Returns the SQLSTATE and native error code associated with an error.
BSTR *pbstrSQLState,
LONG *plNativeError);
[out] A pointer to memory in which to return a pointer to a string that contains the SQLSTATE. An SQLSTATE is a 5-character string defined by the ANSI SQL standard. The memory for this string is allocated by the provider and must be freed by the consumer with a call to SysFreeString. If an error occurs, *pbstrSQLState is set to a null pointer.plNativeError
[out] A pointer to memory in which to return a provider-specific, native error code. *plNativeError is not necessarily the same as the dwMinor element in the ERRORINFO structure returned by IErrorRecords::GetErrorInfo. The combination of the hrError and dwMinor elements of the ERRORINFO structure is used to identify an error to the error lookup service, whereas *plNativeError has no such restrictions.
Return Code
The method succeeded.E_FAIL
A provider-specific error occurred.E_INVALIDARG
pbstrSQLState or plNativeError was a null pointer.E_OUTOFMEMORY
The provider was unable to allocate sufficient memory in which to return the SQLSTATE.