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Property group: Data Source Information


Type: VT_I4

Typical R/W: R

Description: Identifier Case Sensitivity

Indicates how identifiers treat case in data definition commands or interfaces (such as IIndexDefinition, IAlterTable, IAlterIndex, ITableCreation, ITableDefinition, and ITableDefinitionWithConstraints). For SQL providers, this refers to SQL data definition commands and storage in system catalogs. One of the following:

  • DBPROPVAL_IC_UPPER ? Identifiers in SQL are case-insensitive and are stored in uppercase.

  • DBPROPVAL_IC_LOWER ? Identifiers in SQL are case-insensitive and are stored in lowercase.

  • DBPROPVAL_IC_SENSITIVE ? Identifiers in SQL are case-sensitive and are stored in mixed case.

  • DBPROPVAL_IC_MIXED ? Identifiers in SQL are case-insensitive and are stored in mixed case.

See Also


Properties (Alphabetical)