This topic lists the MSXML interfaces by the version that first implemented them, and provides links to the reference topics for them. Unless otherwise noted, the interfaces are implemented in all subsequent release of MSXML.
IXMLDocument (not implemented in MSXML 3.0 and later versions.)
IXMLElement (not implemented in MSXML 3.0 and later versions.)
IXMLAttribute (not implemented in MSXML 3.0 and later versions.)
IXMLElementCollection (not implemented in MSXML 3.0 and later versions.)
IXMLError (not implemented in MSXML 3.0 and later versions.)
- IXMLElement2 (not implemented in MSXML 3.0 and later versions.)
IXTLRuntime (This interface is not implemented in MSXML 3.0 and later versions.)
IDSOControl (This interface is not implemented in MSXML 3.0 and later versions, and is not documented in this SDK.)
ISAXXMLFilter (not implemented in later versions of MSXML)
IVBSAXXMLFilter (not implemented in later versions of MSXML)
IMXReaderControl (not implemented in later versions of MSXML)
(Deprecated) IXMLParser Interface(not implemented in later versions of MSXML)
(Deprecated) IXMLParser2 Interface(Implemented in SP3 of MSXML 3.0, not implemented in later versions of MSXML)
(Deprecated) IXMLParser3 Interface(Implemented in SP5 of MSXML 3.0, not implemented in later versions of MSXML)
IXMLDSigKey (not implemented in later versions of MSXML)
IXMLDSigKeyEx (not implemented in later versions of MSXML)
IXMLDigitalSignature (not implemented in later versions of MSXML)
IXMLDigitalSignatureEx (not implemented in later versions of MSXML)
No new interface is implemented to this version of MSXML.