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Parsing a Value List

The following example parses a value list returned from the CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_TYPE_STORAGE_GET_AVAILABLE_DISKS control code.

#include <windows.h>


#include "ClusDocEx.h"



//  ClusDocEx_NodIsSignatureAvailable
//  Tests whether a node can access a disk with a specified signature.
//  Arguments:
//    IN HCLUSTER hCluster       Cluster handle.
//    IN HNODE    hNode          Handle to the node to query.
//    IN DWORD    dwSignature    Signature to query for.
//  Return Value:
//    TRUE if the signature is available to the node
//    FALSE if not (or if an error occurs)
BOOL ClusDocEx_NodIsSignatureAvailable
    IN HCLUSTER hCluster,
    IN HNODE    hNode,
    IN DWORD    dwSignature

    DWORD cbPosition = 0;
    DWORD cbListSize = 0;
    BOOL  bDiskFound = FALSE;

    LPVOID lpValueList = NULL;


    if( ( hCluster == NULL ) ||
        ( hNode == NULL ) )
        dwResult = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS;
        goto endf;

//  Get all disks available to the specified node.
    lpValueList = ClusDocEx_RtpGetControlCodeOutput( 
                             L"Physical Disk",
                             &amp;cbListSize );

    if( lpValueList == NULL )
        dwResult = GetLastError();
        goto endf;

//  Parse the buffer. The control code returns a value list.
//  The entry for each disk begins with a CLUSPROP_DISK_SIGNATURE structure.

    cbh.pb = (PBYTE) lpValueList;

    while( 1 )
        if( ( cbh.pDiskSignatureValue->Syntax.dw == CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_DISK_SIGNATURE ) &amp;&amp;
            ( cbh.pDiskSignatureValue->dw == dwSignature ) ) 
        //  Syntax indicates a CLUSPROP_DISK_SIGNATURE structure.
        //  The signature found matches the specified signature.
            bDiskFound = TRUE;
        else if( cbh.pSyntax->dw == CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK )
        //  Reached the end of the list.

    //  Add the size of the current entry to the position indicator
        cbPosition += ClusDocEx_ListEntrySize( cbh.pValue->cbLength );

    //  Compare position indicator to the size of the list.
    //  Adding sizeof( DWORD ) allows for the read operation at the
    //  top of the loop.
        if( ( cbPosition + sizeof( DWORD ) ) > cbListSize )

    //  Advance cbh
        cbh.pb += ClusDocEx_ListEntrySize( cbh.pValue->cbLength );

    //  End while.


    if( lpValueList != NULL )
        LocalFree( lpValueList );

    SetLastError( dwResult );

    return bDiskFound;
//  end ClusDocEx_NodIsSignatureAvailable