean keyboard layout
    "Keyboard Type"=dword:8
    "Keyboard SubType"=dword:3
    "Keyboard Function Keys"=dword:c
    "Keyboard Layout"="00000412"


; Default to US keyboard layout
    "Keyboard Type"=dword:4
    "Keyboard SubType"=dword:0
    "Keyboard Function Keys"=dword:c
    "Keyboard Layout"="00000409"



See Also


Layout Manager

Other Resources

Keyboard Drivers